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FortiWLC – Using Fortinet Service Control


Using Fortinet Service Control

Fortinet’s Service Control feature is designed to allow clients in the enterprise network to access and communicate with devices that are advertising service via a protocol such as Bonjour. The limitation for Bonjour-enabled devices is that they were largely designed for smallscale use; however, they are growing increasingly prevalent in the enterprise-level environment. The nature of the service makes scaling for larger deployments challenging because the wireless traffic communications for these protocols cannot travel across various subnets; as such, users on VLAN1 will be unable to access a device operating on VLAN2 (for example).

Service Control addresses this problem by providing a framework by which Fortinet will direct traffic from clients on different subnets over to the Bonjour-capable devices (and vice versa), allowing seamless communication between the two. Additionally, users can specify which services should be available to specific users, SSIDs, or VLANs, allowing a fine control to be exercised over the deployment.

To enable Service Control:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Service Control. By default, you land on the Service Control Dashboard, which currently displays no information (as the service is disabled).
  2. Click the Settings tab to access the Global Settings tab
  3. Check Enable Service Control. The page will automatically refresh.

Refer to the sections below for configuration instructions.

Modifying Service Control Global Configuration

Once Service Control has been enabled, the Settings tab displays two new tables: Discovery Criteria and Advanced Options. The Discovery Criteria allows the user to specify the types of services that may be discovered. By default, all AirPlay and AirPrint services configured in the system will be set for discovery across all SSIDs and APs and on Controller native VLAN by controller on the wired side. To modify this, click the pencil icon under the Services column to access the Discovery Criteria dialog.

Figure 12: Discovery Criteria

  1. As shown above, the All Services box is checked, ensuring that all configured services will automatically be detected by the system. Uncheck this box and select the desired service(s) if you wish to restrict the types of services provided.
  2. The Select Wireless Network section allows the user to customize which SSIDs/APs can access the services; by default, all of them are permitted. These options control how wireless devices access the services provided.
  3. The Select Wired Network section controls how wired devices access the services; enter the VLAN(s) that should be allowed access. To add wired gateways, click the Add button and specify the desired options from the resulting list of devices.
  4. Click Save to save your changes.
Wired Service Discovery using AP and Controller

Follow these steps for the wired service discovery using AP and Controller:

  1. The APs and Controller wired interface is used for discovering services. Add APs and/or Controller to wired gateway list.
  2. Ensure that the APs or Controller wired interface is tagged with VLAN on which services needs to be discovered and also the VLAN should be added to VLAN list.
Adding or Removing Services

The Services tab allows the user to modify the services that may be detected via Service Control; by default, several services are pre-configured in the system. However, users can expand this list by clicking the Add button to create a new service.

Figure 13: Adding a New Service

Fill in the required fields as described below:

  • Name—Enter a name for the service
  • Description—Enter a brief description
  • Service Type—Enter the service type string(s). If multiple entries are needed, enter them one at a time, clicking Add after each one. They will display in the Added Service Types table.

Note: To remove an added service, check the box alongside it and click Delete.

Click Save to save the new service.

Configuring Locations

The Locations tab allows you to specify locations where services should be discovered and advertised; by default, no locations are configured, so click Add to create one.

Figure 14: Adding a Location

A Location consists of three main components: the location’s name, description, and member APs. Enter the Name and Description in the fields provided, then select the AP(s) that belong to the desired location from the list. Click the button pointing to the right to add the selected AP(s) to the new location.

After clicking Save, the new location will appear in the Location Table. The AP(s) specified in the Location definition will now provide access to the service.

Creating User Groups

User Groups segregates Subscriber and Advertisers under a group. User Groups define which users/Advertisers (grouped by either VLAN for wired clients or SSID and Location for wireless) can access the advertised service or advertise the services. As no groups are present by default, click Add to create one.

Figure 15: Creating a User Group

A User Group consists of four main components: the group’s name, description, Role, and wireless/wired users with wired gateway list. These fields will allow you to customize which users can access the defined services.

  1. Enter the Name and Description in the fields provided.
  2. Select one of the Role for the user group. The options are Advertiser, Subscriber, or Both.
  3. Select the User Group Type. The options are Wireless or Wired.
  4. If you have selected Wireless user group type, then Select Wireless Section is displayed. From the Select Wireless Users section, select the SSIDs that should be allowed access. To select multiple options, click and drag across them. Ctrl+click to select or de-select items individually.
  5. If you have selected Wired user group type, then the Select Wired Users section is displayed. Enter the VLAN(s) that should be allowed to access advertised services.
  6. Click Save to create the group. The devices contained within the group’s parameters will now be able to access the advertised services.
Defining Service Control Policies

Service Control policies determine which user groups can access specific advertised services. Thus, the policies table allows you to define routes between the subscriber (i.e., the device that seeks the service) and the advertiser (i.e., the device that provides access to the service).


  1. From the Policies tab, click Add to access the Create Service Control Policy window. Figure 16: Creating a Policy
  2. Enter a name for the policy to be created in the Policy Name field.
  3. Enter the description of the policy.
  4. Use the Select Subscriber drop-down to specify the group that should be granted access.
  5. Select the desired services from the list supplied in the Choose Services section. Note that if all services should be included, simply check the All services box.
  6. Finally, use the Select Advertiser drop-down to select the group that supplies access to the services.
  7. Click Save to save the new policy.

FortiWLC – IPv6 Client Support


IPv6 Client Support

FortiWLC (SD) supports both bridge and tunnel mode ESS profile for wireless and wired clients connected to Fortinet access points (APs). The IPv6 client support provides the following:

  • “Basic IPv6 Forwarding” on page 98
  • “IPv6 forwarding in dynamic VLAN deployment” on page 99
  • “High Performance IPv6 Forwarding” on page 100
  • “IPv6 Security” on page 100
  • “IPv6 Multicast Optimization” on page 101
  • “IPv6 Prioritization” on page 101
  • “IPv6 Network Management Enhancements” on page 101
Basic IPv6 Forwarding

FortiWLC (SD) acts as an L2 switch for IPv6 clients connected in the tunnel and bridge mode. The IPv6 specification (RFC 2460) defines IPv6 router and IPv6 host subclasses of IPv6 modes. The controllers and the APs act as IPv6 hosts which forward the IPv6 packets at layer

IPv6 Client Support

2 and not as IPv6 router. The ESS profile supports IPv4, Dual Stack (IPv4 and IPv6) and IPv6only clients simultaneously. The following modes of IPv6 address configuration for clients are supported:

  • Stateless Address Auto Configuration (SLAAC)
  • DHCPv6
  • Static IPv6 Configuration (Manual)
  • Link local address

The VLAN profile for wireless clients will use IPv4 address and does not require IPv6. The Allow Multicast Flag option in ESS is used to allow or block multicast traffic in ESS. If this is set to Off, then all IPv6 multicast traffic is blocked except for the Router Advertisements, Router Solicitations, Neighbor Solicitations, Neighbor Discovery Messages and DHCPv6 packets.

You can configure the Bridging, Allow Multicast, and Multi-To-Unicast field in the ESS profile configuration. See the chapter “Configuring an ESS.” for more details.

For the wired networks connected to the AP, configure the Allow Multicast and IPv6 bridging in Port profile, see “Configuring Port Profiles” on page 202 for more details.

The Neighbor Discovery Optimization field of IPv6 parameter can be configured via Configuration > Devices > Controller > IPv6 Parameter.

The IPv6 related CLI commands are as follows:

  • show station – this command displays the IP address type in a new column IP Mode. The valid values for this column are IPv4, IPv6, and IPv4v6.
  • sh station multiple-ip – this command displays one row for each IPv4 address and one row for each IPv6 address of the station. The IPv6 address type column is added which displays one of the following values if the address is a IPv6 address – Global Unicast, Global Unicast DHCP, Link Local, Temporary.

See the Fortinet Command Reference Guide for more information on the CLI commands.

IPv6 forwarding in dynamic VLAN deployment

In the previous releases of FortiWLC (SD), for dynamic VLAN (multiple VLANs in one ESS) deployment, FortiWLC (SD) forwards multicast packets to all stations irrespective of their assigned VLAN. This was supported for IPv4 in the previous release and in FortiWLC (SD) 6.0-2-0 onwards, IPv6 is supported. Router advertisements are multicast messages that provide the router prefix information used by IPv6 stations to auto-configure their IPv6 address.

The following diagram explains the router advertisement filtering behavior:

IPv6 Client Support

Figure 17: Router Advertisement Filtering

Three wireless stations are connected to an ESS profile configured with RADIUS assigned VLANs. Two stations belong to VLAN 200 and one belongs to VLAN100. Router advertisement by the router in VLAN 100 is not sent to stations assigned to VLAN 200.

When an AP forwards router advertisements on an ESS profile configured for dynamic VLAN, RAs for one VLAN is not sent to stations in other VLANs. They are converted to unicast packets and sent only to wireless stations which are assigned to that particular VLAN. This behavior is supported for all RF virtualization modes and overrides the multicast-unicast conversion settings.

The Multicast-To-Unicast field has to be set to Only Router Advertisement (Perform Conversion only for RAs) in the ESS profile for the conversion to take place. This will ensure that the APs Multicast-To-Unicast conversion happens for RA packets to send it to only those stations which belong to that VLAN ID.

High Performance IPv6 Forwarding

FastPath feature is supported for IPv6 clients in tunnel mode. This feature is used for increasing the throughput of the controller only for UDP and TCP data flow for IPv4 and IPv6. If the FastPath field for the controller is On, then the throughput increases.

IPv6 Security

The IPv6 security is designed to secure IPv6 link operation and they are applied to both tunnel and bridge modes. The IPv6 security is supported by the following filtering methods:

IPv6 Client Support

  • RA Guard –This is supported to block or reject the RA guard messages that arrive at the network device platform.
  • DHCPv6 Guard – This is supported to block DHCP reply and advertisement messages that originate from unauthorized DHCP servers and relay agents that forward DHCP packets from servers to clients.
IPv6 Multicast Optimization

The IPv6 multicast optimization reduces the multicast traffic generated by neighbor discovery and router advertisements. This support is provided only in the tunnel mode.

IPv6 Prioritization

The IPv6 QoS support is provided by prioritizing IPv6 packets based on the traffic class field in the IPv6 header.

IPv6 Network Management Enhancements

The IPv6 client support feature provides the NMS enhancement to store multiple IPv6 addresses. The controller supports maximum of 8 addresses per client which includes:

  • Global unicast addresses (DHCP and Autoconfigured)
  • Link-local address
  • Temporary address

FortiWLC – Accessing Spectrum Manager


Accessing Spectrum Manager

  • FortiWLC (SD) versions 6.0-2-0 and later provide the ability to configure deployed APs in spectrum scanning mode, acting as a software-based spectrum monitoring device. This configuration is performed via the Configuration > Wireless > Radio table. To configure an AP for spectrum scanning mode, click the desired interface from the table and use the AP Mode drop-down to specify ScanSpectrum Mode.

Figure 18: AP Mode Options

Accessing Spectrum Manager


Once the desired AP(s) are configured, the user can access the Spectrum Manager console via Monitor > Spectrum Manager > Console.

FortiWLC – Spectrum Manager Dashboard


Spectrum Manager Dashboard

The Spectrum Manager Dashboard screen presents the interference information gathered from various “Sensors” on page 123 (“Software Sensors” on page 123 and “Hardware Sensors” on page 123). It provides a graphical representation of the Interference devices activity in the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz spectrum.

Figure 19 on page 102 illustrates the Spectrum Manager Dashboard screen.

Figure 19: Spectrum Manager Dashboard

The following table depicts the various sections displayed on the Dashboard screen.

Trend Graph The Trend Graph plots the number of interference events observed over a period of time.
Interferer Type The Interferer Type Graph is a pie chart divided by the different types of interferer observed in the set duration. The area of each sector is proportional to the percentage of the number of individual interference events from a particular type of interferer against the total number of interference events in the set duration.
Affected Channels The Affected Channels Graph is a pie chart that plots the number of times, a particular channel was impacted due to an interference events. The area of each sector is proportional to the percentage of the number of events that impacted a particular channel against the total number of events.

Note: An interference event impacts multiple channels simultaneously.

The Dashboard screen provides various expandable control panels to filter database and modify display settings. For further information, refer to “Control Panels” on page 112 topic.

The Dashboard screen allows you to connect to the following other tabs:

  1. “Event Log” on page 103
  2. “Spectrum Manager – Channel Availability” on page 106
  3. “Spectrum Manager – Channel Utilization” on page 107
  4. “Spectrum Manager – Spectrogram” on page 108
  5. “Spectrum Manager – Equalizer” on page 109
  6. “Spectrum Manager – Persistence” on page 110

The above mentioned tabs from 3 to 7 are enabled only, by selecting the View live data from sensor option on the Event Log screen or it can be viewed through Show Spectrum Display of the selected sensor displayed on the Sensor’s page. For further information, refer to Spectrum Manager – Event Log screen.

Event Log

Spectrum Manager > Monitor > Dashboard > Event Log

The Spectrum Manager Event Log screen provides the detailed log information of the sensors.

Figure 20 on page 104 illustrates the Spectrum Manager Event Log screen.

Figure 20: Spectrum Manager – Event Log

The following table depicts the Event Information displayed on the Event Log screen:

Field Description  
Event ID Displays the Event ID.  
Event Type Displays the type of Event.  
Event Subtype Displays the interference source name.  
Sensor Displays the name of the selected Sensor. The following options are available for selection:

•  View live data from sensor: This option allows you to read the live data from the Sensor.

The below mentioned tabs are enabled by the selection of the View live data from sensor option.

•  Channel Availability

•  Channel Utilization

•  Spectrogram

•  Equalizer

•  Persistence

The above mentioned tabs reveal data of the selected Sensor in their respective tabs.

•  Show interferer on map:  Select the icon

The E(z)RF Map Management screen is displayed, depicting the location of the interfering device on the Floor.

  Field Description
  Group Displays the sensor’s group.
  Signal Strength Displays the Signal Strength of Interference with Min, Max, and Avg values in dBm.
  Channel Utilization Displays the percentage of channel utilized by the interferer.
  Start Time Displays the Start Time of the interference detected by the sensor.
  Stop Time Displays the Stop Time of the interference detected by the sensor.
  Duration Displays the Duration of the interference detected by the sensor.
  Center Frequency Displays the Center Frequency of the interference.
  Affected Channel(s) Displays the number of channels affected by the interference.
  Recording Id Displays the recording event Id.
  Additional Information Displays the interfere type for alert triggered event.
  Active Displays the number of active events highlighted with bold red dot.
Interference Event Clustering

The Spectrum Manager Event Log screen displays the cluster of events. Multiple interference reports, correlated to the same interferer and interference event are assigned to the same cluster ID. The interference event is reported as a single event, when multiple sensors reporting the same interference event.

Figure 21 on page 106 illustrates the Interference Event Clustering screen.

Figure 21: Interference Event Clustering

The Spectrum Manager Event Log screen provides various Control Panel tabs. For further information, refer to “Control Panels” on page 112.

Spectrum Manager – Channel Availability

Navigation: Spectrum Manager > Monitor > Dashboard > Channel Availability

  1. Select the Channel Availability

The Channel Availability screen displays the Channel Quality and Channel Utilization graphs.

Figure 22 on page 107 illustrates the Spectrum Manger Channel Availability screen.

Figure 22: Spectrum Manager – Channel Availability

  1. The Channel Quality and Channel Utilization graph, rendered in a flash application, displays a real time calculated channel quality for each of the Wi-Fi channels as well as the level of interference detected on each channel. The interference is differentiated between 802.11 interference and Non-802.11 The Channel Utilization graph also displays the Channel Utilization per Interference.
  2. Each of the interference is displayed as a percentage of the channel it is utilized.

The Channel Utilization per Interference type is displayed on the Channel Utilization graph, only if the Show Non-Wifi Interference Type option is checked in the Display Settings. This option is displayed only for the Hardware Sensors (See “Hardware Sensors” on page 123.)

  1. The Channel Availability screen provides various Control Panel For further information, refer to “Control Panels” on page 112.
Spectrum Manager – Channel Utilization

Spectrum Manager > Monitor > Dashboard > Channel Utilization

  1. Select the Channel Utilization

Figure 23 on page 108 illustrates the Spectrum Manager Channel Utilization screen.

The Channel Utilization screen displays the WLAN Channel Utilization and Non-WLAN

Channel Utilization graphs. This option is displayed only for the Hardware Sensors (See

“Hardware Sensors” on page 123.)

Figure 23: Spectrum Manager – Channel Utilization

  1. The WLAN Channel Utilization and Non-WLAN Channel Utilization graphs, rendered in a flash application, displays a real time calculated channel utilization for each of the WLAN and Non-WLAN Channels.
  2. The Channel Utilization screen provides various Control Panel For further information, refer to “Control Panels” on page 112.
Spectrum Manager – Spectrogram

Navigation: Spectrum > Monitor > Dashboard > Spectrogram

  1. Select the Spectrogram

Figure 24 on page 109 illustrates the Spectrum Manager Spectrogram screen.

The Spectrogram screen provides the spectrum activity for the Interferer devices.

Figure 24: Spectrum Manager – Spectrogram

  1. The scrolling Spectrogram displays the following details:
    • The frequency and amplitude of RF energy over time is displayed.
    • The x-axis displays the Frequency (MHz) or Wi-Fi channel number. The amplitude of the energy is plotted as Instantaneous data or the maximum peak hold amplitude. The amplitude is represented in blue color representing the weakest signal and red representing the strongest signal.
    • The y-axis displays the Time, with the most recent data at the bottom of the display and the plotted data scrolling upward.
  2. The Spectrogram screen provides various Control Panel For further information, refer to “Control Panels” on page 112.
Spectrum Manager – Equalizer

Spectrum > Monitor > Dashboard > Equalizer

  1. Select the Equalizer

Figure 25 on page 110 illustrates the Spectrum Manager Equalizer screen.

Figure 25: Spectrum Manager – Equalizer

  1. The Equalizer screen provides a flash application that starts Sensor to the browser. The Equalizer is a plot of the amplitude versus the frequency of RF (RF Energy or Signal) scanned by the “Sensors” on page 123.
  2. The Spectrum Equalizer plots the amplitude frequency for the detected RF energy. The frequency along the x-axis can be displayed as either frequency (MHz) or Wi-Fi channels. Both the instantaneous amplitude (the last data point collected over the scan period) and the maximum peak hold amplitude (the highest data point collected over the scan period) are dynamically plotted. The instantaneous data is plotted in yellow, while the peak hold data is plotted in blue. The colors are user configurable.
  3. The Equalizer screen provides various Control Panel For further information, refer to “Control Panels” on page 112.
Spectrum Manager – Persistence

Spectrum > Monitor > Dashboard > Persistence

  1. Select the Persistence

Figure 26 on page 111 illustrates the Spectrum Manager Persistence screen.

Figure 26: Spectrum Manager – Persistence

  1. The Persistence screen provides a flash application. The Persistence provides the spectrum activity for the Interferer devices to view the channel Persistence link to display the interference events.
  2. The Persistence display plots the amplitude frequency for the detected RF energy. Both the instantaneous amplitude (the last data point collected over the scan period) and the maximum peak hold amplitude (the highest data point collected over the scan period) are dynamically plotted. The color of a pixel on the display represents the number of times the energy was detected at that specific frequency and amplitude, with blue representing the least frequent and red representing the most frequent.

The Persistence screen provides various Control Panel tabs. For further information, refer to “Control Panels” on page 112.


FortiWLC – Control Panels


Control Panels

The Control Panels are displayed towards the left of the Dashboard screen.

The following table depicts the various Control Panel tabs available on the Monitor Console screen:

  • “Sensors Filter” on page 112
  • “Advanced Filter” on page 114
  • “Interference” on page 115
  • “Display Settings” on page 116
Sensors Filter

The Sensors Filter enables to filter the information to be displayed on the screen by selecting a sensor under sensor hierarchy. Perform the following steps to configure the Sensors filter:

  • Select the Sensors Filter A list of sensors deployed is displayed.
  • Select a sensor in Sensor hierarchy and click on Filter selected Group/sensor. The following changes also occur:
  • The selected sensor is displayed on Trend Graph, Interferer Type and Affected Channels sections of the Dashboard
  • The Event Log details are updated with selected sensor in Event Log
  • The Sensors Filter tab displays the following two sections:
  • “Sensors Hierarchy” on page 112
  • “Group Information” on page 112

Sensors Hierarchy

The Sensors Hierarchy section displays the sensors hierarchically belonging to the controller.

Group Information

The Group Information section provides the details of the selected Enterprise, Campus, Building, Floor and AP.

  • The following details for the selected Enterprise, Campus, Building, Floor and AP are displayed:
  • Name – Displays the name of the sensor.
  • Description – Displays the MAC address of the sensor.
  • IP Address – Displays the IP address of the sensor
  • Status – Displays the connection status of the sensor.
  • Select an Enterprise, Campus, Building, Floor or AP from the above Sensors Hierarchy
  • Select the Filter Selected Group/Sensor
  • The graph for the selected sensor is displayed on Trend Graph, Interferer Type and Affected Channels sections of the Dashboard

The Sensors Filter tab is enabled only in the below mentioned tabs:

  • Dashboard
  • Event Log
Time Filter

The Time Filter enables to configure the screen to display information over a period of time.

This can be performed by configuring the Start Time and Stop Time parameters on the page.

Perform the below actions to configure the Time Filter:

  • Select the Time Filter
  • The Time Filter tab displays the following two sections:
  • “Start Time” on page 113
  • “Stop Time” on page 113

Start Time

  • Select the option Earliest Time Possible. The system fetches the data available for the earliest possible time.
  • Uncheck the Earliest Time Possible option to select the Start Time.
  • From the Time option, select the time from the drop-down list. The format followed is hh:mm:ss
  • From the Date option, select the calendar icon to select the Month, Date and Year. The format followed is the mm/dd/yyyy.
Stop Time
  • Select the option Use Current Time. The system applies the current time.
  • Uncheck the Use Current Time option to select the Stop Time.
  • From the Time option, select the time from the drop-down list. The format followed is hh:mm:ss
  • From the Date option, select the calendar icon to select the Month, Date and Year. The format followed is the mm/dd/yyyy.
  • Select Apply Time Filter
  • The Time Filter is applied to the Trend Graph, Interferer Type and Affected Channels sections of the Dashboard

The Time Filter tab is applied and enabled to the below mentioned tabs:

  • Dashboard
  • Event Log
Advanced Filter

The Advanced Filter option enables to configure the information to be displayed on the screen by choosing the following available filters:

  • Channel Filter
  • This filter enables you to filter the information based on the available channels.
  • Select the desired channel from the Channel
  • Select Apply Filter. The Channel Filter is applied to the Dashboard screen and the Event Log
  • RSSI Filter
  • This filter depicts the signal strength of the Interferer device.
  • Select the desired RSSI value from the RSSI Filter The values displayed are in dBm.
  • Select Apply Filter. The RSSI Filter is applied to the Dashboard screen and the Event Log
  • Interferer Type
  • This filter depicts the Interferer Type.
  • A list of Interferer Type options is available for selection.
  • Select the desired Interferer Type.
  • Select Apply Filter. The Interferer Type filter is applied to the Dashboard
  • Event Log Type
  • This filter depicts the Event Log Type (Alert Event or Interferer Log Event).
  • A list of Interferer Log Events and Alert Event options is available for selection in the Event log
  • Select the desired Event Log Type and select desired Event Subtype.
  • Select Apply Filter. The Event Log Type/Subtype filter is applied to the Event Log

The Interference section displays the following:

  • Start Time: This is the Start Time of the interference and interference type.
  • Add Note: The Add Note icon enables to add a note.

The Notes section is enabled only on the completion of manual recording. The Notes section displays the following:

Delete Note – The Delete Note icon enables to delete a note.

Timestamps – The Timestamp is used to adjust the Current Recording playback time to the Time stamp of the note.

The Interference and Notes option is displayed on the following tabs:

  • Channel Availability
  • Channel Utilization
  • Spectrogram
  • Equalizer
  • Persistence
Display Settings

The Display Settings option enables to configure the information to be displayed on the following screens:

  • Event Log
  • Channel Availability
  • Channel Utilization
  • Spectrogram
  • Equalizer
  • Persistence
Event Log – Display Settings

Perform the following actions to select the columns to be displayed on the Event Log screen:

  • Select the Event Log The Event Log screen is displayed.
  • Select the Display Settings
  • Select the desired columns to be displayed.
  • The selected columns are displayed on the Event Log
Channel Availability – Display Settings

Perform the following actions to modify the graphical display of the Channel Availability screen:

  • Select the Channel Availability The Channel Availability screen is displayed.
  • Select the Display Settings (Figure 27 on page 117 illustrates the Channel Availability screen of the Display Settings.)
  • The Chart Settings option is displayed.

Figure 27: Display Settings – Channel Availability

  • Select the Frequencies from the drop-down list to view the Channel Quality and Channel Utilization on the respective channels. The Display Frequency can be set to scan the 4 GHz frequency band, the 5 GHz frequency band or both.
  • Select the Combine Utilization This enables the Channel Utilization graph (which is in channel quality) to combine the Non-Wireless LAN Interference and Wireless LAN Interference.
Channel Utilization – Display Settings

Perform the following actions to modify the graphical display of the Channel Availability screen:

  • Select the Channel Utilization The Channel Utilization screen is displayed.
  • Select the Display Settings
  • The following sections are displayed: (Figure 28 on page 118 illustrates the Channel Utilization screen of the Display Settings.)
  • “Timescale settings ” on page 117
  • “Channel selection settings” on page 117

Timescale settings

  • Select the Time Span. The valid range is between 2 min – 120 min.
  • Select the Time Units. The Time Units allows you to select the Elapsed Time or Actual Time.

Channel selection settings

Select the Frequency Band from the drop-down list.

The Select All option enables to display all the WLAN Channel Utilization. Figure 28: Display Settings – Channel Utilization

Spectrogram – Display Settings

The Spectrogram – Display Settings provides the following options:

  1. Data
    • Select the Data The Data option allows you to select the Instantaneous data or Peak data.
  2. Time Span
    • Select the Time Span. The Time Span ranges between Long – Short.
  3. Axis
    • Select the Axis The Axis is configured based on Frequency and Wi-Fi Channels.

Frequency: This option displays the graph based on the frequency.

Wi-Fi Channels: This option displays the graph based on the Wi-Fi Channels. Select the WiFi Channels option, the following parameters are displayed:

  • Highlight Channel: Check the Highlight Channel option, to highlight a channel when the channel in the x-axis is being mouse-over.
  • Wi-Fi Channel Width: Select the Wi-Fi Channel Width from the drop-down list. This sets the channel width for the spectrogram to display. Select any one option from the drop-down list.

The options are 20Mhz, 20Mhz+Upper 20 Mhz and 20Mhz+Lower 20 Mhz.

  1. Band
  • Select one option from the Band
  • The Spectrogram for the respective bands can be set by selecting one of the options from the drop-down list.
  • The options is 4GHz, 5GHz (Lower) and 5GHz (Upper).
  1. Overlay Interference – This option highlights the spectrum activity for a particular interferer.

For Example: In the scenario where more interference events are noticed and if the particular interferer is to be viewed, then the overlay for that interferer device can be checked.

(Figure 29 on page 119 illustrates the Spectrogram screen of the Display Settings.)

Figure 29: Display Settings – Spectrogram


  1. Select the Spectrogram The Spectrogram screen is displayed.
  2. Select the Display Settings
  3. Select the Markers
  4. The markers can be used to visually mark a Frequency on the Spectrogram
  5. Check a marker in the Markers section, the marker appears on the Spectrogram
  6. Select the marker on the display to move it to the desired frequency to visually mark off.
Equalizer – Display Settings

The Equalizer – Display Settings provides the following options:

  1. Persistence
  • Select the Persistence
  • Setting Persistence, allows us to study the timed trends in the graph. Increasing the persistence of the display increases the amount of time that samples are retained and displayed allowing us to study variations over time. This can be set in the bar on the display settings from Zero to

Figure 30 on page 121 illustrates the Equalizer screen of the Display Settings.

  1. Axis
  • Select the Axis The Axis is configured based on Frequency and Wi-Fi Channels.
  • Frequency: This option displays the graph based on the frequency.
  • Wi-Fi Channels: This option displays the graph based on the Wi-Fi Channels. Select the Wi-Fi Channels option, the following parameters are displayed:
  • Highlight Channel: Check the Highlight Channel option, to highlight a channel when the channel in the x-axis is being mouse-over.
  • Wi-Fi Channel Width: Select the Wi-Fi Channel Width from the drop-down list. This sets the channel width for the spectrogram to display. Select any one option from the drop-down list. The options are 20Mhz, 20Mhz+Upper 20 Mhz and 20Mhz+Lower 20 Mhz.
  1. Band
  • Select one option from the Band
  • The Equalizer for the respective bands can be set by selecting one of the options from the drop-down list.
  • The options is 4GHz, 5GHz (Lower) and 5GHz (Upper).

Figure 30: Display Settings – Equalizer


  1. Select the Equalizer The Equalizer screen is displayed.
  2. Select the Display Settings
  3. Select the Markers
  4. The markers can be used to visually mark a Frequency on the Equalizer
  5. Check a marker in the Markers section, the marker appears on the Equalizer
  6. Select the marker on the display to move it to the desired frequency to visually mark off.
Persistence – Display Settings

The Persistence Settings provides the following options:

  1. Persistence
  • Select the Persistence range.
  • Setting Persistence, allows us to study the timed trends in the graph. Increasing the Persistence of the display increases the amount of time that samples are retained and displayed allowing us to study variations over time. This can be set in the bar on the display settings from Zero to

Figure 31 on page 122 illustrates the Persistence screen of the Display Settings.

  1. Axis
  • Select the Axis
  • The Axis is configured based on Frequency and Wi-Fi Channels.
  • Frequency: This option displays the graph based on the frequency.
  • Wi-Fi Channels: This option displays the graph based on the Wi-Fi Channels. Select the Wi-Fi Channels option, the following parameters are displayed:

Highlight Channel: Check the Highlight Channel option, to highlight a channel when the channel in the x-axis is being mouse-over.

Wi-Fi Channel Width: Select the Wi-Fi Channel Width from the drop-down list. This sets the channel width for the spectrogram to display. Select any one option from the drop-down list.

The options are 20Mhz, 20Mhz+Upper 20 Mhz and 20Mhz+Lower 20 Mhz.

  1. Band:
  • Select one option from the Band
  • The Equalizer for the respective bands can be set by selecting one of the options from the drop-down list.
  • The options is 4GHz, 5GHz (Lower) and 5GHz (Upper).

Figure 31: Display Settings – Persistence


  1. Select the Persistence The Persistence screen is displayed.

Figure 31 on page 122 illustrates the Persistence screen of the Display Settings.

  1. Select the Display Settings
  2. Select the Markers The markers can be used to visually mark a Frequency on the Persistence plot.
  3. Check a marker in the Markers section, the marker appears on the Persistence
  4. Select the marker on the display to move it to the desired frequency to visually mark off.


The Sensors are classified as follows:

Software Sensors

The software-based sensor is a normal AP with one Radio in ScanSpectrum Mode. Here, the AP mode can be modified from Service/Normal Mode to ScanSpectrum Mode.


  • The modification of AP mode from Service/Normal Mode to ScanSpectrum Mode can be performed only via the FortiWLC GUI or by pushing the AP template with Radio profile configured with the ScanSpectrum Mode from FortiWLM.
  • You can configure both radios of FAP-U421EV, FAP-U423EV, FAP-U321EV, FAP-U323EV sensors in ScanSpectrum Mode, which will make the radios to scan both the Radio spectrum for interference. For all the other Sensors, only single radio can be configured in ScanSpectrum Mode at a time.
  • No client service will be provided once Radios are configured in the ScanSpectrum

The Software Sensors include the following Access Points:

  • AP1014i
  • AP1010i
  • AP1010e
  • AP1020i
  • AP1020e
  • AP332i
  • AP332e
  • AP832i
  • AP832e
  • FAP-U421EV FAP-U423EV FAP-U321EV
  • FAP-U323EV
Hardware Sensors

The Hardware-based sensors are completely dedicated to monitor the airwaves of the time. By having a dedicated subsystem, the sensor can classify and report on the type and source of interference almost instantly and without taking CPU resources away from the wireless radio. The Hardware Sensors include the following Access Points:


  • PSM3x
  • AP433is

FortiWLC – RF Interferer Classification


RF Interferer Classification

Wi-Fi networks operate in the unlicensed 2.4 and 5 GHz frequency bands, where they share a medium with a variety of other devices. With the exception of Bluetooth devices, none of the other devices have any mechanisms to co-exist with Wi-Fi networks. As a result, when an interfering device is emitting energy in the WLAN channel the WLAN Access Point is used for communication, the throughput of the AP can be significantly affected.

Spectrum detects all non-802.11 interference devices, especially the devices mentioned in the below list:

  • Microwave ovens (conventional)
  • Microwave ovens (inverter)
  • Motorola Canopy Wireless
  • Non-Wifi Wireless Bridges
  • Wireless video cameras (digital and analog)
  • Analog cordless phones (2.4GHz and 5GHz)
  • FHSS cordless phones (2.4GHz and 5GHz)
  • DSSS cordless phones (2.4GHz and 5GHz)
  • Bluetooth devices
  • Wireless baby monitors
  • Game Controllers
  • RF Jammers (both narrowband and wideband)
  • Wireless mice
  • Zigbee devices
  • Motion Detectors (S-band, radar-based)

In addition to the above mentioned devices, the RF Jamming devices also exist. The RF Jamming devices can be used to intentionally interfere with wireless communications. Although, these devices are considered to be illegal in the US and elsewhere, they provide performance and security issues to WLANs.

Wireless LANs based on the IEEE 802.11 standards, function in the unlicensed 2.4 and 5 GHz frequency bands. Other devices emitting radio-frequency energy in these bands can interfere with WLAN transmissions. The “Radio frequency characteristics for the interferer devices listed below” on page 126 lists some common RF interferer and their RF characteristics.

Radio frequency characteristics for the interferer devices

The Radio frequency characteristics for the interferer devices are listed below:

From the deployment perspective, the Spectrum coverage not only depends upon its sensor (receiver sensitivity), but also depends upon the interference devices transmit power (or signal strength). We cannot place the sensors far away and expect the very low signal strength interference device packets to reach the sensor.

Theoretically, lower the signal strength of the interference devices more sensors must be packed to catch those devices.

The “Sensors” on page 123 (“Software Sensors” on page 123 and “Hardware Sensors” on page 123) must be installed at least six feet away from a servicing AP. Having it closer affects the accuracy of interference classification.

The servicing APs must not be installed very close to PSM3x, as the false events (Analog Cordless Phones, etc.,) may be detected by PSM3x sensor due to the EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) emitted near by APs.

For Example:

Bluetooth has 2.2 dBm transmit power, for which the sensors must be placed closer in the given site, for it to be captured. So, the signal strength of interference devices is inversely proportional to the sensors coverage area.

Also the sensor coverage area is proportional to the receiver sensitivity. More the receiver sensitivity (which can be obtained with higher gain antennas) the sensors can be more sparsely distributed compared to the above example.

The conclusion is, the coverage area of the sensor depends upon the lowest signal strength of the interference device to be detected and depends upon the receiver sensitivity of the sensor. More the signal strength of the interference device and more the receiver sensitivity, the sensors will have more coverage and vice versa. Assuming the above considerable factors the predictable coverage can be identified with the following table, which has a specified interference transmit power. So it’s the administrator or the user environment the deployment for the sensors can be predicted.

TABLE 9: Radio frequency characteristics for the interferer devices listed below

Interferer Device Frequency Range Transmit Power Modulation #




Width Features
Bluetooth 2402-2480 MHz 2.2 dBm GFSK, FHSS 79 1 MHz Pulsed, low-power
Analog Cordless Phone 2403-2480 MHz NA Narrow

Band FM

40 ~300 kHz Narrow Band FM
DSSS Digital





20 dBm DSSS 40 1.5 MHz Highpower, duty Factor
FHSS Digital





21 dBm FHSS 90 892 kHz Pulsed, high-power



2.4 GHz 800W N/A N/A N/A Pulsed, broadband


2.4 GHz 1300W N/A N/A N/A Pulsed, broadband

Video Camera

2414 – 2468


10 dBm Frequency



4 N/A Broadband, highpower
Digital Video Monitor 2402 – 2483


20 dBm FHSS 27 2MHz Highpower, frequency hopping
Game Con-


2402 – 2482


N/A FHSS 40 500kHz Pulsed, low-power,

Frequency hopping

RF Interferer Detection

With the WLANs supporting critical applications such as voice and video communications, monitoring and management of RF interference becomes a security imperative. Interference can be from an intentional, malicious interferer such as an RF jammer or from an unintentional source such as a cordless phone in a nearby location. In either case, the ability of the WLAN to support the real-time communication required by these applications can be severely compromised by the RF interference. WLANs must be able to continuously detect the interferer in the RF environment for these security issues and trigger alerts to network administrators.

The Sensors which are listed in the Event Log page provides the interference event information.

Figure 32 on page 127 illustrates the sensors listed on the Event Log screen.

Figure 32: Sensors listed on the Event Log screen

Each interferer device signal is treated as an interference event and is detected by the following parameters:

  • Event Subtype (Type of interferer)
  • Signal Strength (Current/ Average / Maximum) dBm
  • Affected Channel(s) (Impact will be on the channels listed)
  • Center frequency
  • Duration (how long the inference event was seen)
  • Start Time (At what time the interference event started)
  • Stop Time (At what time the interference event stopped)

The active Interference event is highlighted in bold font and a red dot.

The event which is not alive at the moment will be grayed out as shown in the

The RF Interferer classification is detected by the following parameters

  • Channel
  • Signal Strength

Interferer can be detected,

  • By opting to filter, for only on that channel.
  • Interferer fading into the 2.4GHz and the 5GHz spectrum by varying its signal strength which is detected by opting to filter the signal strength ranging from >=- 10 dBm to >=110 dBm
  • By Specific interferer devices.

Interferer on all channels, in the range of signal strength and also on all types of Interferer devices can also be filtered by opting “All”.

Historical Spectrum dashboard Analysis

Spectrum Manager provides historical spectrum data for analysis. The impact on the interferer devices can be determined with the data available from the past with the tentative date and time. Interference events caused by the interferer devices are stored in the Spectrum Manager database for future analysis. A history of interference events for one year is maintained.

Event logs

The triggered events from the particular sensor are consolidated, captured and displayed in the Event Log screen as displayed in Figure 146 on page 351.

Time-based Analysis

The Spectrum events are the time-based triggered events, for which the “Start and Stop time” is not provided. It must display the dashboard for the current interference activity. Ensure the “Earliest Time possible in Start time and Use current time in Stop time” check box is checked, to view the dashboard for real time display.

Proactive Spectrum Manager

Proactive Spectrum Manager, designed for single channel deployment, takes a top-level view into the channel spectrum, then recommends the best channels) for network operation. The PSM dashboard presents a goodness value for all channels and recommended channels of operation for the network using a chart with green (good) and red (don’t use) bars.

Configure Proactive Dashboard Manager Using the Web UI

Use the dashboard to see the channel goodness over the spectrum and best available channels for 20MHz or channel-bonded (40MHz) operation on the 2.4 and 5GHz bands. The spectrum shows bar chart goodness values for all 20MHz and 40MHz channels. The higher the bar, the better the channel is. If the color of the bar is grey, no observation on that channel has taken place.

You have two PSM options, View and Evaluate.

  • View is enabled on all channels by default. View mode monitors interference, such as rogues, and displays recommendations for channel use. If you see solid green bands on every channel in the charts, either only View is enabled or Evaluate is also enabled and there are no rogues on any channels.
  • Evaluate is disabled on all channels by default. If you enable Evaluate mode on the channels, then PSM will manage the use of those channels by moving devices away from channels with a specified amount of rogue activity. To enable Evaluate:
  1. Click Monitor > Spectrum Manager > PSM.
  2. Click Evaluate at the top of the screen.

Optionally, select one of the options from the Evaluate drop-down list:

View turns on rogue detection, does an immediate scan, turns off rogue detection, and then displays the results.

One Time Adapt turns on rogue detection, does a scan, turns off rogue detection, and then moves stations to recommended channels immediately

Periodic Adapt repeats at the interval you set in the minutes value. Every x minutes, it turns on rogue detection, does a scan, turns off rogue detection, and then moves stations to recommended channels immediately.

  1. Optionally change the Evaluation Time from 120 seconds to a value of 5 – 300 seconds. Evaluation affects rogue scanning (turns it on for Evaluation Time seconds) and optionally changes channels.
  2. Optionally change the Threshold from 25 to a value of 1 – 100 rogues. Threshold indicates a delta in goodness value between current and recommended channel that triggers a change of channel. Non-zero threshold applies to periodic adaptation.
  3. Optionally change the Adaption Interval from 30 to a value of either zero or 5 – 10080 seconds. (The values 1-4 seconds are not supported.) The adaptation interval determines how often channels can be automatically changed for this controller.
  4. Click Start Wizard.
  5. Confirm by clicking OK twice.

Click Graph Help to see what the chart colors mean. Click Details on either chart to see numeric values for the green bars in the charts. A summary of rogue scanning parameters is presented at the bottom of the screen. Also, the adaptation period of a periodic adaptation is shown if one is running. The view automatically refreshes every minute.

If rogue detection is not enabled on the network, PSM turns it on when needed for evaluate mode, then turns it back off. For example, if you use the option One Time Adapt, PSM turns on rogue detection, does a scan and then moves stations to recommended channels immediately. This overwrites the running config and reboots the APs (save it to make it permanent).

Blacklisted channels are never recommended. RS4000 and mesh radios are not supported. The more non-Fortinet equipment on a channel, the lower the recommendation will be to use that channel. Do not use this feature with a multichannel configuration.


Configure Proactive Dashboard Manager Using the CLI

The CLI command for Proactive Dashboard Manager is proactive-spectrum-manager evaluate. This is an example:

mg‐mc2# proactive‐spectrum‐manager evaluate

** Attention: Stations may be disconnected in this evaluation **

Are you absolutely sure [yes/No]? yes   

Evaluation time [120s]? 10

View or Adapt [View/adapt]? adapt

Adaptation period [0] min (5‐10080)? 0

FortiWLC – Device Fingerprinting


Device Fingerprinting

Device fingerprinting allows collection of various attributes about a device connecting to your network. The collected attributes can fully or partially identify individual devices, including the client’s OS, device type, and browser being used.

Device Fingerprinting can provide more information for the station and allows system administrators to be more aware of the types of devices in use and take necessary actions. You can view the details of the devices via Monitor > Dashboard. You can import, export, add, delete, or restore the devices using the fingerprint command and the show fingerprints command displays the device fingerprints stored in the system. See Command Reference Guide for more information on the CLI commands.

Configuration Using WebUI

Configuration > Devices > Device Fingerprint

By default, this page lists the configured device OS types that can be monitored.

Device Fingerprinting

Adding a New Device OS

To add a new device OS type, click the ADD button and enter the device name and the associated hexadecimal characters (starting with 37 or 3c) and then click SAVE to add this device to the list.

Modifying an Existing Device OS

To modify an existing entry, select the checkbox for that entry and click the EDIT button. Make the required changes in the pop up box and click the SAVE button.

Device Fingerprinting

Export Device OS Details

To export the existing list of devices to another controller, click the checkbox in the column header to select all entries. Then click the EXPORT button to create a text file with the entries.

Import New Device OS Details

To import new entries, click the IMPORT button and browse the location with the text file. Then click the SAVE button to add the new list.

Configuration Using CLI

The CLI command fingerprint has the following options:

default(15)(config)# fingerprint ?

add                    (10) Adds description and hexadecimal characters. delete                 (10) Deletes description and hexadecimal characters. export                 (10) Adds description and hexadecimal characters. import                 (10) Adds description and hexadecimal characters. restore                (10) Restores configuration file.

  • add – To add new device OS type
  • delete – Remove an existing device OS type
  • import – Specify the filename to import device OS types. The file must be available in /opt/ meru/images folder.
  • export – To export the current list of device OS types. The exported file is stored as a .txt file in /opt/meru/images directory

Device Fingerprinting

FortiWLC – Beacon Services


Beacon Services

Fortinet Beacon Services use iBeacon to allow mobile application (iOS and Android devices) to receive signals from beacons in the physical world to deliver hyper-contextual content to users based on location. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is the wireless personal area network technology used for transmitting data over short distances. Broadly, the Beacon Service requires a Bluetooth based iBeacon device to broadcast signals and a mobile application to receive these signals once it comes in the configured proximity. You can now create multiple Beacon Service profiles and map APs to a specific profile.

The Beacon services are available by default in FAP U421EV, FAP U423EV, FAP U321EV and FAP U323EV. For other non-wave2 APs, you will need Bluetooth adapters (For example: Broadcom USB Class 2 Bluetooth 4.0 Dongle, CSR 4.0 Bluetooth Dongle and Iogear Bluetooth 4.0 USB Micro Adapter GBU521). Ensure that Bluetooth adapters support Bluetooth version 4.0 or above.


Wave 1 APs must be connected to 802.3at power supply.

You can perform the following operations to manage the Beacon Services. Navigate to Configuration > Devices > Beacon Services.

Adding Beacon Services Profiles

This option allows you to add a Beacon Service. You can create multiple Beacon Service profiles and also map APs to a specific profile.

APs part of a profile send iBeacons that will help advertise hyperlocal content to users in context to their location.

Beacon Services

Update the following fields.

BLE Profile – Unique name for this Beacon Service profile. The supported range is 1-64 alphanumeric characters.

Advertise BLE Beacon – Enables the BLE beacons to advertise packets received by devices. These packets determine the location of the device with respect to the Beacon.

BLE Format – BLE Format – Select ibeacon as a BLE Format.

Beaconing Interval (ms) – Select the time interval at which the Beacons transmit signals to associated devices, that is, this sets the rate at which beacons advertise packets. Setting the beacon interval to a higher value decreases the frequency of unicasts and broadcasts sent by the AP. The supported range is 100-1000 milliseconds.

Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) – Click Generate UUID, to receive a UUID that is specific to the beacon. The purpose of the ID is to distinguish iBeacons in your network from all other beacons in other networks not monitored by you.

Major Number – This number is assigned to some beacons in a network and is used to distinguish this subset of beacons within a larger group of beacons. For example, beacons within a particular geographic area can have the same major number. The supported range is 0 to 65535.

Minor Number – This number is assigned to identify individual beacons. For example, each beacon in a group of beacons with the same major number, will have a unique minor number. The supported range is 0 to 65535.

Power Level – Select a power level for the beacon’s transmit signal. The higher the power the greater will be the range of your signal. This is measured in dBM (Decibel-Milliwatts). The supported range is 0(-29 dBm) to 15(4dBm).

Exporting Beacon Services Profiles

You can export the existing Beacon profiles into your local drive.

Importing  Beacon        Services      Profiles

You can load Beacon Services profiles by importing files (*.csv) from your local drive.

Click Import and browse to the saved *.csv template file.

Beacon Services

Adding         APs    to        the     Beacon        Service        Profile

Click the edit icon to view the service profile details. Beacon Services – Update page is displayed to make changes to the service profile.

Click the Add option to start adding APs to the service profile. By default this page shows the list of APs added to the service profile.

  • You can add multiple APs to a service profile.
  • An AP can be mapped to only one service profile at a time.

Editing Beacon Services Profiles

Select the Beacon Services profile and click Edit to edit the values for an existing profile.

Beacon Services

Deleting Beacon Services Profiles

Select the Beacon Services profile and click Delete in the Action column to delete the profile.

Beacon Services

FortiWLC – Configuring an ESS


Configuring an ESS

A basic service set (BSS) is the basic building block of an IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN; one access point together with all associated clients is called a BSS. An AP acquires its clients by broadcasting its name (SSID) which is picked up by clients within range. Clients can then respond, establishing a connection. It is legitimate for multiple access points to share the same SSID if they provide access to the same network as part of an Extended Service Set (ESS). You can establish different kinds of ESS for different situations such as:

  • a VLAN that supports multiple access points per ESS.
  • several different ESS on one physical access point.
  • a VLAN for each ESS to separate network traffic. You can also specify that a VLAN be shared between multiple ESS.
  • an ESS that supports just one person.
  • an ESS for a remote AP, such as in a branch office. That AP can additionally support ESSs for local traffic.

The Wireless LAN System also allows you to customize a beacon per ESS to support different access point settings, such as base or supported transmit rates, different BSSs, different beacon intervals, and different DTIM periods. This beacon customization allows service customization for each ESS, as well as more flexibility in supporting different clients and services.

ESS profiles for a controller can also be configured from E(z)RF Network Manager. You can tell where an ESS was configured by checking the read-only field Owner. The Owner is either nms-server or controller. AP1000 can simultaneously support an ESS with Virtual cell and another ESS without Virtual Cell.

FortiWLC – Add an ESS with the Web UI

Add an ESS with the Web UI

ESS profiles can be configured either from E(z)RF Network Manager or from the controller.

You can tell where an ESS profile was configured by checking the read-only field Owner; the Owner is either nms-server or controller. AP400 is designed to use either a Virtual Cell ESS or a non-Virtual Cell ESS, but not both at once. AP1000 is designed to use a Virtual Cell ESS and a non-Virtual Cell ESS simultaneously. To add an ESS from the controller’s Web UI, follow these steps:

  1. Click Configuration > Wireless > ESS > Add.


The ESS Profile Add screen displays – see below.

  1. In the ESS Profile Name field, type the name (ID) of the extended service set. The name can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters long with no spaces.
  2. In the Enable/Disable list, select one of the following:
  • Enable: ESS Profile created is enabled.
  • Disable: ESS Profile created is Disabled.
  1. In the SSID field, type a name up to 32 characters for the SSID for this ESS. (Note that when you are creating either Virtual Cell overflow or a non-Virtual Cell ESS, you will be creating two ESS Profiles with the same ESSID. See “Configure Virtual Cell Overflow with the Web UI” on page 158 for details.)
  2. In the Security Profile Name list, select an existing Security Profile to associate with the ESS profile. By default, an ESS profile is associated with the Security Profile named default. For more explanation, see “Security Profiles for an ESS” on page 147.
  3. In the Primary RADIUS Accounting Server list, select either the name of a previously configured RADIUS accounting server profile or the No RADIUS option. Selecting the No RADIUS option means that no RADIUS accounting messages will be sent for clients connecting to this ESSID profile. For more information, see the authentication chapter RADIUS Accounting for Clients.
  4. In the Secondary RADIUS Accounting Server list, select the name of a previously configured RADIUS accounting server profile or the No RADIUS option. If No RADIUS is selected, then no RADIUS accounting messages will be sent for clients connecting to this ESSID profile. For more information, see the security chapter RADIUS Accounting for Clients.
  5. In the Accounting Interim Interval (seconds) field, type the time (in seconds) that elapses between accounting information updates for RADIUS authentication. If a RADIUS accounting server is enabled, the controller sends an interim accounting record to the RADIUS server at the interval specified. Accounting records are only sent to the RADIUS server for clients that authenticate using 802.1x. The interval can be from 60 through 36,000 seconds (10 minutes through 10 hours). The default value is 3,600 seconds (1 hour). For more information, see the security chapter RADIUS Accounting for Clients.
  6. Beacon Interval sets the rate at which beacons are transmitted. Setting the beacon interval to a higher value decreases the frequency of unicasts and broadcasts sent by the access point. If the power-save feature is enabled on clients that are connected to access points, clients “wake up” less if fewer unicasts and broadcasts are sent, which conserves the battery life for the clients. In the Beacon Interval field, type the interval (in ms) at which beacons are transmitted. The beacon interval must be between 20 through 1000 milliseconds. For AP400 and AP1000, beacon interval is a multiple of 20, from 20 to 1000ms. If your WLAN consists mostly of Wi-Fi phones, and you have a low number of ESSIDs configured (for example, one or two), Fortinet recommends setting the beacon interval to 100.

10.In the SSID Broadcast list, select one of the following:

  • On: SSID is included in the beacons transmitted.
  • Off: SSID is not included in the beacons transmitted. Also Probe Responses will are not sent in response to Probe Requests that do not specify an SSID.

11.In the Bridging area, check any of these bridging options: AirFortress: FortressTech Layer 2 bridging and encryption with Fortress Technology AirFortress gateway. IPv6: Configures bridging Internet version 6 addresses. IPv6 via tunneling mode has these limitations:

  • No dynamic VLAN
  • No multiple ESSID mapping to same VLAN
  • No support for IPv6 filtering
  • No IPv6 IGMP snooping

12.By default, access points that join the ESS profile and have the same channel form a Virtual Cell. In the New APs Join ESS profile list, select one of the following:

  • On: (default) Access points automatically join an ESS profile and are configured with its parameters.
  • Off: Prevents access points from automatically joining an ESS profile. The user is now allowed to add multiple interfaces on the ESS Profile screen. Perform the following steps to add multiple interfaces:
  • On the ESS Profile – Update screen select the New APs Join ESS profile as Off. This option prevents the APs from automatically joining an ESS profile.
  • Select the checkbox for an ESS profile and click the Settings button.
  • The ESS Profile – Update screen is displayed.
  • On the ESS Profile – Update screen, select the ESS-AP Table tab.
  • The ESS-AP Configuration screen is displayed. No information is displayed on the ESS-AP Configuration screen.
  • On the ESS-AP Configuration screen, click the Add button.
  • The ESS-AP Configuration – Add screen is displayed. Here, the user is now allowed to add multiple interfaces on the ESS Profile screen.
  • Click OK.
  • The selected interfaces are now displayed on the ESS-AP Configuration screen.

13.In the Tunnel Interface Type, select one of the following:

  • No Tunnel: No tunnel is associated with this ESS profile.
  • Configured VLAN Only: Only a configured VLAN listed in the following VLAN Name list is associated with this ESS profile. If you select this option, go to Step 13. RADIUS VLAN Only: The VLAN is assigned by the RADIUS server via the RADIUS attribute Tunnel Id. Use RADIUS VLAN Only when clients authenticate via 802.1x/WPA/ WPA2 or MAC Filtering.
  • RADIUS and Configured VLAN: Both a configured VLAN and RADIUS VLAN are associated with this ESS profile. If you select this option, proceed to Step 15.
  • GRE: Specifies a GRE Tunnel configuration If you select this option, go to Step 14. For details, see the security chapter Configure GRE Tunnels.

14.If you selected Configured VLAN Only in Step 12, select a VLAN from the list to associate with this ESS profile.

15.If you selected GRE for Tunnel Interface Type, select the name of a GRE Tunnel profile previously configured in the Configuration > Wired > GRE area. For GRE to work, DHCP relay must be enabled either locally or globally.

16.In the Allow Multicast Flag list, optionally enable multicasting (on). Only enable multicasting if you need to use a multicast application. Enabling multicasting causes all multicast packets on the air side to appear on the wired side, and all multicast packets on the wired side to appear on the air side. Also see “Multicast” on page 163 in this chapter. On: Enables multicasting. Enable multicasting only if you need to use a multicast application. Enabling multicasting causes all multicast packets on the air side to appear on the wired side, and all multicast packets on the wired side to appear on the air side.

  • Off: Disables multicasting.

17.Isolate Wireless to Wireless Traffic can be used to prevent two wireless stations operating on the same L2 domain from communicating directly with each other. This is not a common requirement, but can be necessary for some security policies. Set the option to On if your network requires this.

18.In the Multicast-to-Unicast Conversion, select one of the following: On: Enables multicast-to-unicast conversion. Enabling this conversion allows multicast packets to be converted to unicast packets and deliver it all the clients.

  • Off: Disables multicast-to-unicast conversion.The multicast packets will be delivered as multicast packets to the clients.

19.The RF Virtualization Mode drop-down in the ESS Configuration page allows the user to specify the type of virtualization used by the specified ESS profile. The option for selections are as follows:

  • Virtual Cell: This is the default setting for all APs except AP400 models.
  • Virtual Port: This is the default setting for AP400 models.
  • Native Cell: This option disables virtualization on the ESS.


Channel Width

N-only Mode

Channel and MIMO mode

20.If the APs are any AP400 model, you can make this ESS an “overflow” ESS by selecting a Virtual Cell ESS for the Overflow for: setting. This means that when the named Virtual Cell ESS (that was created earlier) maxes out, it will overflow into this non-Virtual Cell ESS.

This works by having the two ESS Profiles share an SSID so they can seamlessly move clients back and forth as needed. For more explanation, see “Virtual Cell Overflow Feature” on page 157.

21.In release 5.1, WMM configuration in the ESSID has no effect. However, in order to enable or disable APSD features across APs, the WMM parameter must be set to on. For more information, see “Supported WMM Features” on page 156.

22.For APSD support, select on or off. APSD stands for Advanced WMM Power Save and is supported AP400/AP1000. For more explanation, see “Supported WMM Features” on page 156.

On: Data packets for powersave mode clients are buffered and delivered based on the trigger provided by the client. This feature saves more power and provides longer lifetime for batteries than the legacy power save mode (TIM method). Note that you must haveWMM set to on for this to work – see previous step. Off: No APSD support.

23.DTIM affects clients in power save mode. In the DTIM Period field, type the number of beacon intervals that elapse before broadcast and multicast frames stored in buffers are sent. This value is transmitted in the DTIM period field of beacon frames.

The DTIM period can be a value from 1 through 255. The default DTIM period is 1. Setting the DTIM period to a higher value decreases the frequency of broadcasts sent by the access point. If power save is enabled on clients that are connected to access points, clients “wake up” less if fewer broadcasts are sent, which conserves battery life for the clients.

Only the behavior of clients currently in power-save mode is affected by the DTIM period value. Because broadcasts are generally wasteful of air resources, the Forti WLAN has devised mechanisms that mitigate broadcasts either with proxy services or with more efficient, limited unicasts. As an example, ARP Layer 2 broadcasts received by the wired side are not relayed to all wireless clients. Instead, the Forti WLC maintains a list of IPMAC address mappings for all wireless clients and replies with proxy-ARP on behalf of the client.

24.In the Dataplane Mode list, select the type of AP/Controller configuration: Tunneled: (default) In tunneled mode, a controller and an AP1000 are connected with a data tunnel so that data and control packets from a mobile station are tunneled to the controller from the AP and vice versa.

  • Bridged: (Bridged mode was formerly Remote AP mode.) In bridged mode, data packets are not passed between AP and the controller; only control plane packets are passed. When bridged mode is configured, an AP can be installed and managed at a location separated from the controller by a WAN or ISP, for example at a satellite office. The controller monitors the remote APs through a keep-alive signal. Remote APs can exchange control information with the controller, including authentication and accounting information, but they are unable to exchange data. Remote APs can, however, exchange data with other APs within their subnet. ESSIDs in bridged mode cannot exchange dataplane traffic (including DHCP) with the controller and the following FortiWLC (SD) features are not available in a bridged configuration: Rate Limiting, and QoS

(and all QoS-related features). For more explanation, see “Bridging Versus Tunneling”

on page 159 in this chapter.

A VLAN tag can be configured for a Bridged mode profile (see Step 29 below) and then multiple profiles can be associated to that VLAN tag. The AP VLAN priority can be set in Step 26 below.

25.Provide an AP VLAN tag between zero and 4094. This VLAN tag value is configured in the controller VLAN profile and is used for tagging client traffic for ESSIDs with dataplane mode bridged, using 802.1q VLAN. This field indicates whether an AP needs to map incoming VLAN 802.1p data packets into WMM ACs or not. By default in a bridged ESS, this field is disabled and an AP always honors DSCP field in IPV4 packet to map an incoming packet to one of WMM ACs. When turned on, an AP honors VLAN 802.1p priority over DSCP priority when the packet is mapped into one of WMM ACs.

26.To Enable VLAN Priority, set this field to On.

  • On: AP disregards the DSCP value in the IP header of a packet.
  • Off: AP honors the DSCP values in the IP header of a packet. AP converts the DSCP value in the IP header to appropriate WMM queues. This feature works only for downstream packets and only for an ESSID with dataplane mode set to bridged.

27.For Countermeasure, select when to enable or disable MIC Countermeasures: On: (default) Countermeasures are helpful if an AP encounters two consecutive MIC errors from the same client within a 60 second period. The AP will disassociate all clients from the ESSID where the errors originated and not allow any clients to connect for 60 seconds. This prevents an MIC attack.

  • Off: Countermeasures should only be turned off temporarily while the network administrator identifies and then resolves the source of a MIC error.

28.In the Enable Multicast MAC Transparency field, indicate on or off. For more explanation, see “Multicast MAC Transparency Feature” on page 164 in this chapter.

  • On: All downstream multicast packets will have the MAC address of the streaming station.
  • Off: (default) All downstream multicast packets will have the MAC address of the controller.

29.Band steering balances multi-band capable clients on AP1000 by assigning bands to clients based on their capabilities. To use band steering for ABGN traffic, you could use Asteering to direct dual mode clients with A capability to the 5GHz band and use N-steering to direct all dual mode clients with AN capability to the 5GHz band. Band steering is also useful for directing multicast traffic. For this command to work as clients are added, also set the field New APs Join ESS to on. For more explanation, see “Band Steering Feature” on page 165 in this chapter.Band Steering Mode options are:

  • Band Steering Disabled
  • Band Steering to A band: Infrastructure attempts to steer all A-Capable wireless clients to the 5GHz band when they connect to this ESS.


  • Band Steering to N band: Infrastructure attempts to steer all N-Capable wireless client that are also A-Capable to the 5GHz band when they connect to this ESS. Infrastructure also attempts to steer non N-Capable wireless clients to the 2.4GHz band.

30.Band Steering Timeout sets the number of seconds that assignment for a steered client is blocked on the forbidden band while it is unassociated. For this command to work, also set the field Band Steering to A-band or N-band (see above). Band Steering Timeout can be any integer from 1-65535.

31.Expedited Forward Override option is implemented to override the system’s default DSCP-to-WMM priority mapping. IP datagrams marked with DSCP Expedited Forwarding (46) will be sent from the WMM  queue (AC_VO) of the AP rather than the Video queue (AC_VI) in downstream (to stations). It is configured on a per-ESS Profile basis and works in both bridged and tunneled ESS profiles. For configuration, see “Expedited Forward Override” on page 168 in this chapter.

32.SSID Broadcast Preference is specific to address the CISCO phone connectivity issues. It consists of three options as follows:

  • Disable: Configuring the parameter to “Disable” makes the AP not to advertise the SSID string in the beacon.
  • Always: Configuring the parameter to “Always” enables the AP to advertise the SSID on the beacons always. This must not be configured unless recommended.
  • Till-Association: This is the default option. Configuring the parameter to “Till-Association” enables the AP to advertise the SSID in the beacons till association stage of the client and disable the SSID broadcast in the later part of connectivity. This parameter is preferable to configure for the certain version of phones which will resolves the connectivity issues with the Vport ON. Once station associated, the AP will stop broadcasting SSID string. Here the users are allowed to configure SSID broadcast for VPort parameter from controller GUI per ESS basis in addition to AP CLI. For configuration, see “SSID Broadcast for Vport” on page 170 in this chapter. By default, this option is selected.

33.For the remaining Supported and Base Transmit Rates for B, A, G, and BG modes, enable or disable rates as needed.

34.Click OK.

If Ascom i75 phones are used to connect to WPA2PSK profile with VCell enabled, then create an ESSID with all BGN Supported HT Transmit rates unchecked (set to none).

FortiWLC – When is Virtualization Really on for an AP?


When is Virtualization Really on for an AP?

All APs except AP400 is always ready to use Virtual Cell or Native Cell; no configuration at the radio level is necessary. To enable either of them, simply configure the RF Virtualization mode in each ESS profile to Virtual Cell or Native Cell.

When is Virtualization Really on for an AP?

For AP400, the RF Virtualization mode is set to Virtual Port on the radio interface by default, and it can be changed as desired. This setting overrides the RF Virtualization mode configuration at the ESS-level. Both the radio and the ESS in use must be set as Virtual Port for RF Virtualization mode for AP400 to work.

The following table illustrates the three possible configurations for the AP400 Virtual Port:

  Radio Configuration ESS Configuration ESSIDs are…
AP400 on on Virtualized
off off Not Virtualized
off on Not Virtualized

FortiWLC – Adding an ESS with the CLI

Adding an ESS with the CLI
Assigning an ESSID with the CLI

The ESSID is the ESS name that clients use to connect to the WLAN. An ESSID can be a string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters long. Do not use spaces or special characters.

The following example names an ESS corp-users and enters ESSID configuration mode:

controller# configure terminal controller(config)# essid corp-users controller(config‐essid)#

Enable and Disable

The Enable and Disable field represents all the Enabled and Disabled services of a profile. If a specific ESS profile is Disabled, the NMS deletes all the Services that belong to the ESS profile. If a specific ESS profile is Enabled, the NMS creates all the Services that belong to the ESS profile. A client will not associate to the ESSID profile when its state is disabled.

The “Service” refers to client connectivity. When the ESSID state is disabled, the BSSID is removed from the AP and the client will not be able to view the Disabled SSID on air.

CLI Configuration

default# sh essid

ESS Profile          Enable/Disable            SSID


Interface Type

meru                      enable                     meru

meruwpa              enable                     meruwpa

meruwpa2psk      enable                     meruwpa2psk

ESS Profile(3)

default# configure terminal default(config)# essid meru default(config‐essid)# disable default(config‐essid)# end default# sh essid

Security Profile


meruwpa meruwpa2psk


on on on


none none none

ESS Profile      Enable/Disable   SSID Name

Interface Type

Security Profile Broadcast Tunnel
corp-wifi                 disable                    corp-wifi default on none
corpwpa                 enable                     corpwpa corpwpa on none
corpwpa2psk        enable                     corpwpa2psk corpwpa2psk on none

ESS Profile(3)

default# sh essid corp‐wifi ESS Profile

ESS Profile                               : corp‐wifi

Enable/Disable                            : enable

SSID                                      : corp‐wifi

Security Profile                          : default Primary RADIUS Accounting Server          : Secondary RADIUS Accounting Server        :

Accounting Interim Interval (seconds)     : 3600 Beacon Interval (msec)                    : 100

SSID Broadcast                            : on

Bridging                                  : none

<‐‐‐snipped ‐‐‐




BGN Supported Transmit Rates (Mbps)       : 1,2,5.5,11,6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54

BGN Base Transmit Rates (Mbps)            : 11

BGN Supported HT Transmit Rates (MCS)     :


BGN Base HT Transmit Rates (MCS)          : none

AN Supported Transmit Rates (Mbps)        : 6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54

AN Base Transmit Rates (Mbps)             : 6,12,24

AN Supported HT Transmit Rates (MCS)      :


AN Base HT Transmit Rates (MCS)           : none

Owner                                     : controller

1 Stream VHT Base MCS Set (MCS)           : mcs0‐9 2 Streams VHT Base MCS Set (MCS)          : mcs0‐9

3 Streams VHT Base MCS Set (MCS)          : mcs0‐9 1 Stream VHT Supported MCS Set (MCS)      : mcs0‐9 2 Streams VHT Supported MCS Set (MCS)     : mcs0‐9

3 Streams VHT Supported MCS Set (MCS)     : mcs0‐9 default#

Security Profiles for an ESS

ESS profiles and Security profiles can be configured either from E(z)RF Network Manager or from the controller. You can tell where a profile was configured by checking the read-only field Owner; the Owner is either nms-server or controller. Each ESS must be associated with a security profile. If you do not create additional security profiles, an ESS is automatically associated with the default security profile named default. To use additional security profiles, create them using the security-profile command in global configuration mode (see either this chapter, “Add an ESS with the Web UI” on page 137 or Chapter , “,” for details). Create the security profile before creating the ESS. You cannot alter profiles created in E(z)RF Network Manager from a controller.

The following CLI example associates a security profile named corp-access:

controller(config‐essid)# security-profile corp-access controller(config‐essid)#

Configuring CAC for an ESSID AP with the CLI

If implemented, Call Admission Control (CAC) limits the number of VoIP calls for all BSSIDs with the command qosvars calls-per-bssid (see “Configuring QoS Rules With the CLI” on page 385). If you have special requirements for an ESSID’s AP400, you can set the CAC maximum calls limit specifically for the ESS using the calls-per-bss command from the essid/ ess-ap configuration sublevel. For example, to set a maximum of 10 calls for AP 1, interface 1 in the ESSID, use the following command:

controller(config‐essid)# ess-ap 1 1 controller(config‐essid‐essap)# calls-per-bss 10 controller(config‐essid‐essap)# exit

Configuring Beacon Parameters with the CLI

You can set the following beacon parameters:

  • Beacon DTIM period—DTIM affects clients in power save mode. In the DTIM Period field, type the number of beacon intervals that elapse before broadcast frames stored in buffers are sent. This value is transmitted in the DTIM period field of beacon frames.

The DTIM period can be a value from 1 through 255. The default DTIM period is 1. Setting the DTIM period to a higher value decreases the frequency of broadcasts sent by the access point. If power save is enabled on clients that are connected to access points, clients “wake up” less if fewer broadcasts are sent, which conserves battery life for the clients.

Only the behavior of clients currently in power-save mode is affected by the DTIM period value. Because broadcasts are generally wasteful of air resources, the Forti WLAN has devised mechanisms that mitigate broadcasts either with proxy services or with more efficient, limited unicasts. As an example, ARP Layer 2 broadcasts received by the wired side are not relayed to all wireless clients. Instead, the Forti WLC maintains a list of IP-MAC address mappings for all wireless clients and replies with proxy-ARP on behalf of the client.

  • Beacon interval—Sets the rate at which beacons are transmitted.

The beacon period setting affects unicasts and broadcasts. The beacon interval must be between 20 through 1000 milliseconds. For AP1000, beacon interval is a multiple of 20, from 20 to 1000ms. Setting the beacon interval to a higher value decreases the frequency of unicasts and broadcasts sent by the access point. If the power-save feature is enabled on clients that are connected to access points, clients “wake up” less if fewer unicasts and broadcasts are sent, which conserves the battery life for the clients. The beacon period setting affects unicasts and broadcasts.

If your WLAN consists mostly of Wi-Fi phones, and you have a low number of ESSIDs configured (for example, one or two), Meru Networks recommends setting the beacon interval to 100.

The following example sets the beacon DTIM period to 10 and beacon interval to 240 TUs:

controller(config‐essid)# beacon dtim-period 10 controller(config‐essid)# beacon period 240

Configuring ESSID Broadcasting with the CLI

By default, an ESSID is broadcast. When an ESSID is broadcast, it is included in the advertised beacon. Clients using passive scanning listen for beacons transmitted by access points. If ESSID broadcasting an is disabled, those clients listening for beacons cannot receive ESSID information.

Clients using active scanning send probe requests and wait for probe responses from access points. If broadcasting an ESSID is disabled, access points do not respond to probe requests, unless the probe request includes the ESSID.

To prevent the ESSID from being broadcast, use the no publish-essid command.

The following example prevents the ESSID from being broadcast: controller(config‐essid)# no publish-essid

Configuring ESSID Joining of Access Points with the CLI

By default, when a new access point is plugged into the WLAN, it joins all ESSIDs that are configured to have new access points automatically join upon discovery and a BSSID is created.

After you are satisfied with your WLAN configuration, you can disable the automatic joining so that new access points do not change your configuration. If you are adding a new ESS that you want to advertise on only a small subset of access points, it is easier to disable joining and add the ESS-AP mappings manually.

The following example prevents access points from automatically joining an ESSID: controller(config‐essid)# no ap-discovery join-ess

After preventing automatic joining, a BSSID must be assigned manually.

The status of this command is only evaluated when new ESS-AP mappings are created. ESS-AP mappings are either created manually with the ess-ap command, or automatically when a new ESS is created, or a new access point is discovered.

Configuring Virtualization Mode

The RF Virtualization Mode drop-down in the ESS Configuration page allows the user to specify the type of virtualization used by the specified ESS profile. This option contains three separate selections:

  • Virtual Cell—This is the default setting for all APs except AP400 models.
  • Virtual Port—This is the default setting for AP400 models.
  • Native Cell—This option disables virtualization on the ESS.

Virtualization is on by default for Fortinet access points. The major benefit of Virtual Cell is infrastructure-controlled handoffs with seamless roaming between access points. Virtual Port enhances Virtual Cell by giving each client its own virtual access point. With Virtual Port, each client has its own access instead of sharing access with other clients. Because each client has its own Virtual Port, you can tailor it to match the client’s needs. For example, different employees can be given different amounts of bandwidth, depending on the applications used in their jobs. A  client can be given limited bandwidth but high quality of service. A guest is given lower priority and restricted access.

There are three types of limits on the number of Virtual Ports per controller:

  • Restricted by the number of clients supported by the controller
  • Restricted by the number of AP radios On AP400, the theoretical maximum number of Virtual Ports is 128 per radio. Fortinet’s best practices recommendation is to have no more than 64 per radio.
  • Restricted by Virtual Cell There is a hard limit of 2007 Virtual Ports per Virtual Cell. This number is set by the standard of having no more than 2007 associations per single BSSID. In Fortinet’s environment, each BSSID represents a Virtual Cell.

Note that AP400 Virtual Port differs from other Virtual Port configurations in these ways: Virtual Port has to be enabled per AP400 radio interface, in addition to the ESS Profile configuration. Both the radio and the ESS in use have to be set as Virtual Port for RF Virtualization Mode for it to work. Virtual Port is enabled by default on AP400.

  • If you configure some APs in a Virtual Port-enabled ESS Profile for Virtual Port and others for non-Virtual Port, only the Virtual Port-configured APs are recognized by the Virtual Port enabled ESS.
  • AP400 only supports per-station Virtual Cell.

Configuring Virtual Cell Support for AP400 with Web UI

There are two steps for configuring Virtual Port:

  1. Create an ESS with RF Virtualization mode set to Virtual Port.
  2. Configure each radio for Virtual Port by following these steps: Click Configure > Wireless > Radio Select a radio.
    • Set RF Virtualization Mode as Virtual Port.
    • Save the configuration.

Configuring Virtual Port Support for AP400 with the CLI

Virtual Port is enabled by default in AP Radio.

You can see the Virtual Port setting by using the CLI command show interfaces Dot11Radio. For example:

vcell22# show interfaces Dot11Radio 398 1 *************************** Wireless Interface Configuration

AP ID                                  : 398

AP Name                                : AP‐398

Interface Index                        : 1                          AP Model                               : AP400

Interface Description                  : ieee80211‐398‐1

Administrative Status                  : Up                         Operational Status                     : Disabled                   Last Change Time                       : 08/01/2013 09:38:35        Radio Type                             : RF6                        MTU (bytes)                            : 2346

Primary Channel                        : 6

Operating Channel                      : 6                          Short Preamble                         : on                         RF Band Support                        : 802.11abgn

RF Band Selection                      : 802.11bgn                  Transmit Power High(dBm)               : 24

AP Mode                                : Service

Scanning Channels                      : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,



3,157,161,165                                                                   B/ G Protection Mode                    : auto

HT Protection Mode                     : off

Number of Antennas                     : 1                          Channel Width                          : 20‐mhz

Channel Center Frequency Index         : 42

MIMO Mode                              : 2×2

802.11n only mode                      : off

RF Virtualization Mode                 : VirtualPort

Probe Response Threshold               : 15                         Mesh Service Admin Status              : disable

Uplink Type                            : Downlink                   Transmit Beamforming Support           : off

STBC Support                           : off                        To turn Virtual Port off, use this version of the command:

vcell22# configure terminal vcell22(config)# interfaces Dot11Radio 398 1 vcell22(config‐if‐802)# rf‐virtual‐mode ? <mode> (10) Enter RF Virtualization Mode.

NativeCell Native Cell Mode VirtualPort Virtual Port Mode

vcell22(config‐if‐802)# rf‐virtual‐mode NativeCell


Channel Width

N-only Mode

Channel and MIMO mode

Configuring Probe Response Threshold

The Probe Response Threshold configures the way in which an AP responds to requests based on its distance from the transmitting device. It is designed to ensure that the AP responds more swiftly to requests sent from stations located nearby. It is configurable through GUI support in addition to the AP CLI. This feature is also configured via bulk update on a perAP interface level. The default probe response threshold on AP is 15.


The GUI must have the SNR value ranging from 0 to 100, zero means probe response threshold disable.

GUI Page:

Figure 34: Wireless Interface Configuration – Update

Configuring Data Transmit Rates with the CLI

The data transmit rate is the data rate that the access points use to transmit data. There are two types of data rates: Base data transmit rates

Mandatory rates that all connecting clients must support when connecting to access points. For 802.11AN/BGN, the data rate is selected using MCS Index. The actual data rate is computed based on MCS Index, Channel Width, and Guard Interval. When channel width selected is 40MHz Extension above, then the data rate for the client depends on associated clients channel width and guard interval capabilities. Valid rates are as follows:

  • 11b valid rates are 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps, or all
  • 11g valid rates are 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps, or all
  • 11bg valid rates are 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps, or all
  • 11bgn valid rates are 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps, or all
  • 11a valid rates are 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps, or all
  • 11an valid rates are 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54, or all
  • 11an-mcs valid rates are MCS 0, MCS 1, MCS 2, MCS 3, MCS 4, MCS 5, MCS 6, MCS 7, MCS 8, MCS 9, MCS 10, MCS 11, MCS 12, MCS 13, MCS 14, MCS 15, or all
  • 11bgn-mcs valid rates are MCS 0, MCS 1, MCS 2, MCS 3, MCS 4, MCS 5, MCS 6, MCS 7, MCS 8, MCS 9, MCS 10, MCS 11, MCS 12, MCS 13, MCS 14, MCS 15, or all Supported data transmit rates

Rates at which clients can optionally connect, provided the clients and access points support the rates. Valid rates are as follows:

  • 11b valid rates are 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps, or all
  • 11g valid rates are 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 54 Mbps, or all
  • 11bg valid rates are 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 54 Mbps, or all
  • 11bgn valid rates are 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 54 Mbps, or all
  • 11a valid rates are 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 54 Mbps, or all
  • 11an valid rates are 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 54 Mbps, or all
  • 11an-mcs valid rates are MCS 0, MCS 1, MCS 2, MCS 3, MCS 4, MCS 5, MCS 6, MCS 7, MCS 8, MCS 9, MCS 10, MCS 11, MCS 12, MCS 13, MCS 14, MCS 15, or all
  • 11bgn-mcs valid rates are MCS 0, MCS 1, MCS 2, MCS 3, MCS 4, MCS 5, MCS 6, MCS 7, MCS 8, MCS 9, MCS 10, MCS 11, MCS 12, MCS 13, MCS 14, MCS 15, or all All base rates must be entered as supported rates.

The supported data rates are the rates supported by the access points. The basic data rates are a subset of the supported rates. The access point first tries to transmit at the highest data rate set to Basic. If there are problems encountered in the transmission, the access points steps down to the highest rate that allows data transmission.

Use the base-tx-rates command in ESSID configuration mode to configure the basic data rates, for example, for 802.11bg: controller(config‐essid)# base-tx-rates 802.11bg 1|2|5.5|11|9|12|18|24|36|48|54|all

Use the supported-tx-rates command in ESSID configuration mode to configure the supported transmit rates, for example, for 802.11bg:

controller(config‐essid)# supported-tx-rates 802.11bg


To remove a base transmit rate, use the no base-tx-rates command with the mode and speed value, for example, for 802.11bg: controller(config‐essid)# no base-tx-rates 802.11bg


To remove a supported transmit rate, use the no supported-tx-rates command with the mode and speed value, for example, for 802.11bg: controller(config‐essid)# no supported-tx-rates 802.11bg


To display the radio data rates, use the show essid command.

Assigning a VLAN with the CLI

When creating an ESSID, you can assign a VLAN to the ESSID. This allows you isolate an ESSID to a specific part of your network. By default, ESSIDs do not have VLANs assigned to them. You must create a VLAN using the vlan command in global configuration mode before assigning the VLAN to an ESSID.

The following example assigns a vlan named corp:

controller(config‐essid)# vlan corp controller(config‐essid)#

To remove a VLAN assignment from an ESSID, use the no vlan name command. The following example removes the VLAN assignment from the ESSID:

controller(config‐essid)# no vlan corp controller(config‐essid)#

Supported WMM Features

In general, WMM contains these features:

  • WMM (for QoS)
  • WMM PS (U-APSD) – helps with battery life

FortiWLC (SD) supports WMM packet tagging for QoS on AP400, and AP1000 automatically (if the client is WMM); this feature cannot be turned off. FortiWLC (SD) supports U-APSD on AP400/AP1000; this can be turned on and off.

U-APSD is ideally suited to mobile devices that require advanced power-save mechanisms for extended battery life, and for applications like VoIP where the user experience rapidly degrades as latency increases. WMM Power Save was designed for mobile and cordless phones that support VoIP. See the chart below for defaults and possible configurations of both the WMM QoS and WMM APSD features.

WMM-PS is an enhancement over the legacy power-save mechanisms supported by Wi-Fi networks. It allows devices to spend more time in a “dozing” state, which consumes less power, while improving performance by minimizing transmission latency. Furthermore, UAPSD promotes more efficient and flexible over-the-air transmission and power management by enabling individual applications to control capacity and latency requirements.

If a deployment utilizing AP1000 models has WMM or WMM-APSD VoIP phones in use with DSCP set to Expedited Forwarding, a special QoS rule must be configured to support the deployment. This rule must have a DSCP parameter value of CS6 or CS7 in order to ensure that the AP1000 queues packets properly, ensuring optimal call quality.

U-APSD capable stations download frames buffered from AP400/AP1000s during unscheduled Service Periods (SP); the result is that there is no wait for beacons as there is in the legacy method. For U-APSD capable stations, APs negotiate U-APSD and use it to transmit data for the WMM Access Categories (priority levels) negotiated for U-APSD when a station is in power save mode. When a device is in power-save mode, the uplink data frame triggers AP400/AP1000 to send frames buffered in U-APSD enabled WMM_AC-queues. Pending legacy mode frames are not transmitted. You can configure AP400/AP1000 U-APSD support from the CLI using the ESSID command apsdsupport or you can configure APSD support for an ESSID from the Web UI (Configuration > Wireless > ESSID and then turn on U-APSD).

Configure U-APSD

APSD settings are configured per ESS and APSD support is on by default; this setting only affects AP400/AP1000. To configure APSD from the Web UI, click Configuration > Wireless > ESS > select an ESS from the list > set APSD Support to on.

To turn on/off APSD support with the CLI, use the command apsd-support for the ESSID as shown in this example:

default# configure terminal default(config)# essid apsd default(config‐essid)# no apsd‐support default(config‐essid)# end

FortiWLC – Virtual Cell Overflow Feature

Virtual Cell Overflow Feature

This feature, called Vcell Overflow, works by pairing a Virtual Cell ESS with a non-Virtual Cell ESS. The overflow ESS automatically inherits the parameters of the Virtual Cell ESS (except the setting for Virtual Cell). The non-Virtual Cell ESS is not used unless the Virtual Cell ESS is maxed-out; when this happens, the Virtual Cell ESS overflows into the other ESS as needed. The two ESS Profiles share same SSID so that clients seamlessly move back and forth. The overflow decision is based on the percentage of airtime spent on beacons crossing a threshold; when the percentage reaches 50%, clients start to overflow.

FortiWLC – When Would I Use Virtual Cell Overflow?


When Would I Use Virtual Cell Overflow?

This feature is designed for a high density deployment and provides a solution for bottlenecks caused by transmitting beacons. Virtual Cell Overflow is useful in these situations:

  • Beacon overhead has become very high due to the legacy b devices.
  • A very dense network is consuming a lot of airtime with beacons.

Be aware that Virtual Cell Overflow has these tradeoffs:

  • Trade-off between mobility and performance
  • Trade-off between density and performance
  • Not a solution to get good performance for overflow clients

Configure Virtual Cell Overflow with the Web UI

To set up Virtual Cell Overflow from the Web UI, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Virtual Cell ESS by following the directions “Add an ESS with the Web UI” on page 137. Be sure that the setting for Virtual Cell is set to On.
  2. Create a non-Virtual Cell ESS by following the directions “Add an ESS with the Web UI” on page 137. Be sure that the setting for RF Vitualization Mode is not Virtual Cell. Make this an Overflow ESS with the setting Overflow for; select the ESS you created in Step 1. This overflow ESS automatically inherits the remaining parameters of the Virtual Cell ESS.


FortiWLC – Bridging Versus Tunneling

Bridging Versus Tunneling

The bridged AP feature allows APs to be installed and managed at locations separated from the controller by a WAN or ISP, for example, in a satellite office. Encryption can be enabled on the bridged connection to provide security over ISP-based connections.

Bridging Versus Tunneling

The controller, through a keep-alive signal, monitors the remote AP. Remote APs can exchange control information, including authentication and accounting information with the controller, but are unable to exchange data. (Remote bridged APs can, however, exchange data with other APs within their subnet.)

Tunneled mode only features
  • Mesh
  • Mesh Plug and Play
  • 5 Hop mesh
  • Wired Client on uplink port with Mesh
  • Captive Portal on L2 APs
  • Captive Portal Exemptions (domain walled garden entries)
  • Domain whitelisting for OAuth with MCT (older way of domain whitelisting)
  • VLAN Mesh (801.q trunking on wired ports on Mesh APs)
  • VLAN pooling
  • GRE tunneling
  • QoS Rules -Rate-limiting, DSCP marking
  • QoS Rules -dynamic flow detection
  • CoA -(filter ID)
  • DHCP relay
  • Proxy ARP
  • RAC
  • DPI -Application bandwidth throttling
Bridge mode only features
  • Remote Radius
  • AP survivability Captive Portal, CP bypass on MAC filtering, IP v6 pass-through, Static/Dynamic VLANs – NOT supported in bridged mode on AP300.
  • Allow/Deny QoS rule – NOT supported in bridged mode on AP300,433,1000 & 332
Example of Bridged AP Deployment

The following figure is an example of remote bridged AP deployment. Notice that AP1 is configured for L2/local mode, AP2 is configured L2/Remote mode, AP3 is configured L3/local mode, and AP4 is configured for L3/Remote AP mode. The controller, AP1 and AP2 are

Bridging Versus Tunneling

located in the same 10.0.10.x/24 subnet, and AP3 and AP4 are in a different subnet, 192.0.10.x/24. The blue and red lines correspond to L2 and L3 data tunnel, respectively. Also, MS A through D are associated to AP 1 to 4, respectively. Note that the MS C and MS D have different IP addresses, even though they are associated to APs within the same IP subnet. The reason for this is because AP3 is configured in local mode and is tunneled back to the controller at Layer 3. This example demonstrates how a mobile client’s IP domain is changed by the dataplane bridged or tunneled setting. Figure 35: Example Remote AP Topology

Configure a Bridged Profile

For complete UI directions, see “Add an ESS with the Web UI” on page 137 or click Configuration > Wireless > ESS and select an ESS to edit.

To configure a bridged AP for an existing ESSID with the CLI, follow these steps: 1. Enter the ESSID configuration mode and set the dataplane mode to bridged:

Bridging Versus Tunneling

controller# configure terminal controller(config)# essid profile_name controller(config‐ap)# dataplane bridged controller(config‐ap)# exit

After you make the config changes, force the APs to do a hard reboot.

  1. If the connection between the controller and the Remote AP should be secured, use the following command to encrypt only an AP connection:

controller# configure terminal controller(config)# ap ap#

controller(config‐ap)# dataplane‐encryption on controller(config‐ap)# exit

The Remote AP feature may require that corporate firewall configuration be updated to permit wireless access over certain Ethernet ports. The affected ports are:

  • L2 (Ethernet) L3 (UDP)
  • Data 0x4000 9393
  • Comm 0x4001 5000
  • Discovery 0x4003 9292

FortiWLC – WAN Survivability

WAN Survivability

FortiWLC (SD) provides the following support for bridged and tunneled devices during a WAN connection outage.

When a Bridged APs Lose Controller Contact

When a bridged AP loses contact with its host controller, it will provide uptime for a default period of 120 minutes or for the time specified in controller’s Link Probe (1 – 32000 minutes) setting. During this time existing clients will function normally but cannot roam between APs.

New clients cannot join a bridged AP during this time.

In a tunneled mode:

  • You can specify a backup ESS for both bridge and tunneled modes. This backup profile is activated with the controller link is down. Backup ESS is not supported on AP1000.
  • New devices connecting during the outage will connect using clear and PSK profiles.

The clients will now be serviced until the links up and all new devices that connected during outage will reconnect after the link is up.

FortiWLC – Multicast


Multicast is a technique frequently used for the delivery of streaming media, such as video, to a group of destinations simultaneously. Instead of sending a copy of the stream to each client, clients share one copy of the information, reducing the load on the network. Multicast is an advanced feature and can cause subtle changes in your network. By default, multicast is disabled and should be enabled only for specific circumstances. Possible multicast applications include:

  • Broadcast via cable or satellite to IPTV (for example, Vbrick or Video Furnace)
  • Any broadcast application (for example, CEO address to company)
  • Distance learning (live lectures)
  • Video surveillance
  • Video conferencing

For multicast to work, you need to complete these four tasks:

  • Enable Virtual Port on AP400s – see “Configuring Virtual Port Support for AP400 with the CLI” on page 151 and “Configuring Probe Response Threshold” on page 153 for directions.
  • Enable IGMP snooping on the controller – see “Configuring IGMP Snooping on Controllers and APs” on page 163
  • Enable IGMP snooping on the network infrastructure including intermediary switches. You must do this because Forti WLC do not source multicast group membership queries. We rely (as do most controllers) on the switches to perform that task.
  • Map a Virtual Cell enabled ESS with the default VLAN – see “Assigning a VLAN with the CLI” on page 156.
Configuring IGMP Snooping on Controllers and APs

Multicasting is implemented using IGMP snooping. In FortiWLC (SD) release 3.6, IGMP snooping was only done at the controller; the controller knew which clients were subscribed to specific multicast streams and sent the data for the subscribed multicast stream only to the APs with clients currently being serviced. Since the AP didn’t know which clients subscribed to the specific stream, it would send multicast streams to all clients currently being serviced by the AP. (With Virtual Port, there would be N copies, one for each client). This wasted airtime and created unnecessary traffic and contention.

In release 4.0 and later, IGMP snooping is done not only by the controller but also done by AP400s (excluding AP1000) when using Virtual Cell. The controller passes the client subscription list for multicast streams to AP400, which limits the multicast streams to only subscribed clients, reducing wireless traffic and saving time. (There are no changes in sending multicasts for stations connected to non-Virtual Cell ESS profiles.)


Commands to Configure IGMP Snooping

The following command is used to enable/disable IGMP snooping on the controller and APs: igmp-snoop state [enable, disable]

Command to show igmp-snoop status: show igmp-snoop

Command to see which multicast groups are currently active: show igmp‐snoop forwarding‐table

Command to see which stations have joined multicast groups: show igmp‐snoop subscription‐table

FortiWLC – Multicast MAC Transparency Feature

Multicast MAC Transparency Feature

This feature enables MAC transparency for tunneled multicast, which is needed for some clients to receive multicast packets. Multicasting is an advanced feature and can cause subtle changes in your network. By default, multicasting is disabled. To enable it, use either the multicast-enable command (see example below) or Configuration > Wireless > ESS > Add in the Web UI (see example below).

Multicasting is an advanced feature. Enabling multicasting in the WLAN can cause subtle changes in your network. Contact Meru Networks Customer Service Technical Assistance Center before enabling multicasting.

Enable Multicast From the Web UI

To enable multicasting from the Web UI, add or modify an ESS. For directions, see “Add an ESS with the Web UI” on page 137.

Enable Multicast with the CLI

The following example enables multicasting with the CLI: controller(config‐essid)# multicast-enable

For command details, see the FortiWLC (SD) Command Reference.

View Mapping Between VLANs and ESS Profiles

Use the following command to see the VLANs and ESS profiles currently mapped: controller# show vlan ess‐profile

For command details, see the FortiWLC (SD) Command Reference.

Multicast MAC Transparency Feature

FortiWLC – Multicast Restriction per VLAN

Multicast Restriction per VLAN

When “multicast to unicast” conversion is enabled, multicast/broadcast packets will be restricted to respective VLANs only.

Supported in: AP110, AP122, AP332, AP822, AP832, OAP832, AP1020, FAP-U4231V, FAPU423EV

FortiWLC – Band Steering Feature

Band Steering Feature

Band steering works with multi-band capable clients by letting you assign bands to clients based on their capabilities. Without band steering, an ABG client could formerly associate on either the A or the B/G channels, leading to overcrowding on one band or the other. With band steering, you can direct some of this traffic to the A band. Another example of using band steering is to separate  and data traffic. You can leave all -capable clients the B/G channels (where bandwidth is not a concern) and move data-only clients to the A bands to achieve higher data rates. To use band steering for ABGN traffic, you could use A-Steering to direct dual mode clients with A capability to the 5GHz band and use N-Steering to direct all dual mode clients with AN capability to the 5GHz band. Band steering is also useful for directing multicast traffic.

Configure Band Steering with the Web UI

Band Steering is enabled on a per-ESS basis. When you create or modify an ESS, you can enable band steering. To do this with the Web UI, follow the directions “Add an ESS with the Web UI” on page 137 setting the field Enable Band Steering to On. The field Band Steering Timeout defaults to 5 seconds; this is the number of seconds that assignment for a steered client is blocked on the forbidden band while it is unassociated. For this command to work as clients are added, also set the field New APs Join ESS to on in the ESS.

Multicast Restriction per VLAN


Configure Band Steering with the CLI

Two new CLI commands have been added for band steering. band-steering-mode enables band steering on an ESS and band-steering-timeout sets the number of seconds that assignment for a steered client is blocked on the forbidden band while it is unassociated. The command band-steering-mode disable turns off band steering. To use band steering, create an ESS with the following configuration:

ESS Profile

ESS Profile                               : bandsteering Enable/Disable                            : enable

SSID                                      : bandsteering

Security Profile                          : default Primary RADIUS Accounting Server          : Secondary RADIUS Accounting Server        :

Accounting Interim Interval (seconds)     : 3600

Beacon Interval (msec)                    : 100

SSID Broadcast                            : on

Bridging                                  : none New AP’s Join ESS                         : on

Tunnel Interface Type                     : none VLAN Name                                 : Virtual Interface Profile Name            :

GRE Tunnel Profile Name                   :

Allow Multicast Flag                      : off

Isolate Wireless To Wireless traffic      : off

Multicast‐to‐Unicast Conversion           : on

RF Virtualization Mode                    : VirtualCell

Overflow from                             :

APSD Support                              : on

DTIM Period (number of beacons)           : 1

Dataplane Mode                            : tunneled AP VLAN Tag                               : 0

AP VLAN Priority                          : off Countermeasure                            : on

Multicast MAC Transparency                : off

Band Steering Mode                        : a‐steering Band Steering Timeout(seconds)            : 5

This example sets band steering to the A channel on the existing ESS named bandsteering:

default(15)# configure terminal default(15)(config)# essid bandsteering default(15)(config‐essid)# dataplane bridged default(15)(config‐essid)# band‐steering‐mode a‐steering default(15)(config‐essid)# end default(15)#

default(15)# show essid bandsteering ESS Profile  
ESS Profile bandsteering
Enable/Disable enable
SSID bandsteering
Security Profile default

Primary RADIUS Accounting Server          Secondary RADIUS Accounting Server

Accounting Interim Interval (seconds)     : 3600

Beacon Interval (msec)                    : 100

SSID Broadcast                            : on

Bridging                                  : none New AP’s Join ESS                         : on

Tunnel Interface Type                     : none

VLAN Name                                 :

Virtual Interface Profile Name            : GRE Tunnel Profile Name                   :

Allow Multicast Flag                      : off

Isolate Wireless To Wireless traffic      : off

Multicast‐to‐Unicast Conversion           : on

RF Virtualization Mode                    : VirtualPort

Overflow from                             :

APSD Support                              : on

DTIM Period (number of beacons)           : 1

Dataplane Mode                            : bridged AP VLAN Tag                               : 0

AP VLAN Priority                          : off Countermeasure                            : on

Multicast MAC Transparency                : off

Band Steering Mode                        : a‐steering Band Steering Timeout(seconds)            : 5 This example disables band steering:

default(15)# configure terminal

default(15)(config)# essid bandsteering default(15)(config‐essid)# band‐steering‐mode disable default(15)(config‐essid)# end default(15)#

default(15)# sh essid bandsteering

ESS Profile

ESS Profile                               : bandsteering Enable/Disable                            : enable

SSID                                      : bandsteering

Security Profile                          default

Primary RADIUS Accounting Server

Secondary RADIUS Accounting Server

Band Steering Feature

Accounting Interim Interval (seconds) 3600
Beacon Interval (msec) 100
SSID Broadcast on
Bridging none
New AP’s Join ESS on
Tunnel Interface Type none

VLAN Name                                 Virtual Interface Profile Name

GRE Tunnel Profile Name                   :

Allow Multicast Flag                      : off

Isolate Wireless To Wireless traffic      : off

Multicast‐to‐Unicast Conversion           : on

RF Virtualization Mode                    : VirtualPort

Overflow from                             :

APSD Support                              : on

DTIM Period (number of beacons)           : 1

Dataplane Mode                            : bridged AP VLAN Tag                               : 0

AP VLAN Priority                          : off

Countermeasure                            : on

Multicast MAC Transparency                : off

Band Steering Mode                        : disable

Band Steering Timeout(seconds)            : 5

Expedited Forward Override

The Expedited Forward Override option is implemented to override the system’s default DSCP-to-WMM priority mapping. IP datagrams marked with DSCP Expedited Forwarding (46) will be sent from the WMM  queue (AC_VO) of the AP rather than the Video queue (AC_VI) in downstream (to stations). This feature is specific to AP400 and is disabled by Default. It is configured on a per-ESS Profile basis and works in both bridged and tunneled ESS profiles.

Steps to configure Expedited Forward Override

  1. Steps to Enable Expedited Forward Override Feature in ESSID:

default # config terminal default(config)# essid meru

default(config‐essid)# expedited‐forward‐override default(config‐essid)# end

default# show essid meru

ESS Profile

ESS Profile                               meru

Enable/Disable                            enable

SSID                                      meru


Security Profile                          Primary RADIUS Accounting Server          Secondary RADIUS Accounting Server default
Accounting Interim Interval (seconds) 3600
Beacon Interval (msec) 100
SSID Broadcast on
Bridging none
New AP’s Join ESS on

Tunnel Interface Type                     : none

VLAN Name                                 :

Virtual Interface Profile Name            : GRE Tunnel Profile Name                   :

Allow Multicast Flag                      : off

Isolate Wireless To Wireless traffic      : off

Multicast‐to‐Unicast Conversion           : on

RF Virtualization Mode                    : VirtualPort Overflow from                             :

APSD Support                              : on

DTIM Period (number of beacons)           : 1

Dataplane Mode                            : tunneled AP VLAN Tag                               : 0

AP VLAN Priority                          : off

Countermeasure                            : on

Multicast MAC Transparency                : off

Band Steering Mode                        : disable

Band Steering Timeout(seconds)            : 5

Expedited Forward Override                : on

SSID Broadcast Preference                 : till‐association

B Supported Transmit Rates  (Mbps)        : 1,2,5.5,11 B Base Transmit Rates  (Mbps)             : 11

  1. Steps to Disable Expedited Forward Override Feature in ESSID:

Meru# config terminal

Meru(config)# essid meru

Meru (config‐essid)# no expedited‐forward‐override

Meru(config‐essid)# end

Meru # show essid meru

ESS Profile

ESS Profile                               : meru

Enable/Disable                            : enable SSID                                      : meru

Security Profile                          : default

Primary RADIUS Accounting Server          : Secondary RADIUS Accounting Server

Accounting Interim Interval (seconds)     3600

Beacon Interval (msec)                    100

Band Steering Feature

SSID Broadcast on
Bridging none
New AP’s Join ESS on
Tunnel Interface Type                     VLAN Name                                 Virtual Interface Profile Name            GRE Tunnel Profile Name none
Allow Multicast Flag off

Isolate Wireless To Wireless traffic      : off

Multicast‐to‐Unicast Conversion           : on

RF Virtualization Mode                    : VirtualPort

Overflow from                             :

APSD Support                              : on

DTIM Period (number of beacons)           : 1

Dataplane Mode                            : tunneled AP VLAN Tag                               : 0

AP VLAN Priority                          : off Countermeasure                            : on

Multicast MAC Transparency                : off

Band Steering Mode                        : disable

Band Steering Timeout(seconds)            : 5

Expedited Forward Override                : off

SSID Broadcast Preference                 : till‐association

B Supported Transmit Rates  (Mbps)        : 1,2,5.5,11

B Base Transmit Rates  (Mbps)             : 11

SSID Broadcast for Vport

The SSID Broadcast for Vport function is designed to improve connectivity when using Cisco phones.

Configuration of SSID Broadcast for Vport

The SSID Broadcast for Vport option is similar to that for the ESSID configuration parameter. From the ESSID configuration, the SSID Broadcast for Vport option has three configurable parameters  from GUI and IOSCLI as follows:

  1. Disable: This is the default configuration on the ESSID profile page. Configuring the parameter to “Disable” makes the AP not to advertise the SSID in the beacon.

Example for configuring the option to Disable from IOSCLI:

default# configure terminal default(config)# essid assign

default(config‐essid)# publish‐essid‐vport disabled default(config‐essid)# exit default(config)# exit

  1. Always: Configuring the parameter to “Always” enables the AP to advertise the SSID on the beacons always. This must not be configured unless recommended. Example for configuring the option to till association from IOSCLI:
default# conf terminal default(config)# essid assign

default(config‐essid)# publish‐essid‐vport always default(config‐essid)# end

  1. Till-Association: Configuring the parameter to “Till-Association” enables the AP to advertise the SSID in the beacons until the association stage of the client and disables the SSID broadcast in the later part of connectivity. This parameter is preferable to configure for the certain version of phones which will resolves the connectivity issues with the Vport ON. Once station associated, The AP will stop broadcasting SSID string. Here the users are allowed to configure SSID broadcast for VPort parameter from controller GUI per ESS basis in addition to AP CLI.

Example for configuring the option to till association from IOSCLI:

default# conf terminal default(config)# essid assign

default(config‐essid)# publish‐essid‐vport till‐association default(config‐essid)# end

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