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Session Based Network Issues on 7060E?


So if you are running a 7060E chassis in your enterprise and you are suddenly experiencing strange behavior relating to session based traffic, disable the TCP-Options setting in config global. This is on by default and enables the the client and server to negotiate MSS, window scaling, selective acknowledgements, timestamps, and NOP. These are completely option settings that specifically help the packet along and improve performance.

If any device on your network suffers an issue though and the packets start showing up differently, this becomes an issue and can cause intermittent network connectivity issues and any traffic that is session based (non UDP) will randomly drop and experience extreme latency.


I will do a video once I finish assessing the Root Cause Analysis on the issue that I just experienced at an enterprise client.

Endpoint Security


Endpoint Security

Endpoint security enforces the use of the FortiClient End Point Security (FortiClient and FortiClient Lite) application on your network. It can also allow or deny endpoints access to the network based on the application installed on them.

By applying endpoint security to a security policy, you can enforce this type of security on your network. FortiClient enforcement can check that the endpoint is running the most recent version of the FortiClient application, that the antivirus signatures are up-to-date, and that the firewall is enabled. An endpoint is usually often a single PC with a single IP address being used to access network services through a FortiGate unit.

With endpoint security enabled on a policy, traffic that attempts to pass through, the FortiGate unit runs compliance checks on the originating host on the source interface. Non-compliant endpoints are blocked. If someone is browsing the web, the endpoints are redirected to a web portal which explains the non-compliance and provides a link to download the FortiClient application installer. The web portal is already installed on the FortiGate unit, as a replacement message, which you can modify if required.

Endpoint Security requires that all hosts using the security policy have the FortiClient Endpoint Security agent installed. Currently, FortiClient Endpoint Security is available for Microsoft Windows 2000 and later only.

For more information about endpoint security, see the Security Profiles chapter in the FortiOS Handbook.

Traffic Logging


Traffic Logging

When you enable logging on a security policy, the FortiGate unit records the scanning process activity that occurs, as well as whether the FortiGate unit allowed or denied the traffic according to the rules stated in the security policy. This information can provide insight into whether a security policy is working properly, as well as if there needs to be any modifications to the security policy, such as adding traffic shaping for better traffic performance.

Depending on what the FortiGate unit has in the way of resources, there may be advantages in optimizing the amount of logging taking places. This is why in each policy you are given 3 options for the logging:

  • Disable Log Allowed Traffic – Does not record any log messages about traffic accepted by this policy.

If you enable Log Allowed Traffic, the following two options are available:

  • Security Events – This records only log messages relating to security events caused by traffic accepted by this policy. l All Sessions – This records all log messages relating to all of the traffic accepted by this policy.

Depending on the model, if the Log all Sessions option is selected there may be 2 additional options. These options are normally available in the GUI on the higher end models such as the FortiGate 600C or larger.

  • Generate Logs when Session Starts l Capture Packets

You can also use the CLI to enter the following command to write a log message when a session starts:

config firewall policy edit <policy-index> set logtraffic-start


Traffic is logged in the traffic log file and provides detailed information that you may not think you need, but do. For example, the traffic log can have information about an application used (web: HTTP.Image), and whether or not the packet was SNAT or DNAT translated. The following is an example of a traffic log message.

2011-04-13 05:23:47 log_id=4 type=traffic subtype=other pri=notice vd=root status=”start” src=”″ srcname=”″ src_port=58115 dst=”″ dstname=”″ dst_country=”N/A” dst_port=137 tran_ip=”N/A” tran_port=0 tran_sip=”″ tran_sport=58115 service=”137/udp” proto=17 app_type=”N/A” duration=0 rule=1 policyid=1 sent=0 rcvd=0 shaper_drop_sent=0 shaper_drop_rcvd=0 perip_drop=0 src_int=”internal” dst_int=”wan1″ SN=97404 app=”N/A” app_cat=”N/A” carrier_ep=”N/A”

If you want to know more about logging, see the Logging and Reporting chapter in the FortiOS Handbook. If you want to know more about traffic log messages, see the FortiGate Log Message Reference.


Network defense


Network defense

This section describes in general terms the means by which attackers can attempt to compromise your network using attacks at the network level rather than through application vulnerabilities, and steps you can take to protect it. The goal of an attack can be as complex as gaining access to your network and the privileged information it contains, or as simple as preventing customers from accessing your web server.

Because of popular media, many people are aware of viruses and other malware as a threat against their computers and data, but some of the most costly malicious attack in history have been against networks. A 2016 study found that a single DDoS attack could cast a company over $1.6 million. Depending on the size and type of company the areas of expense can be:

  • Changes in credit and insurance ratings l Overtime payment to employees l Hiring new employees in increase IT staff l PR expenses to restore a company’s reputation l Upgrading infrastructure and software l Customer compensation

The following topics are included in this section:

  • Monitoring l Blocking external probes l Defending against DoS attacks


Monitoring, in the form of logging, alert email, and SNMP, does not directly protect your network. But monitoring allows you to review the progress of an attack, whether afterwards or while in progress. How the attack unfolds may reveal weaknesses in your preparations. The packet archive and sniffer policy logs can reveal more details about the attack. Depending on the detail in your logs, you may be able to determine the attackers location and identity.

While log information is valuable, you must balance the log information with the resources required to collect and store it.

Blocking external probes

Protection against attacks is important, but attackers often use vulnerabilities and network tools to gather information about your network to plan an attack. It is often easier to prevent an attacker from learning important details about your network than to defend against an attack designed to exploit your particular network.

Attacks are often tailored to the hardware or operating system of the target, so reconnaissance is often the first step. The IP addresses of the hosts, the open ports, and the operating systems the hosts are running is invaluable information to an attacker. Probing your network can be as simple as an attacker performing an Blocking external probes address sweep or port scan to a more involved operation like sending TCP packets with invalid combinations of flags to see how your firewall reacts.

Address sweeps

An address sweep is a basic network scanning technique to determine which addresses in an address range have active hosts. A typical address sweep involves sending an ICMP ECHO request (a ping) to each address in an address range to attempt to get a response. A response signifies that there is a host at this address that responded to the ping. It then becomes a target for more detailed and potentially invasive attacks.

Address sweeps do not always reveal all the hosts in an address range because some systems may be configured to ignore ECHO requests and not respond, and some firewalls and gateways may be configured to prevent ECHO requests from being transmitted to the destination network. Despite this shortcoming, Address sweeps are still used because they are simple to perform with software tools that automate the process.

Use the icmp_sweep anomaly in a DoS policy to protect against address sweeps.

There are a number of IPS signatures to detect the use of ICMP probes that can gather information about your network. These signatures include AddressMask, Traceroute, ICMP.Invalid.Packet.Size, and ICMP.Oversized.Packet. Include ICMP protocol signatures in your IPS sensors to protect against these probes/attacks.

Port scans

Potential attackers may run a port scan on one or more of your hosts. This involves trying to establish a communication session to each port on a host. If the connection is successful, a service may be available that the attacker can exploit.

Use the DoS anomaly check for tcp_port_scan to limit the number of sessions (complete and incomplete) from a single source IP address to the configured threshold. If the number of sessions exceed the threshold, the configured action is taken.

Use the DoS anomaly check for udp_scan to limit UDP sessions in the same way.

Probes using IP traffic options

Every TCP packet has space reserved for eight flags or control bits. They are used for communicating various control messages. Although space in the packet is reserved for all eight, there are various combinations of flags that should never happen in normal network operation. For example, the SYN flag, used to initiate a session, and the FIN flag, used to end a session, should never be set in the same packet.

Attackers may create packets with these invalid combinations to test how a host will react. Various operating systems and hardware react in different ways, giving a potential attackers clues about the components of your network.

The IPS signature TCP.Bad.Flags detects these invalid combinations. The default action is pass though you can override the default and set it to Block in your IPS sensor.

Configure packet replay and TCP sequence checking

The anti-replay CLI command allows you to set the level of checking for packet replay and TCP sequence checking (or TCP Sequence (SEQ) number checking). All TCP packets contain a Sequence Number (SEQ) and an Blocking external probes

Acknowledgement Number (ACK). The TCP protocol uses these numbers for error free end-to-end communications. TCP sequence checking can also be used to validate individual packets.

FortiGate units use TCP sequence checking to make sure that a packet is part of a TCP session. By default, if a packet is received with sequence numbers that fall out of the expected range, the FortiGate unit drops the packet. This is normally a desired behavior, since it means that the packet is invalid. But in some cases you may want to configure different levels of anti-replay checking if some of your network equipment uses non-RFC methods when sending packets.

Configure the anti-replay CLI command:

config system global set anti-replay {disable | loose | strict}


You can set anti-replay protection to the following settings:

  • disable — No anti-replay protection.
  • loose — Perform packet sequence checking and ICMP anti-replay checking with the following criteria:
  • The SYN, FIN, and RST bit can not appear in the same packet.
  • The FortiGate unit does not allow more than one ICMP error packet through before it receives a normal TCP or UDP packet.
  • If the FortiGate unit receives an RST packet, and check-reset-range is set to strict, the FortiGate unit checks to determine if its sequence number in the RST is within the un-ACKed data and drops the packet if the sequence number is incorrect.
  • strict — Performs all of the loose checking but for each new session also checks to determine of the TCP sequence number in a SYN packet has been calculated correctly and started from the correct value for each new session. Strict anti-replay checking can also help prevent SYN flooding.

If any packet fails a check it is dropped.

Configure ICMP error message verification

Enable ICMP error message verification to ensure an attacker can not send an invalid ICMP error message.

config system global check-reset-range {disable | strict}


  • disable — the FortiGate unit does not validate ICMP error messages.
  • strict — enable ICMP error message checking.

If the FortiGate unit receives an ICMP error packet that contains an embedded IP(A,B) | TCP(C,D) header, then if FortiOS can locate the A:C->B:D session it checks to make sure that the sequence number in the TCP header is within the range recorded in the session. If the sequence number is not in range then the ICMP packet is dropped. Strict checking also affects how the anti-replay option checks packets.

Protocol header checking

Select the level of checking performed on protocol headers.

config system global check-protocol-header {loose | strict}


  • loose — the FortiGate unit performs basic header checking to verify that a packet is part of a session and should be processed. Basic header checking includes verifying that the layer-4 protocol header length, the IP header length, the IP version, the IP checksum, IP options are correct, etc.

Blocking external probes

  • strict — the FortiGate unit does the same checking as above plus it verifies that ESP packets have the correct sequence number, SPI, and data length.

If the packet fails header checking it is dropped by the FortiGate unit.

Evasion techniques

Attackers employ a wide range of tactics to try to disguise their techniques. If an attacker disguises a known attack in such a way that it is not recognized, the attack will evade your security and possibly succeed. FortiGate security recognizes a wide variety of evasion techniques and normalizes data traffic before inspecting it.

Packet fragmentation

Information sent across local networks and the Internet is encapsulated in packets. There is a maximum allowable size for packets and this maximum size varies depending on network configuration and equipment limitations. If a packet arrives at a switch or gateway and it is too large, the data it carries is divided among two or more smaller packets before being forwarded. This is called fragmentation.

When fragmented packets arrive at their destination, they are reassembled and read. If the fragments do not arrive together, they must be held until all of the fragments arrive. Reassembly of a packet requires all of the fragments.

The FortiGate unit automatically reassembles fragmented packets before processing them because fragmented packets can evade security measures. This reassembly of packets affects TCP, UDP and IP packets. There can be some variation though in what process does the reassembling. The IPS engine, nTurbo and the kernel all can do defragmentation.

For example, you have configured the FortiGate unit to block access to the example.org web site. Any checks for example.com will fail if a fragmented packet arrives and one fragment contains http://www.exa while the other contains mple.com/. Viruses and malware can be fragmented and avoid detection in the same way. The FortiGate unit will reassemble fragmented packets before examining network data to ensure that inadvertent or deliberate packet fragmentation does not hide threats in network traffic.

Non-standard ports

Most traffic is sent on a standard port based on the traffic type. The FortiGate unit recognizes most traffic by packet content rather than the TCP/UDP port and uses the proper IPS signatures to examine it. Protocols recognized regardless of port include DHCP, DNP3, FTP, HTTP, IMAP, MS RPC, NNTP, POP3, RSTP, SIP, SMTP, and SSL, as well as the supported IM/P2P application protocols.

In this way, the FortiGate unit will recognize HTTP traffic being sent on port 25 as HTTP rather than SMTP, for example. Because the protocol is correctly identified, the FortiGate unit will examine the traffic for any enabled HTTP signatures.

Negotiation codes

Telnet and FTP servers and clients support the use of negotiation information to allow the server to report what features it supports. This information has been used to exploit vulnerable servers. To avoid this problem, the FortiGate unit removes negotiation codes before IPS inspection.

HTTP URL obfuscation

Attackers encode HTML links using various formats to evade detection and bypass security measures. For example, the URL www.example.com/cgi.bin could be encoded in a number of ways to avoid detection but still Blocking external probes

work properly, and be interpreted the same, in a web browser.

The FortiGate prevents the obfuscation by converting the URL to ASCII before inspection.

HTTP URL obfuscation types

Encoding type Example
No encoding http://www.example.com/cgi.bin/
Decimal encoding http://www.example.com/&#99;&#103;& #105;&#46;&#98;&#105;&#110;&#47;
URL encoding http://www.example.com/%43%47%49 %2E%42%49%4E%2F
ANSI encoding http://www.example.com/%u0063%u0067% u0069%u002E%u0062%u0069%u006E/
Directory traversal http://www.example.com/cgi.bin/test/../

HTTP header obfuscation

The headers of HTTP requests or responses can be modified to make the discovery of patterns and attacks more difficult. To prevent this, the FortiGate unit will:

l remove junk header lines l reassemble an HTTP header that’s been folded onto multiple lines l move request parameters to HTTP POST body from the URL

The message is scanned for any enabled HTTP IPS signatures once these problems are corrected.

HTTP body obfuscation

The body content of HTTP traffic can be hidden in an attempt to circumvent security scanning. HTTP content can be GZipped or deflated to prevent security inspection. The FortiGate unit will uncompress the traffic before inspecting it.

Another way to hide the contents of HTTP traffic is to send the HTTP body in small pieces, splitting signature matches across two separate pieces of the HTTP body. The FortiGate unit reassembles these ‘chunked bodies’ before inspection.

Microsoft RPC evasion

Because of its complexity, the Microsoft Remote Procedure Call protocol suite is subject to a number of known evasion techniques, including:

l SMB-level fragmentation l DCERPC-level fragmentation l DCERPC multi-part fragmentation l DCERPC UDP fragmentation l Multiple DCERPC fragments in one packet

The FortiGate unit reassembles the fragments into their original form before inspection.

Defending against DoS attacks


Defending against DoS attacks

A denial of service is the result of an attacker sending an abnormally large amount of network traffic to a target system. Having to deal with the traffic flood slows down or disables the target system so that legitimate users can not use it for the duration of the attack.

Any network traffic the target system receives has to be examined, and then accepted or rejected. TCP, UDP, and ICMP traffic is most commonly used, but a particular type of TCP traffic is the most effective. TCP packets with the SYN flag are the most efficient DoS attack tool because of how communication sessions are started between systems.

The “three-way handshake”

Communication sessions between systems start with establishing a TCP/IP connection. This is a simple three step process, sometimes called a “three-way handshake,” initiated by the client attempting to open the connection.

  1. The client sends a TCP packet with the SYN flag set. With the SYN packet, the client informs the server of its intention to establish a connection.
  2. If the server is able to accept the connection to the client, it sends a packet with the SYN and the ACK flags set. This simultaneously acknowledges the SYN packet the server has received, and informs the client that the server intends to establish a connection.
  3. To acknowledge receipt of the packet and establish the connection, the client sends an ACK packet.

Establishing a TCP/IP connection

The three-way handshake is a simple way for the server and client to each agree to establish a connection and acknowledge the other party expressing its intent. Unfortunately, the three-way handshake can be used to interfere with communication rather than facilitate it.

Defending against DoS

SYN flood

When a client sends a SYN packet to a server, the server creates an entry in its session table to keep track of the connection. The server then sends a SYN+ACK packet expecting an ACK reply and the establishment of a connection.

An attacker intending to disrupt a server with a denial of service (DoS) attack can send a flood of SYN packets and not respond to the SYN+ACK packets the server sends in response. Networks can be slow and packets can get lost so the server will continue to send SYN+ACK packets until it gives up, and removes the failed session from the session table. If an attacker sends enough SYN packets to the server, the session table will fill completely, and further connection attempts will be denied until the incomplete sessions time out. Until this happens, the server is unavailable to service legitimate connection requests.

A single client launches a SYN flood attack

SYN floods are seldom launched from a single address so limiting the number of connection attempts from a single IP address is not usually effective.

SYN spoofing

With a flood of SYN packets coming from a single attacker, you can limit the number of connection attempts from the source IP address or block the attacker entirely. To prevent this simple defense from working, or to disguise the source of the attack, the attacker may spoof the source address and use a number of IP addresses to give the appearance of a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. When the server receives the spoofed SYN packets, the SYN+ACK replies will go to the spoofed source IP addresses which will either be invalid, or the system receiving the reply will not know what to do with it.

A client launches a SYN spoof attack

DDoS SYN flood

The most severe form of SYN attack is the distributed SYN flood, one variety of distributed denial of service attack (DDoS). Like the SYN flood, the target receives a flood of SYN packets and the ACK+SYN replies are never answered. The attack is distributed across multiple sources sending SYN packets in a coordinated attack.

Multiple attackers launch a distributed SYN flood

The distributed SYN flood is more difficult to defend against because multiple clients are capable of creating a larger volume of SYN packets than a single client. Even if the server can cope, the volume of traffic may Defending against DoS

overwhelm a point in the network upstream of the targeted server. The only defense against this is more bandwidth to prevent any choke-points.

Configuring the SYN threshold to prevent SYN floods


Configuring the SYN threshold to prevent SYN floods

The preferred primary defense against any type of SYN flood is the DoS anomaly check for tcp_syn_flood threshold. The threshold value sets an upper limit on the number of new incomplete TCP connections allowed per second. If the number of incomplete connections exceeds the threshold value, and the action is set to Pass, the FortiGate unit will allow the SYN packets that exceed the threshold. If the action is set to Block, the FortiGate unit will block the SYN packets that exceed the threshold, but it will allow SYN packets from clients that send another SYN packet.

The tools attackers use to generate network traffic will not send a second SYN packet when a SYN+ACK response is not received from the server. These tools will not “retry.” Legitimate clients will retry when no response is received, and these retries are allowed even if they exceed the threshold with the action set to Block.

SYN proxy

FortiGate units with network acceleration hardware, whether built-in or installed in the form of an add-on module, offer a third action for the tcp_syn_flood threshold. Instead of Block and Pass, you can choose to Proxy the incomplete connections that exceed the threshold value.

When the tcp_syn_flood threshold action is set to f, incomplete TCP connections are allowed as normal as long as the configured threshold is not exceeded. If the threshold is exceeded, the FortiGate unit will intercept incoming SYN packets from clients and respond with a SYN+ACK packet. If the FortiGate unit receives an ACK response as expected, it will “replay” this exchange to the server to establish a communication session between the client and the server, and allow the communication to proceed.

Other flood types

UDP and ICMP packets can also be used for DoS attacks, though they are less common. TCP SYN packets are so effective because the target receives them and maintains a session table entry for each until they time out. Attacks using UDP or ICMP packets do not require the same level of attention from a target, rendering them less effective. The target will usually drop the offending packets immediately, closing the session.

Use the udp_flood and icmp_flood thresholds to defend against these DoS attacks.

DoS policies


DoS policies

DDoS attacks vary in nature and intensity. Attacks aimed at saturating the available bandwidth upstream of your service can only be countered by adding more bandwidth. DoS policies can help protect against DDoS attacks that aim to overwhelm your server resources. DoS policy recommendations

  • Use and configure DoS policies to appropriate levels based on your network traffic and topology. This will help drop traffic if an abnormal amount is received.
  • It is important to set a good threshold. The threshold defines the maximum number of sessions/packets per second of normal traffic. If the threshold is exceeded, the action is triggered. Threshold defaults are general recommendations, although your network may require very different values.
  • One way to find the correct values for your environment is to set the action to Pass and enable logging. Observe the logs and adjust the threshold values until you can determine the value at which normal traffic begins to generate attack reports. Set the threshold above this value with the margin you want. Note that the smaller the margin, the more protected your system will be from DoS attacks, but your system will also be more likely to generate false alarms.

About DoS and DDoS attacks


About DoS and DDoS attacks

A denial of service (DoS) occurs when an attacker overwhelms server resources by flooding a target system with anomalous data packets, rendering it unable to service genuine users. A distributed denial of service (DDoS) occurs when an attacker uses a master computer to control a network of compromised systems, otherwise known as a ‘botnet’, which collectively inundates the target system with excessive anomalous data packets.

FortiOS DoS and DDoS protection


FortiOS DoS and DDoS protection

FortiOS DoS protection identifies potentially harmful traffic that could be part of a DoS or a DDoS attack by looking for specific traffic anomalies. Traffic anomalies that become DoS attacks include: TCP SYN floods, UDP floods, ICMP floods, TCP port scans, TCP session attacks, UDP session attacks, ICMP session attacks, and ICMP sweep attacks. Only traffic identified as part of a DoS attack is blocked; connections from legitimate users are processed normally.

FortiOS applies DoS protection very early in its traffic processing sequence to minimize the effect of a DoS attack on FortiOS system performance. DoS protection is the first step for packets after they are received by a FortiGate interface. Potential DoS attacks are detected and blocked before the packets are sent to other FortiOS systems.

FortiOS also includes an access control list feature that is implemented next. This accelerated ACL technology uses NP6 processors to block traffic (including DoS attacks) by source and destination address and service again before the packets are sent to the FortiGate CPU.

FortiOS DDoS Prevention                                                              Inside FortiOS: Denial of Service (DoS) Protection

FortiOS DoS protection can operate in a standard configuration or operate out of band in sniffer mode, also known as one-arm mode, similar to intrusion detection systems. When operating in sniffer mode the FortiGate unit detects attacks and logs them without blocking them.

FortiOS DoS policies determine the course of action to take when anomalous traffic reaches a configured packet rate threshold. You can block an attacker, block an interface, block an attacker and interface, or allow traffic to pass through for monitoring purposes. This allows you to maintain network security by gathering information about attacks, monitor potentially offending traffic, or block offenders for the most protection.

FortiGates with NP6 processors also support synproxy DoS protection. An NP6-accelerated TCP SYN proxy offloads the three-way TCP handshake TCP SYN anomaly checking DoS protection to NP6 processors.

FortiOS DDoS Prevention


FortiOS DDoS Prevention

In addition to using DoS protection for protection against DoS attacks, FortiOS includes a number of features that prevent the spread of Botnet and C&C activity. Mobile Malware or Botnet and C&C protection keeps Botnet and C&C code from entering a protected network and compromising protected systems. As a result, systems on the protected network cannot become Botnet clients.

Configuration options

In addition, FortiOS can monitor and block outgoing Botnet connection attempts. Monitoring allows you to find and remove Botnet clients from your network and blocking prevents infected systems from communicating with Botnet sites.

Configuration options

Choose the standard configuration for maximum protection or configure sniffer mode to gather information.

Standard configuration

DoS protection is commonly configured on a FortiGate unit that connects a private or DMZ network to the Internet or on a FortiWiFi unit that connects a wireless LAN to an internal network and to the Internet. All Internet traffic or wireless LAN traffic passes through DoS protection in the FortiGate unit or the FortiWiFi unit.

Out of band configuration (sniffer mode)

A FortiGate unit in sniffer mode operates out of band as a one-armed Intrusion Detection System by detecting and reporting attacks. It does not process network traffic nor does it take action against threats. The FortiGate interface operating in sniffer mode is connected to a Test Access Point (TAP) or a Switch Port Analyzer (SPAN) port that processes all of the traffic to be analyzed. The TAP or SPAN sends a copy of the switch traffic to the out of band FortiGate for analysis.

FortiOS records log messages and sends alerts to system administrators when a DoS attack is detected. IDS scanning does not affect network performance or network traffic if the IDS fails or goes offline.

DoS policies                                                                                Inside FortiOS: Denial of Service (DoS) Protection

DoS policies

DoS policies provide effective and early DoS detection while remaining light on system resources. They are configured to monitor and to stop traffic with abnormal patterns or attributes. The DoS policy recognizes traffic as a threat when the traffic reaches a user-configured packet rate threshold. The policy then determines the appropriate action. In addition to choosing whether or not to log each type of anomaly, you can choose to pass or block threats.

DoS policy anomaly protection is applied to all incoming traffic to a single FortiGate interface, but you can narrow policies by specifying service, source address, and destination address. The FortiGate unit processes DoS policies in their own respective order first, followed by all other firewall policies.

Hardware acceleration

Hardware acceleration enhances protection and increases the efficiency of your network. FortiOS integrated Content Processors (CPs), Network Processors (NPs), and Security Processors (SPs) accelerate specialized security processing. DoS SYN proxy protection is built in to NP6 processors and many Fortinet Security Processors, like the CE4, XE2, and FE8, to guard against TCP SYN floods. TCP packets with the SYN flag are the most efficient DoS attack tool because of how communication sessions are initiated between systems. NP6 and SP processors can offload TCP SYN flood attack detection and blocking. The SP module increases a FortiGate unit’s capacity to protect against TCP SYN flood attacks while minimizing the effect of attacks on the FortiGate unit’s overall performance and the network performance. The result is improved capacity and overall system performance.

The FortiGuard Center


The FortiGuard Center

The FortiGuard Center shows information on all the most recent FortiGuard news, including information concerning zero-day research and hot intrusion detections. Research papers are also available that concern a The FortiGuard Center

variety of current security issues.

To view recent developments, go to http://www.fortiguard.com/static/intrusionprevention.html.

The Face You Make When Updating Firmware…


This is usually what I look like when updating any type of Fortinet device’s firmware….I’m sure I’m not alone!

Firewall Policies


Firewall Policies

The firewall policies of the FortiGate are one of the most important aspects of the appliance. There are a lot of building blocks and configurations involved in setting up a firewall and it within the policies that a lot of these components come together to form a cohesive unit to perform the firewall’s main function, analyzing network traffic and responding appropriately to the results of that analysis.

There are a few different kinds of policies and in most cases these are further divided into IPv4 and IPv6 versions:

  • IPv4 Policy – used for managing traffic going through the appliance using IPv4 protocols l IPv6 Policy – used for managing traffic going through the appliance using IPv6 protocols l NAT64 Policy – used for managing traffic going through the appliance that converts from IPv6 on the incoming interface to IPv4 on the outgoing interface
  • NAT46 Policy – used for managing traffic going through the appliance that converts from IPv4 on the incoming interface to IPv6 on the outgoing interface
  • Multicast Policy – used to manage traffic sent to multiple destinations l IPv4 Access Control List – used to filter out packets based on specific IPV4 parameters. l IPv6 Access Control List – used to filter out packets based on specific IPV6 parameters. l IPv4 DoS Policy – used to prevent malicious or flawed packets on an IPv4 interface from denying access to users. l IPv6 DoS Policy – used to prevent malicious or flawed packets on an IPv6 interface from denying access to users.

Because the policy determines whether or not NAT will be used, it is also import to look at how to configure: l Central SNAT – used for granular controlling when NATing is in use.

Viewing Firewall Policies

To find a Policy window, follow one of these path in the GUI:

  • Policy & Objects> IPv4 Policy l Policy & Objects> IPv6 Policy l Policy & Objects> NAT64 Policy l Policy & Objects> NAT46 Policy l Policy & Objects> Proxy Policy l Policy & Objects> Multicast Policy

You may notice other policy options on the left window pane such as:

  • Policy & Objects> IPv4 DoS Policy l Policy & Objects> IPv6 DoS Policy l Policy & Objects> Local InPolicy

These are different enough that they have their own descriptions in the sections that relate to them.

Viewing Firewall Policies

Menu Items

There are some variations, but there are some common elements share by all of them. There is a menu bar across the top. The menu bar will have the following items going from left to right:

l Create New button l Edit button l Delete button l Search field l Interface Pair View– Displays the policies in the order that they are checked for matching traffic, grouped by the pairs of Incoming and Outgoing interfaces. For instance, all of the policies referencing traffic from WAN1 to DMZ will be in one section. The policies referencing traffic from DMZ to WAN1 will be in another section. The sections are collapsible so that you only need to look at the sections with policies you are interested in. l By Sequence– Displays the policies in the order that they are checked for matching traffic without any grouping.

Menu items not shared by all policies

l Policy Lookup – (IPv4, IPv6 ) l NAT64 Forwarding – (NAT64)

The Table of Policies


The tables that make up the Policy window are based on rows which represent individual policies and the columns that represent the various parameters or status within the policy. The columns are customizable by which columns are included and what order they are in.

The table can be laid out a number ways to suit the viewer. There is a column for most of the important pieces of information that you might be interested in seeing, but a lot of them are hidden by default. If you had a large enough screen, you might be able to show all of the columns, but even then it might look a bit busy and crammed together. Figure out which pieces of information are most important to you and hide the rest.

To configure which columns are visible and which are hidden, right click on the header row of the table. This will present a drop down menu. The drop down will be divided into sections. At the top will be the Selected Columns which are currently visible, and the next section will be Available Columns which show which columns are available to add to the table.

To move a column from the Available list to the Selected list just click on it. To move a column from the Selected list to the Available list, it also just takes a click of the mouse. To make the changes show up on the table, go to the bottom of the drop down menu and select Apply. Any additions to the table will show up on the right side.

One of the more useful ones that can be added is the ID column. The reason for adding this one is that within the configuration file and CLI, the policies are referenced by their ID number. Some policy settings are only available for configuration in the CLI. If you are looking in the CLI you will see that the only designation for a policy is its number and if you wish to edit the policy or change its order in the sequence you will be asked to move it before or after another policy by referencing its number.

Policy Names

How “Any” policy can remove the Interface Pair View

The FortiGate unit will automatically change the view on the policy list page to By Sequence whenever there is a policy containing “any” as the Source or Destination interface. If the Interface Pair View is grayed out it is likely that one or more of the policies has used the “any” interface.

By using the “any” interface, the policy should go into multiple sections because it could effectively be any of a number of interface pairings. As mentioned, policies are sectioned by using the interface pairings (for example, port1 -> port2) and each section has its own specific policy order. The order in which a policy is checked for matching criteria to a packet’s information is based solely on the position of the policy within its section or within the entire list of policies as a whole but if the policy is in multiple sections at the same time there is no mechanism for placing the policy in a proper order within all of those sections at the same time because it is a manual process and there is no parameter to compare the precedence of one section or policy over the other. Thus a conflict is created. In order to resolve the conflict the FortiGate firewall removes that aspect of the sections so that there is no need to compare and find precedence between the sections and it therefore has only the Global View to work with.

Policy Names

Each policy has a name field. Every policy name must be unique for the current VDOM regardless of policy type. Previous to FortiOS 5.4, this field was optional.

On upgrading from an earlier version of FortiOS to 5.4, policy names are not assigned to old policies, but when configuring new policies, a unique name must be assigned to the policy.

Configuring the Name field


In the GUI, the field for the policy name is the first field on the editing page.


In the CLI, the syntax for assigning the policy name is:

config firewall [policy|policy6] edit 0 set name <policy name> end

Disabling Policy name requirement

While by default the requirement of having a unique name for each policy is the default, it can be enabled or disabled. Oddly enough, if disabling the requirement is a one time thing, doing it in the CLI is more straightforward.



This setting is VDOM based so if you are running multiple VDOMs, you will have to enter the correct VDOM before entering the CLI commands or turning the feature on or off in the GUI.


To edit the requirement in the GUI, the ability to do so must be enabled in the CLI. The syntax is:

config system settings set gui-allow-unnamed-policy [enable|disable] end

Once it has been enabled, the requirement for named policies can be relaxed by going to System > Feature Visibility. Allow Unnamed Policies can be found under Additional Features. Here you can toggle the requirement on and off.


To change the requirement in the CLI, use the following syntax:

config system settings set gui-advance policy [enable|disable] end

IPv4 Policy


IPv4 Policy

To configure a IPv4 policy in the GUI

  1. Go to Policy & Objects > IPv4 Policy

The right side window will display a table of the existing IPv4 Policies.

l To edit an existing policy, double click on the policy you wish to edit l To create a new policy, select the Create New icon in the top left side of the right window.

  1. Make sure the policy has a name in the Name field
  2. Set the Incoming Interface parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. Selecting the field will slide out a window from the right where you can select from the available interfaces. You can select one or more specific interfaces or you can select the any Choosing the any option will remove any other interfaces. For more information on interfaces, check the Concepts section called Interfaces and Zones.
  3. Set the Outgoing Interface parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. (Same rules apply as with the above step.)


Multiple interfaces or ANY interface can be added to a firewall policy. This feature can be enabled or disabled in the GUI by going to the System > Feature Select page and toggling Multiple Interface Policies.

When selecting the Incoming or Outgoing interface of a policy, there are a few choices:

  • The ANY interface (choosing this will remove all other interfaces) l l A single specific interface
  • l multiple specific interfaces (can be added at the same time or one at a time)

The GUI is intuitive and straightforward on how to do this. Click on the “+” symbol in the interface field and then select the desired interfaces from the side menu. There are a couple of ways to do it in the CLI:

  1. Set the interfaces all at once:

config firewall policy edit 0 set srcintf wan1 wan2 end

  1. Set the first interface and append additional ones:

config firewall policy edit 0 set srcintf wan1 append srcintf wan2 end

  1. Set the Source parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. The source in this case is either the source address, source user or source device of the initiating traffic. When the field is selected a window will slide out from the right. Tabs indcating Address, User or Device options are there to help categorize the options along with the option to search. In order to be able to select one of these options it needs to be configured as a firewall object before hand. The “+” icon next to the Search field is a shortcut for creating a new firewall object based on the tab that is currently selected. For the Address and Device tabs, single or multiple options can be selected unless the all option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option.
  2. Set the Destination Address parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. This field is similar to the Source field but address objects are the only available options to select. Single or multiple options can be selected unless the all option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option. For more information on addresses, check the Firewall Objects section called Addresses.
  3. Set the Schedule parameter by using the drop down menu to select a preconfigured schedule. The “+” icon next to the Search field is a shortcut for creating a new schedule object. For more information on addresses, check the Firewall Objects section called Firewall schedules
  4. Set the Service parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. (Same mechanics for selection apply as with the other similar fields in this window.) Single or multiple options can be selected unless the ALL option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option. For more information on services, check the Firewall Objects section called Services and TCP ports.
  5. Set the Action Select one of the following options for the action:


ACCEPT – lets the traffic through to the next phase of analysis

DENY – drops the session

LEARN – collects information about the traffic for future analysis IPsec – for using with IPsec tunnels

Because the choice of Action determines the settings and options below this parameter in the window the rest of the step are associated with a specific Action.

Settings if the ACCEPT action is selected.

Firewall / Network Options

  1. Set the NAT parameter by toggling the slider button.(gray means it is disabled) The NAT setting section is affected by whether or not Central NAT is enabled.

If Central NAT is enabled, the only option in Firewall / Network options will be whether to enable or disable NAT. The rest of the NAT parameters will be set in the Central SNAT page.

If Central NAT is disabled, there are two additional settings in the Policy configuration page.

  1. Set the Fixed Port parameter by toggling the slider button.(gray means it is disabled)
  2. Set the IP Pool Configuration by selection one of the options of:

l Use Outgoing Interface Address l Use Dynamic IP Pool

If the Use Dynamic IP Pool option is selected, an additional field will appear with the + icon. Selecting this field will slide out a window from the right where a preexisting IP Pool can be chosen. One or more IP Pools can be chosen and the “+” icon next to the Search field is a shortcut for creating a new IP Pool. Security Profiles

  1. Enabling the Use Security Profile Group option will allow the selection of a profile group instead of selecting the individual profiles for the policy.
  2. Disable or enable the various Security Profiles. Once a Profile has been toggled into the enabled mode a drop down menu will appear for the purpose of choosing a specific profile. Only one profile can be chosen for each profile type. The “+” icon next to the Search field in the drop down menu is a shortcut for creating a new profile. The list of Security Profiles available to set includes:
    • AntiVirus l Web Filter l DNS Filter l Application Control l CASI l IPS l Anti-Spam l DLP Sensor l VoIP
    • ICAP
    • Web Application Firewall l Proxy Options l SSL/SSH Inspection


Logging Options

  1. Set the Log Allowed Traffic parameter by toggling the slider button (gray means it is disabled).

If the Log Allowed Traffic setting is enabled, choose whether to log just Security Events or All Sessions and determine whether or not to keep a record of the packets by toggling the Capture Packets setting on or off.

  1. Add a comment to give a detailed description of the policy in the Comments field (up to 1023 characters).
  2. Toggle whether or not to Enable this policy.The default is enabled.
  3. Select the OK button to save the policy.

Settings if the DENY action is selected

Enable the Log Violation Traffic setting by toggling the slider button.

  1. Add a comment to give a detailed description of the policy in the Comments field (up to 1023 characters).
  2. Toggle whether or not to Enable this policy.The default is enabled.
  3. Select the OK button to save the policy.

Settings if the LEARN action is selected

To get more information on the LEARN option, read the Learning mode for Firewall policies topic in What’s new for the Firewall in 5.6

Firewall / Network Options

  1. Set the NAT parameter by toggling the slider button.(gray means it is disabled). Unlike the ACCEPT option, whether or not Central NAT is enabled or disabled does not affect this settings options.
  2. Add a comment to give a detailed description of the policy in the Comments field (up to 1023 characters).
  3. Toggle whether or not to Enable this policy.The default is enabled.
  4. Select the OK button to save the policy.

Settings if the IPsec action is selected

VPN Tunnel

  1. For the VPN Tunnel field, use the drop down menu to select the VPN tunnel that you want the policy associated with.
  2. Toggle the sliding button to enable or disable the option to Allow traffic to be initiated from the remote site Security Profiles
  3. Disable or enable the various Security Profiles. Once a Profile has been toggled into the enabled mode a drop down menu will appear for the purpose of choosing a specific profile. Only one profile can be chosen for each profile type. The “+” icon next to the Search field in the drop down menu is a shortcut for creating a new profile. The list of Security Profiles available to set includes:

l AntiVirus l Web Filter l DNS Filter l Application Control l CASI l IPS



DLP Sensor


ICAP l Web Application Firewall l Proxy Options l SSL/SSH Inspection Logging Options

  1. Set the Log Allowed Traffic parameter by toggling the slider button (gray means it is disabled).

If the Log Allowed Traffic setting is enabled, choose whether to log just Security Events or All Sessions and determine whether or not to keep a record of the packets by toggling the Capture Packets setting on or off.

  1. Add a comment to give a detailed description of the policy in the Comments field (up to 1023 characters).
  2. Toggle whether or not to Enable this policy.The default is enabled.
  3. Select the OK button to save the policy.

IPv6 Policy


IPv6 Policy

To configure a IPv6 policy in the GUI

  1. Go to Policy & Objects > IPv6 Policy

The right side window will display a table of the existing IPv6 Policies.

  • To edit an existing policy, double click on the policy you wish to edit l To create a new policy, select the Create New icon in the top left side of the right window.
  1. Make sure the policy has a name in the Name field
  2. Set the Incoming Interface parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. Selecting the field will slide out a window from the right where you can select from the available interfaces. You can select one or more specific interfaces or you can select the any Choosing the any option will remove any other interfaces. For more information on interfaces, check the Concepts section called Interfaces and Zones.
  3. Set the Outgoing Interface parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. (Same rules apply as with the above step.)
  4. Set the Source parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. The source in this case is either the source address, source user or source device of the initiating traffic. When the field is selected a window will slide out from the right. Tabs indicating Address, User or Device options are there to help categorize the options along with the option to search. In order to be able to select one of these options it needs to be configured as a


firewall object before hand. The “+” icon next to the Search field is a shortcut for creating a new firewall object based on the tab that is currently selected. For the Address and Device tabs, single or multiple options can be selected unless the all option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option.

  1. Set the Destination Address parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. This field is similar to the Source field but address objects are the only available options to select. Single or multiple options can be selected unless the all option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option. For more information on addresses, check the Firewall Objects section called Addresses.
  2. Set the Schedule parameter by using the drop down menu to select a preconfigured schedule. The “+” icon next to the Search field is a shortcut for creating a new schedule object. For more information on addresses, check the Firewall Objects section called Firewall schedules
  3. Set the Service parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. (Same mechanics for selection apply as with the other similar fields in this window.) Single or multiple options can be selected unless the ALL option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option. For more information on services, check the Firewall Objects section called Services and TCP ports.
  4. Set the Action Select one of the following options for the action:
    • ACCEPT – lets the traffic through to the next phase of analysis l DENY – drops the session

While there are not as many Action options as with the IPv4 policy, because the choice of Action determines the settings and options below this parameter in the window the rest of the step are associated with a specific Action.

Settings if the ACCEPT action is selected.

Firewall / Network Options

  1. Set the NAT parameter by toggling the slider button.(gray means it is disabled)
  2. Set the IP Pool Configuration by selection one of the options of:
    • Use Outgoing Interface Address l Use Dynamic IP Pool

If the Use Dynamic IP Pool option is selected:

  • An additional field will appear with the + Selecting this field will slide out a window from the right where a preexisting IP Pool can be chosen. One or more IP Pools can be chosen and the “+” icon next to the Search field is a shortcut for creating a new IP Pool.
  • An additional option to Preserve the Source Port will appear as a toggle option. If the slider button is grayed out it is disabled.

Security Profiles

  1. Enabling the Use Security Profile Group option will allow the selection of a profile group instead of selecting the individual profiles for the policy.
  2. Disable or enable the various Security Profiles. Once a Profile has been toggled into the enabled mode a drop down menu will appear for the purpose of choosing a specific profile. Only one profile can be chosen for each profile type. The “+” icon next to the Search field in the drop down menu is a shortcut for creating a new profile. The list of Security Profiles available to set includes:
    • AntiVirus l Web Filter l Application Control




DLP Sensor


Logging Options

  1. Set the Log Allowed Traffic parameter by toggling the slider button (gray means it is disabled).

If the Log Allowed Traffic setting is enabled, choose whether to log just Security Events or All Sessions and determine whether or not to keep a record of the packets by toggling the Capture Packets setting on or off.

  1. Add a comment to give a detailed description of the policy in the Comments field (up to 1023 characters).
  2. Toggle whether or not to Enable this policy.The default is enabled.
  3. Select the OK button to save the policy.

Settings if the DENY action is selected

Enable the Log Violation Traffic setting by toggling the slider button.

  1. Add a comment to give a detailed description of the policy in the Comments field (up to 1023 characters).
  2. Toggle whether or not to Enable this policy.The default is enabled.
  3. Select the OK button to save the policy.

NAT64 Policy


NAT64 Policy

To configure a NAT64 policy in the GUI

  1. Go to Policy & Objects > NAT64 Policy

The right side window will display a table of the existing NAT64 Policies.

  • To edit an existing policy, double click on the policy you wish to edit l To create a new policy, select the Create New icon in the top left side of the right window.
  1. Set the Incoming Interface parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. Selecting the field will slide out a window from the right where you can select from the available interfaces. You can select one or more specific interfaces or you can select the any Choosing the any option will remove any other interfaces. For more information on interfaces, check the Concepts section called Interfaces and Zones.
  2. Set the Outgoing Interface parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. (Same rules apply as with the above step.)
  3. Set the Source Address parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. The source in this case is an IPv6 Address object of the initiating traffic. When the field is selected a window will slide out from the right. In order to be able to select one of these options it needs to be configured as a firewall object before hand. The “+” icon next to the Search field is a shortcut for creating a new firewall object based on the tab that is currently selected. Single or multiple options can be selected unless the all option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option.
  4. Set the Destination Address parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. This field is similar to the Source Address Single or multiple options can be selected unless the all option is chosen in


NAT64 Policy

which case, it will be the only option. For more information on addresses, check the Firewall Objects section called Addresses.

  1. Set the Schedule parameter by using the drop down menu to select a preconfigured schedule. The “+” icon next to the Search field is a shortcut for creating a new schedule object. For more information on addresses, check the Firewall Objects section called Firewall schedules
  2. Set the Service parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. (Same mechanics for selection apply as with the other similar fields in this window.) Single or multiple options can be selected unless the ALL option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option. For more information on services, check the Firewall Objects section called Services and TCP ports.
  3. Set the Action Select one of the following options for the action:
    • ACCEPT – lets the traffic through to the next phase of analysis l DENY – drops the session

While there are not as many Action options as with the IPv4 policy, because the choice of Action determines the settings and options below this parameter in the window the rest of the step are associated with a specific Action.

Settings if the ACCEPT action is selected.

Firewall / Network Options

  1. Skip the NAT setting. This type of policy is intended only for traffic that is being NATed from IPv6 to IPv4, because without NATing the traffic couldn’t reach its destination, so disabling NAT would be pointless.
  2. Set the IP Pool Configuration by selection one of the options of:

l Use Outgoing Interface Address l Use Dynamic IP Pool

If the Use Dynamic IP Pool option is selected, an additional field will appear with the + icon. Selecting this field will slide out a window from the right where a preexisting IP Pool can be chosen. One or more IP Pools can be chosen and the “+” icon next to the Search field is a shortcut for creating a new IP Pool.

  1. Set the Log Allowed Traffic parameter by toggling the slider button (gray means it is disabled).

If the Log Allowed Traffic setting is enabled, choose whether to log just Security Events or All Sessions and determine whether or not to keep a record of the packets by toggling the Capture Packets setting on or off.

  1. Add a comment to give a detailed description of the policy in the Comments field (up to 1023 characters).
  2. Toggle whether or not to Enable this policy.The default is enabled.
  3. Select the OK button to save the policy.

Settings if the DENY action is selected

Enable the Log Violation Traffic setting by toggling the slider button.

  1. Add a comment to give a detailed description of the policy in the Comments field (up to 1023 characters).
  2. Toggle whether or not to Enable this policy.The default is enabled.
  3. Select the OK button to save the policy.


NAT46 Policy


NAT46 Policy

To configure a NAT46 policy in the GUI

  1. Go to Policy & Objects > NAT46 Policy

The right side window will display a table of the existing NAT46 Policies.

  • To edit an existing policy, double click on the policy you wish to edit l To create a new policy, select the Create New icon in the top left side of the right window.
  1. Set the Incoming Interface parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. Selecting the field will slide out a window from the right where you can select from the available interfaces. You can select one or more specific interfaces or you can select the any Choosing the any option will remove any other interfaces. For more information on interfaces, check the Concepts section called Interfaces and Zones.
  2. Set the Outgoing Interface parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. (Same rules apply as with the above step.)
  3. Set the Source parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. The source in this case is either the source address, source user or source device of the initiating traffic. When the field is selected a window will slide out from the right. Tabs indicating Address, User or Device options are there to help categorize the options along with the option to search. In order to be able to select one of these options it needs to be configured as a firewall object before hand. The “+” icon next to the Search field is a shortcut for creating a new firewall object based on the tab that is currently selected. For the Address and Device tabs, single or multiple options can be selected unless the all option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option.
  4. Set the Destination Address parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. This field is similar to the Source field but address objects are the only available options to select. Single or multiple options can be selected unless the all option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option. For more information on addresses, check the Firewall Objects section called Addresses.
  5. Set the Schedule parameter by using the drop down menu to select a preconfigured schedule. The “+” icon next to the Search field is a shortcut for creating a new schedule object. For more information on addresses, check the Firewall Objects section called Firewall schedules
  6. Set the Service parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. (Same mechanics for selection apply as with the other similar fields in this window.) Single or multiple options can be selected unless the ALL option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option. For more information on services, check the Firewall Objects section called Services and TCP ports.
  7. Set the Action Select one of the following options for the action:
    • ACCEPT – lets the traffic through to the next phase of analysis l DENY – drops the session

While there are not as many Action options as with the IPv4 policy, because the choice of Action determines the settings and options below this parameter in the window the rest of the step are associated with a specific Action.

Settings if the ACCEPT action is selected.

Firewall / Network Options

  1. Skip the NAT setting. This type of policy is intended only for traffic that is being NATed from IPv4 to IPv6, because without NATing the traffic couldn’t reach its destination, so disabling NAT would be pointless.

Central SNAT

  1. Set the Fixed Port parameter by toggling the slider button.(gray means it is disabled)
  2. Set the IP Pool Configuration by selection one of the options of:

l Use Outgoing Interface Address l Use Dynamic IP Pool

If the Use Dynamic IP Pool option is selected, an additional field will appear with the + icon. Selecting this field will slide out a window from the right where a preexisting IP Pool can be chosen. One or more IP Pools can be chosen and the “+” icon next to the Search field is a shortcut for creating a new IP Pool.

  1. Set the Log Allowed Traffic parameter by toggling the slider button (gray means it is disabled).

If the Log Allowed Traffic setting is enabled, choose whether to log just Security Events or All Sessions and determine whether or not to keep a record of the packets by toggling the Capture Packets setting on or off.

  1. Add a comment to give a detailed description of the policy in the Comments field (up to 1023 characters).
  2. Toggle whether or not to Enable this policy.The default is enabled.
  3. Select the OK button to save the policy.

Settings if the DENY action is selected

Enable the Log Violation Traffic setting by toggling the slider button.

  1. Add a comment to give a detailed description of the policy in the Comments field (up to 1023 characters).
  2. Toggle whether or not to Enable this policy.The default is enabled.
  3. Select the OK button to save the policy.

Central SNAT


Central SNAT

Central NAT is disabled by default. To toggle the feature on or off, use the following commands:

config system settings set central-nat [enable | disable] end

When Central NAT is enable the Central SNAT section will appear under the Policy & Objects heading in the GUI.

The Central SNAT window contains a table of all of the Central SNAT policies.

To configure a Central SNAT entry in the GUI

  1. Goto Policy & Objects > Central SNAT

The right side window will display a table of the existing Central SNAT entries.

l To edit an existing entry, double click on the policy you wish to edit l To create a new entry, select the Create New icon in the top left side of the right window.

  1. Set the Incoming Interface(s) by clicking on the “+” in the field. This will slide out a window from the right. Here, you can select from the available interfaces. Selecting a listed interface will highlight it in the window and add it to the field. Clicking on an object in this window while it’s highlighted will remove it from the field. Multiple selections are allowed.


Central SNAT

  1. Set the Outgoing Interface(s) by clicking on the “+” in the field. This will slide out a window from the right. Here, you can select from the available interfaces. Selecting a listed interface will highlight it in the window and add it to the field. Clicking on an object in this window while it’s highlighted will remove it from the field. Multiple selections are allowed.
  2. Set the Source Address by clicking on the “+” in the field. This will slide out a window from the right. Here, you can select from the available address objects. Selecting a listed object will highlight it in the window and add it to the field. Clicking on an object in this window while it’s highlighted will remove it from the field. Multiple selections are allowed. For more information on addresses, check the Firewall Objects section called Addresses.
  3. Set the Destination Address by clicking on the “+” in the field. This will slide out a window from the right. Here, you can select from the available address objects. Selecting a listed object will highlight it in the window and add it to the field. Clicking on an object in this window while it’s highlighted will remove it from the field. Multiple selections are allowed.

Under the NAT Heading

  1. Set the IP Pool Configuration parameter by selecting either Use Outgoing Interface Address or Use Dynamic IP Pool.

o If Use Dynamic IP Pool is chosen, a field will appear just beneath the option that is used to select which IP Pool object will be used.Set the IP Pool by clicking on the “+” in the field. This will slide out a window from the right. Here, you can select from the available objects.

  1. Set the Protocol parameter.

There are 5 options for the Protocol.

l ANY – any protocol traffic l TCP – TCP traffic only. Protocol number set to 6 l UDP – UDP traffic only . Protocol number set to 17 l SCTP – SCTP traffic only. Protocol number set to 132 l Specify – User can specify the traffic filter protocol by setting the protocol number in the field.

  1. If the IP Pool is of the type: Overload, Explicit Port Mapping can be enabled.

To enable or disable, use the check box. Once enabled, the following additional parameters will appear.

  • Original Source Port – in the left number field, set the starting number of the source port range.
  • Translated Port – in the left number field, set the starting number of the translated port range. If it is a single port range leave the right number field alone. If the right number field is set to a number higher than the left, the right number field for the Original Source Port will change to make sure the 2 number ranges have a matching number of ports.
  1. Select the OK button to save the entry.

To configure Central SNAT in the CLI

  1. Using the CLI interface of your choice, run the following command to get to the correct context.

config firewall central-snat-map

  • To edit an existing entry, run the command show or show full-configuration to get a listing of all of the entries in the map. Take note of the policy ID for the entry to be edited.
  • To create a new entry the next step will use the policy ID 0 which will check for an unused ID number and create an entry with that number.
  1. Edit or create an entry with the correct policy ID edit <policyID number>

Access Control List

Run the following commands to set the parameters of the entry:

set status [enable|disable]

set orig-addr <valid address object preconfigured on the FortiGate> set srcintf <name of interface on the FortiGate>

set dst-addr <valid address object preconfigured on the FortiGate> set dstintf <name of interface on the FortiGate> set protocol <integer for protocol number> set orig-port <integer for original port number> set nat-port <integer for translated port number>

  1. Save the entry by running the command end or next.

IPv4 Access Control List


IPv4 Access Control List

The IPv4 Access Control List is a specialized policy for denying IPv4 traffic based on:

l the incoming interface l the source addresses of the traffic l the destination addresses of the traffic l the services or ports the traffic is using

The only action available in this policy is DENY

For more information on see Access Control Lists

To configure a IPv4 Access Control List entry in the GUI

  1. Goto Policy & Objects > IPv4 Access Control List

The right side window will display a table of the existing IPv4 Access Control List entries.

l To edit an existing entry, double click on the policy you wish to edit l To create a new entry, select the Create New icon in the top left side of the right window.

  1. Set the Incoming Interface parameter by using the drop down menu to select a single interface.
  2. Set the Source Address parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. Single or multiple options can be selected unless the all option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option. For more information on addresses, check the Firewall Objects section called Addresses.
  3. Set the Destination Address parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. Single or multiple options can be selected unless the all option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option.
  4. Set the Services parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. Single or multiple options can be selected unless the ALL option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option. For more information on services, check the Firewall Objects section called Services and TCP ports.
  5. Toggle whether or not to Enable this policy.The default is enabled.
  6. Select the OK button to save the policy.

To configure a IPv4 Access Control List entry in the CLI

Use the following syntax: config firewall acl IPv6 Access Control List

edit <acl Policy ID #> set status enable set interface <interface> set srcaddr <address object> set dstaddr <address object> set service <service object>



IPv6 Access Control List


IPv6 Access Control List

The IPv6 Access Control List is a specialized policy for denying IPv6 traffic based on:

l the incoming interface l the source addresses of the traffic l the destination addresses of the traffic l the services or ports the traffic is using

The only action available in this policy is DENY

To configure a IPv6 Access Control List entry in the GUI

  1. Goto Policy & Objects > IPv6 Access Control List

The right side window will display a table of the existing IPv6 Access Control List entries.

l To edit an existing entry, double click on the policy you wish to edit l To create a new entry, select the Create New icon in the top left side of the right window.

  1. Set the Incoming Interface parameter by using the drop down menu to select a single interface.
  2. Set the Source IPv6 Address parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. Single or multiple options can be selected unless the all option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option. For more information on addresses, check the Firewall Objects section called Addresses.
  3. Set the Destination IPv6 Address parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. Single or multiple options can be selected unless the all option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option.
  4. Set the Services parameter by selecting the field with the “+” next to the field label. Single or multiple options can be selected unless the ALL option is chosen in which case, it will be the only option. For more information on services, check the Firewall Objects section called Services and TCP ports.
  5. Toggle whether or not to Enable this policy.The default is enabled.
  6. Select the OK button to save the policy.

To configure a IPv6 Access Control List entry in the CLI

Use the following syntax:

config firewall acl6 edit <acl Policy ID #> set status enable set interface <interface> set srcaddr <address object> set dstaddr <address object> set service <service object>




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