OAuth Authentication Support
FortiWLC (SD) along with Fortinet Connect (MCT) supports OAuth authentication for captive portal users. In a typical scenario if a user (for example: a hotel guest) tries to access an external web site, they are re-directed to a captive portal page for authentication. In
OAuth Authentication Support
the captive portal page, the user must register with a username, password, e-mail etc and complete the authentication process after receiving confirmation from the hotel captive portal.
- OAuth support must be enabled in the Fortinet Connect
- Only wireless clients that access SSL3 enabled (HTTPS) destination can use this feature
- If the wireless client uses a proxy server located on the wired network, then the client will be granted access to the internet till the login timeout expires.
- Supported only for ESS profiles in tunneled mode.
- Supported only for IPv4 clients.
By enabling OAuth, users can use any of the social media (Facebook, Google, Twitter, OpenID, etc) login credentials that support OAuth for captive portal authentication. For your users, this alleviates the need to spend time to register or remember passwords for repeated authentication.