This document provides the following information for FortiOS 6.0.2 build 0163:
Supported models
FortiOS 6.0.2 supports the following models.
FortiGate |
FG-30D, FG-30E, FG-30E_3G4G_INTL, FG-30E_3G4G_NAM, FG-30D-POE, FG-50E,
FG-51E, FG-52E, FG-60D, FG-60D-POE, FG-60E, FG-60E-POE, FG-61E, FG-70D, FG70D-POE, FG-80D, FG-80E, FG-80E-POE, FG-81E, FG-81E-POE, FG-90D, FG-90D-POE,
FG-90E, FG-92D, FG-94D-POE, FG-98D-POE, FG-100D, FG-100E, FG-100EF, FG-101E,
FG-140D, FG-140D-POE, FG-140E, FG-140E-POE, FG- 200D, FG-200D-POE, FG-200E,
FG-201E, FG-240D, FG-240D-POE, FG-280D-POE, FG-300D, FG-300E, FG-301E,
FG-400D, FG-500D, FG-500E, FG-501E, FG-600D, FG-800D, FG-900D, FG-1000D,
FG-1200D, FG-1500D, FG-1500DT, FG-2000E, FG-2500E, FG-3000D, FG-3100D,
FG-3200D, FG-3700D, FG-3800D, FG-3810D, FG-3815D, FG-5001D, FG-3960E, FG-3980E, FG-5001E, FG-5001E1 |
FortiWiFi |
FWF-50E, FWF-50E-2R, FWF-51E, FWF-60D, FWF-60D-POE, FWF-60E, FWF-61E, FWF-90D, FWF-90D-POE, FWF-92D |
FortiGate Rugged |
FGR-30D, FGR-35D, FGR-60D, FGR-90D |
FortiGate VM |
Pay-as-you-go images |
FortiOS Carrier |
FortiOS Carrier 6.0.2 images are delivered upon request and are not available on the customer support firmware download page. |
Special Notices
WAN optimization and web caching functions
WAN optimization and web caching functions are removed from 60D and 90D series platforms, starting from 6.0.0 due to their limited disk size. Platforms affected are: l FGT-60D l FGT-60D-POE l FWF-60D l FWF-60D-POE l FGT-90D l FGT-90D-POE l FWF-90D l FWF-90D-POE l FGT-94D-POE
Upon upgrading from 5.6 patches to 6.0.0, diagnose debug config-error-log read will show command parse error about wanopt and webcache settings.
FortiGuard Security Rating Service
Not all FortiGate models can support running the FortiGuard Security Rating Service as a Fabric “root” device. The following FortiGate platforms can run the FortiGuard Security Rating Service when added to an existing Fortinet Security Fabric managed by a supported FortiGate mode:
- FGR-30D-A l FGR-30D l FGR-35D l FGR-60D l FGR-90D l FGT-200D l FGT-200D-POE l FGT-240D l FGT-240D-POE l FGT-280D-POE l FGT-30D l FGT-30D-POE l FGT-30E l FGT-30E-MI l FGT-30E-MN l FGT-50E Special Notices 7
- FGT-51E l FGT-52E l FGT-60D l FGT-60D-POE l FGT-70D l FGT-70D-POE l FGT-90D l FGT-90D-POE l FGT-94D-POE l FGT-98D-POE l FWF-30D l FWF-30D-POE l FWF-30E l FWF-30E-MI l FWF-30E-MN l FWF-50E-2R l FWF-50E l FWF-51E l FWF-60D l FWF-60D-POE l FWF-90D l FWF-90D-POE l FWF-92D
Built-in certificate
FortiGate and FortiWiFi D-series and above have a built in Fortinet_Factory certificate that uses a 2048-bit certificate with the 14 DH group.
FortiGate and FortiWiFi-92D hardware limitation
FortiOS 5.4.0 reported an issue with the FG-92D model in the Special Notices > FG-92D High Availability in Interface Mode section of the release notes. Those issues, which were related to the use of port 1 through 14, include:
- PPPoE failing, HA failing to form. l IPv6 packets being dropped. l FortiSwitch devices failing to be discovered. l Spanning tree loops may result depending on the network topology.
FG-92D and FWF-92D do not support STP. These issues have been improved in FortiOS 5.4.1, but with some side effects with the introduction of a new command, which is enabled by default:
config global set hw-switch-ether-filter <enable | disable>
Special Notices
When the command is enabled:
- ARP (0x0806), IPv4 (0x0800), and VLAN (0x8100) packets are allowed. l BPDUs are dropped and therefore no STP loop results. l PPPoE packets are dropped. l IPv6 packets are dropped. l FortiSwitch devices are not discovered. l HA may fail to form depending the network topology.
When the command is disabled:
- All packet types are allowed, but depending on the network topology, an STP loop may result.
FG-900D and FG-1000D
CAPWAP traffic will not offload if the ingress and egress traffic ports are on different NP6 chips. It will only offload if both ingress and egress ports belong to the same NP6 chip.
FortiClient (Mac OS X) SSL VPN requirements
When using SSL VPN on Mac OS X 10.8, you must enable SSLv3 in FortiOS.
FortiClient profile changes
With introduction of the Fortinet Security Fabric, FortiClient profiles will be updated on FortiGate. FortiClient profiles and FortiGate are now primarily used for Endpoint Compliance, and FortiClient Enterprise Management Server (EMS) is now used for FortiClient deployment and provisioning.
The FortiClient profile on FortiGate is for FortiClient features related to compliance, such as Antivirus, Web Filter, Vulnerability Scan, and Application Firewall. You may set the Non-Compliance Action setting to Block or Warn.
FortiClient users can change their features locally to meet the FortiGate compliance criteria. You can also use FortiClient EMS to centrally provision endpoints. The EMS also includes support for additional features, such as VPN tunnels or other advanced options. For more information, see the FortiOS Handbook – Security Profiles.
Use of dedicated management interfaces (mgmt1 and mgmt2)
For optimum stability, use management ports (mgmt1 and mgmt2) for management traffic only. Do not use management ports for general user traffic.
Upgrade Information
Upgrading to FortiOS 6.0.2
Supported upgrade path information is available on the Fortinet Customer Service & Support site.
To view supported upgrade path information:
- Go to
- From the Download menu, select Firmware Images.
- Check that Select Product is FortiGate.
- Click the Upgrade Path tab and select the following:
l Current Product l Current FortiOS Version l Upgrade To FortiOS Version 5. Click Go.
If you are upgrading from version 5.6.2 or 5.6.3, this caution does not apply.
Before upgrading, ensure that port 4433 is not used for admin-port or admin-sport (in config system global), or for SSL VPN (in config vpn ssl settings). If you are using port 4433, you must change admin-port, admin-sport, or the SSL VPN port to another port number before upgrading.
Physical interface inclusion in zones
Upgrading from 5.6.3 or later removes all of the members of a zone if the zone contains a physical interface and at least one of that physical interface’s VLAN interfaces is removed. For example:
Before Upgrade:
config system zone edit “Trust”
set interface “port1” “Vlan01” “Vlan02” “Vlan03”
After Upgrade:
config system zone edit “Trust”
Remove “port1” from the list and the upgrade will retain the VLANs.
Conditions when physical zone members are removed: l If a physical interface has a VLAN associated (regardless of whether they are in the same zone or any zone) Conditions when VLAN zone members are removed: l If the parent physical interface is also set on a zone
You can use the following options to prepare for the upgrade:
- Use only physical interfaces that have no VLAN associations Or:
- Create new VLANs in place of current physical interface zone members, and remove all physical zone members from zones using only the associated, new VLAN entries.
Fortinet Security Fabric upgrade
FortiOS 6.0.2 greatly increases the interoperability between other Fortinet products. This includes:
l FortiAnalyzer 6.0.0 l FortiClient 6.0.0 l FortiClient EMS 6.0.0 l FortiAP 5.4.4 and later l FortiSwitch 3.6.4 and later
Upgrade the firmware of each product in the correct order. This maintains network connectivity without the need to use manual steps.
Before upgrading any product, you must read the FortiOS Security Fabric Upgrade Guide.
Minimum version of TLS services automatically changed
For improved security, FortiOS 6.0.2 uses the ssl-min-proto-version option (under config system global) to control the minimum SSL protocol version used in communication between FortiGate and third-party SSL and TLS services.
When you upgrade to FortiOS 6.0.2 and later, the default ssl-min-proto-version option is TLS v1.2. The following SSL and TLS services inherit global settings to use TLS v1.2 as the default. You can override these settings.
- Email server (config system email-server) l Certificate (config vpn certificate setting) l FortiSandbox (config system fortisandbox) l FortiGuard (config log fortiguard setting) l FortiAnalyzer (config log fortianalyzer setting)
- LDAP server (config user ldap) l POP3 server (config user pop3)
Downgrading to previous firmware versions
Downgrading to previous firmware versions results in configuration loss on all models. Only the following settings are retained:
l operation mode l interface IP/management IP l static route table l DNS settings l VDOM parameters/settings l admin user account l session helpers l system access profiles
If you have long VDOM names, you must shorten the long VDOM names (maximum 11 characters) before downgrading:
- Back up your configuration.
- In the backup configuration, replace all long VDOM names with its corresponding short VDOM name. For example, replace edit <long_vdom_name>/<short_name> with edit <short_name>/<short_ name>.
- Restore the configuration.
- Perform the downgrade.
Amazon AWS enhanced networking compatibility issue
With this new enhancement, there is a compatibility issue with older AWS VM versions. After downgrading a 6.0.2 image to an older version, network connectivity is lost. Since AWS does not provide console access, you cannot recover the downgraded image.
When downgrading from 6.0.2 to older versions, running the enhanced nic driver is not allowed. The following AWS instances are affected:
- C3 l C4 l R3
- I2 l M4 l D2
FortiGate VM firmware
Fortinet provides FortiGate VM firmware images for the following virtual environments:
Citrix XenServer and Open Source XenServer
- .out: Download the 64-bit firmware image to upgrade your existing FortiGate VM installation.
- Download the 64-bit package for a new FortiGate VM installation. This package contains the QCOW2 file for Open Source XenServer.
- Download the 64-bit package for a new FortiGate VM installation. This package contains the Citrix XenServer Virtual Appliance (XVA), Virtual Hard Disk (VHD), and OVF files.
Linux KVM
- .out: Download the 64-bit firmware image to upgrade your existing FortiGate VM installation.
- Download the 64-bit package for a new FortiGate VM installation. This package contains QCOW2 that can be used by qemu.
Microsoft Hyper-V
- .out: Download the 64-bit firmware image to upgrade your existing FortiGate VM installation.
- Download the 64-bit package for a new FortiGate VM installation. This package contains three folders that can be imported by Hyper-V Manager on Hyper-V 2012. It also contains the file vhd in the Virtual Hard Disks folder that can be manually added to the Hyper-V Manager.
VMware ESX and ESXi
- .out: Download either the 64-bit firmware image to upgrade your existing FortiGate VM installation.
- Download either the 64-bit package for a new FortiGate VM installation. This package contains Open Virtualization Format (OVF) files for VMware and two Virtual Machine Disk Format (VMDK) files used by the OVF file during deployment.
Firmware image checksums
The MD5 checksums for all Fortinet software and firmware releases are available at the Customer Service & Support portal, After logging in select Download > Firmware Image Checksums, enter the image file name including the extension, and select Get Checksum Code.
FortiGuard update-server-location setting
The FortiGuard update-server-location default setting is different between hardware platforms and VMs. On hardware platforms, the default is any. On VMs, the default is usa.
On VMs, after upgrading from 5.6.3 or earlier to 5.6.4 or later (including 6.0.0 or later), update-server-location is set to usa.
If necessary, set update-server-location to use the nearest or low-latency FDS servers.
To set FortiGuard update-server-location:
config system fortiguard set update-server-location [usa|any] end
Product Integration and Support
FortiOS 6.0.2 support
The following table lists 6.0.2 product integration and support information:
Web Browsers |
l Microsoft Edge 41 l Mozilla Firefox version 59 l Google Chrome version 65 l Apple Safari version 9.1 (For Mac OS X)
Other web browsers may function correctly, but are not supported by Fortinet. |
Explicit Web Proxy Browser |
l Microsoft Edge 41
l Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11 l Mozilla Firefox version 59 l Google Chrome version 65 l Apple Safari version 9.1 (For Mac OS X)
Other web browsers may function correctly, but are not supported by Fortinet. |
FortiManager |
See important compatibility information in Fortinet Security Fabric upgrade on page 10. For the latest information, see FortiManager compatibility with FortiOS in the Fortinet Document Library.
Upgrade FortiManager before upgrading FortiGate. |
FortiAnalyzer |
See important compatibility information in Fortinet Security Fabric upgrade on page 10. For the latest information, see FortiAnalyzer compatibility with FortiOS in the Fortinet Document Library.
Upgrade FortiAnalyzer before upgrading FortiGate. |
l Microsoft Windows l Mac OS X l Linux |
l 6.0.0
See important compatibility information in Fortinet Security Fabric upgrade on page 10.
If FortiClient is being managed by a FortiGate, you must upgrade FortiClient before upgrading FortiGate.
FortiClient for Linux is supported on Ubuntu 16.04 and later, Red Hat 7.4 and later, and CentOS 7.4 and later.
If you are using FortiClient only for IPsec VPN or SSL VPN, FortiClient version 5.6.0 and later are supported. |
FortiClient iOS |
l 5.6.0 and later |
FortiClient Android and FortiClient VPN Android |
l 5.4.2 and later |
FortiAP |
l 5.4.2 and later l 5.6.0 and later |
FortiAP-S |
l 5.4.3 and later l 5.6.0 and later |
FortiSwitch OS
(FortiLink support) |
l 3.6.4 and later |
FortiController |
l 5.2.5 and later
Supported models: FCTL-5103B, FCTL-5903C, FCTL-5913C |
FortiSandbox |
l 2.3.3 and later |
Fortinet Single Sign-On (FSSO) |
l 5.0 build 0268 and later (needed for FSSO agent support OU in group filters) l Windows Server 2016 Datacenter l Windows Server 2016 Standard l Windows Server 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit) l Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit l Windows Server 2012 Standard l Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard l Novell eDirectory 8.8 |
FortiExtender |
l 3.2.1 |
AV Engine |
l 6.00012 |
IPS Engine |
l 4.00021 |
Virtualization Environments |
Citrix |
l XenServer version 5.6 Service Pack 2 l XenServer version 6.0 and later |
Linux KVM |
l RHEL 7.1/Ubuntu 12.04 and later l CentOS 6.4 (qemu 0.12.1) and later |
Microsoft |
l Hyper-V Server 2008 R2, 2012, and 2012 R2 |
Open Source |
l XenServer version 3.4.3 l XenServer version 4.1 and later |
VMware |
l ESX versions 4.0 and 4.1
l ESXi versions 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.5, 6.0, and 6.5 |
VM Series – SR-IOV |
The following NIC chipset cards are supported:
l Intel 82599 l Intel X540 l Intel X710/XL710 |
Language support
The following table lists language support information.
Language support
Language |
English |
![✔]() |
Chinese (Simplified) |
![✔]() |
Chinese (Traditional) |
![✔]() |
French |
![✔]() |
Japanese |
![✔]() |
Korean |
![✔]() |
Portuguese (Brazil) |
![✔]() |
Spanish |
![✔]() |
SSL VPN support
SSL VPN standalone client
The following table lists SSL VPN tunnel client standalone installer for the following operating systems.
Operating system and installers
Operating System |
Installer |
Linux CentOS 6.5 / 7 (32-bit & 64-bit)
Linux Ubuntu 16.04 |
2336. Download from the Fortinet Developer Network |
Other operating systems may function correctly, but are not supported by Fortinet.
SSL VPN web mode
The following table lists the operating systems and web browsers supported by SSL VPN web mode.
Supported operating systems and web browsers
Operating System |
Web Browser |
Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 (32-bit & 64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 8 / 8.1 (32-bit & 64-bit) |
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11
Mozilla Firefox version 54
Google Chrome version 59 |
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) |
Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11
Mozilla Firefox version 54
Google Chrome version 59 |
Linux CentOS 6.5 / 7 (32-bit & 64-bit) |
Mozilla Firefox version 54 |
OS X El Capitan 10.11.1 |
Apple Safari version 9
Mozilla Firefox version 54
Google Chrome version 59 |
iOS |
Apple Safari
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome |
Android |
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome |
Other operating systems and web browsers may function correctly, but are not supported by Fortinet.
SSL VPN host compatibility list
The following table lists the antivirus and firewall client software packages that are supported.
Supported Microsoft Windows XP antivirus and firewall software
Product |
Antivirus |
Firewall |
Symantec Endpoint Protection 11 |
![✔]() |
![✔]() |
Kaspersky Antivirus 2009 |
![✔]() |
McAfee Security Center 8.1 |
![✔]() |
![✔]() |
Trend Micro Internet Security Pro |
![✔]() |
![✔]() |
F-Secure Internet Security 2009 |
![✔]() |
![✔]() |
Supported Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit antivirus and firewall software
Product |
Antivirus |
Firewall |
CA Internet Security Suite Plus Software |
![✔]() |
![✔]() |
AVG Internet Security 2011 |
F-Secure Internet Security 2011 |
![✔]() |
![✔]() |
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 |
![✔]() |
![✔]() |
McAfee Internet Security 2011 |
![✔]() |
![✔]() |
Norton 360 Version 4.0 |
![✔]() |
![✔]() |
Norton Internet Security 2011 |
![✔]() |
![✔]() |
Panda Internet Security 2011 |
![✔]() |
![✔]() |
Sophos Security Suite |
![✔]() |
![✔]() |
Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security |
![✔]() |
![✔]() |
ZoneAlarm Security Suite |
![✔]() |
![✔]() |
Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition 12.0 |
![✔]() |
![✔]() |
Resolved Issues
The following issues have been fixed in version 6.0.2. For inquires about a particular bug, please contact Customer Service & Support.
Bug ID |
Description |
487946 |
MSS value increases when AV or WEB filter in use resulting in Packet too big message. |
489308 |
scanunit process frequently crashes. |
497371 |
Flow-AV blocks Windows updates (.cab files). |
Application Control
Bug ID |
Description |
423140 |
All IPS sessions lost when new custom signature added. |
Authentication & User
Bug ID |
Description |
477392 |
Cannot use FAC username password and FortiToken two-factor authenticate login HA slave unit. |
481469 |
Failed to resolve hostname for configured CRL URL on a non-managment VDOM. |
488566 |
Renaming guest user group name doesn’t reflect under Guest administrator account assigned leads to black page. |
491175 |
diag test application fnbamd 1 causes fnbamd to enter an idle state and causes authentication failure. |
491235 |
New diag command diag test app wad 13. |
491241 |
Enhance diag command diag test app fnbamd 1. |
493470 |
Authenticated user receives Oops “Authentication requested” referencing a proxy policy which does not have authentication. |
493930 |
Admins who use dedicated HA mgmt interfaces are not visible in the CLI. |
495210 |
Guest user accounts do not show expiration time, but time until expiration only. |
496524 |
After successful wired portal auth, the wired PC still gets many http redirection and fails to access the internet. |
Bug ID |
Description |
463982 |
FortiManager IP is unset in FortiGate CM. |
479607 |
Scheduled auto-update happens twice in 10 seconds but a log entry for the first try is not logged. |
481058 |
Configuration revision control list can’t be retrieved from FortiCloud. |
Bug ID |
Description |
478524 |
Diskless model missing full-archive-proto in config DLP sensor when only FortiCloud logging enabled. |
486958 |
Scanunit signal 14 alarm clock caused by DLP scanning bz2 file. |
492624 |
DLP blocking web sites in FortiOS v6.0 GA. |
496255 |
Some XML-based MS Office files are recognized as ZIP files. |
Bug ID |
Description |
474612 |
SNAT is using low ports below 1023. |
475539 |
Inaccurate netflow export. Traffic measurements do not match with SNMP readings. |
478681 |
Should be able to disable SNAT when a VIP exists and central-NAT is enabled. |
492961 |
Set utm-status disable did not hide profile-group. Unset profile-group will make profile-protocol-options empty. |
498188 |
Dirty_session_check in FortiGate drops all established VIP64 sessions. |
502579 |
Local-In-Policies with FQDN address is not working after upgrade from 5.6 to 6.0.1. |
Bug ID |
Description |
414172 |
HTTPsd / DNSproxy/ high CPU/memory with high rate UDP 1Byte spoofing traffic. |
Bug ID |
Description |
402457 |
Suggest to improve IPsec VPN monitor page Proxy ID Source and Proxy ID Destination fields. |
Bug ID |
Description |
413881 |
VDOM link tooltip displays Failed to retrieve info. |
444104 |
Accept/Decline buttons cannot be seen in GUI with a long login disclaimer and screen under certain resolutions. |
449598 |
Remote LDAP User Definition wizard does not pull users. |
457627 |
Want the ability to change the date/time format displayed in the GUI of the FortiGate. |
457721 |
FortiLink Switch-controller GUI – allow user to edit Port Description for FortiLink/ISL. |
457966 |
Virtual wire pair > Add VLAN range filter on GUI. |
460617 |
GUI FortiGuard Check Again button doesn’t work as expected due to FortiGuard service 8888/53 incorrectly routed. |
462011 |
GUI is blank when accessed with RADIUS user with read-access profile and the FortiGate is managed by FortiManager. |
462072 |
GUI should show full FQDN name in reputation search result. |
468465 |
Some filters do not return logs when source is FortiCloud. |
468797 |
Cannot filter by date or timestamp when viewing logs from FortiCloud. |
469082 |
prof_admin profile admins are not able to display GUI IPv4 source address. |
470241 |
Raw logs are downloaded from the default location even if you select another log device in GUI. |
472023 |
Outbreak prevention detection makes “clean” counter increment in Advanced Threat Protection Stats widget. |
472558 |
DHCP Server GUI – GUI populates wrong information when switching from DHCP Relay to DHCP
Server. |
473808 |
Column filter is not persistent and is removed after refreshing the page. |
474807 |
Cannot restore default page in replacement message group. |
475036 |
Virtual Server Duplicate Entry found error in GUI. |
477393 |
Negative values in Load Balance monitor logs. |
477870 |
Alias for modem interface present in GUI but not in CLI. |
479468 |
The link status is lost after SD-WAN GUI changes to List Edit. |
479937 |
GUI should hide options that don’t apply to certificate inspection. |
481902 |
When accessing FortiView > Websites page, gets error Failed to get FortiView data and httpsd keeps crashing. |
482628 |
CPU.Speculative.Execution.Timing.Information.Disclosure signature can’t be filtered if Application is selected. |
Bug ID |
Description |
489674 |
When scroll to the end of an muTable, GUI should shows 100% of entry. |
489675 |
The Firefox web browser sometimes cannot delete performance SLA rules. |
489715 |
Destination address should not be mandatory in GUI in SD-WAN Rules. |
492898 |
Cannot delete FSSO AD group entries in GUI anymore. |
493351 |
Object tooltip of last page should not always display on current page. |
493773 |
SD-WAN rule in GUI unable to select (whether as source or destination) the address group grp_ citrixfarm. |
494724 |
When creating trunk interface on managed FSW, FSW ports in right-side list show down, even when some are up. |
496613 |
Editing web filter profile in GUI deletes web-proxy profile and URL filter entries. |
497667 |
FortiSwitch Ports page loads very slowly. |
502785 |
Remove # of interfaces from device list. |
Bug ID |
Description |
408886 |
Uninterrupted upgrade from B718 to tag 9702 failed with 1.5M BGP routes and 6M sessions load. |
461915 |
When standalone config sync is enabled in FGSP, IPv6 setting of interface is synced. |
473806 |
Management interface IP address replicating to slave when using standalone management VDOMs. |
473806 |
Management interface IP address replicating to slave when using standalone management VDOMs. |
474622 |
IPsec itn=0 after a unit joins an FGSP cluster. |
482548 |
Conserve mode caused by hasync consuming most of memory. |
485340 |
Cluster Uptime: -141 days -20:-31:-50. |
486552 |
vcluster HA failover fails with large site-to-site IPsec VPN configuration on 3800D. |
487444 |
FortiGate stops accepting traffic from any interface in a hardware switch after HA failover in 80/81E. |
491311 |
Management port has sync’ed when creating a new NAT VDOM. |
493759 |
When vcluster2 is removed from HA config, all active sessions are killed once session-ttl is reached. |
494029 |
After failover, sometimes cannot connect to management-ip of backup device. |
501147 |
Moving VDOM to virtual cluster from GUI causes cluster to go out of sync. |
Bug ID |
Description |
478185 |
Improve the ability of detection fragmented intrusion attacks. |
489557 |
Strange traceroute issues when IPS is enabled. |
Bug ID |
Description |
486756 |
Traffic is not fragmented for IPsec VPN when Proxy-based UTM is enabled. |
489990 |
Make PKI validation of IDi & Certificate Identity optional. |
490066 |
FortiClient with IPsec with Proxy / Webfilter – Fragmentation is needed. |
491305 |
Packet from FortiClient cannot go through VXLAN over IPsec depending on packet size. |
492046 |
FortiGate does not respond to INFORMATIONAL exchange message as requested by RFC. |
493918 |
Memory leak with IKED. |
Log & Report
Bug ID |
Description |
459306 |
Suggest to lower Threat Level for oversized file. |
493140 |
Need to see application signature names instead of LDS under Logs & Report > System event logs. |
494040 |
Creating or modifying security profiles generate multiple logs with misleading action. |
497357 |
FortiGate logs show the action as block when we use DNS filter and if a DNS query timeout happens. |
498519 |
Web filter authentication failed to set status field in the event log message. |
Bug ID |
Description |
479678 |
IPpool does not work properly in explicit Proxy-policy. |
482916 |
WAD crashes with signal 6. |
486821 |
Web application Symphony fails with AV profile enabled in policy. |
487096 |
SSL handshake fails when activate ESET application. |
491417 |
FortiGate is dropping server hello packets when URLFILTER is enabled. |
Bug ID |
Description |
491424 |
Adjust the proxy-auth-timeout default value and unit. |
491630 |
With UTM enabled, client failed to get response from server, gets 500 Internal error. |
494081 |
WAD process crashes with signal 11 after upgrading the firmware to v5.6.4. |
Bug ID |
Description |
443948 |
High memory usage for zebos_launcher and isisd. |
482631 |
OSPF adjacencies lost, FGFMD high CPU while pushing policies from FortiManager. |
491423 |
BGP shutdown neighbor capability-default-originate parameter always in use. |
491679 |
FortiGate chooses higher metric OSPF E2 route for traffic under some circumstance. |
492063 |
Route map not able to set attribute with BGP conditional advertisement. |
493454 |
Large PIM SM bootstrap packets are not forwarded with kernel 3.2. |
494393 |
Router access list should not default to prefix any and exact match disable. |
500673 |
SD-WAN rules with application do not work after HA switchover. |
Bug ID |
Description |
466438 |
High CPU usage by sslvpnd. |
483712 |
sslvpnd consumes high memory causing FortiGate to enter conserve mode. |
486918 |
SSL VPN web mode unable to load the page correctly. |
489827 |
In SSL VPN web mode, URL is not loading. |
491895 |
Web mode SSL VPN HTTP bookmark not working. |
494948 |
Confluence software is not rendered correctly in web mode. |
494960 |
SSL VPN web mode has trouble loading internal web application. |
494978 |
authd registers SSL VPN user with wrong user/group information and breaking SSL VPN after upgrade to 5.6.4. |
498249 |
Need update SCEP over SSL host name/certificate check. |
501769 |
SSL VPN: Bookmark to internal web site not loading correctly – JavaScript errors. |
Bug ID |
Description |
493685 |
Hardware switch flooding traffic. |
Bug ID |
Description |
370953 |
SLBC worker blade failed to re-synchronize with the config master blade due to the frozen confsync daemon. |
394509 |
No log entry for failed admin PKI authentication. |
414081 |
SMB1 support has been by default disabled under part models. |
441483 |
Confused by set enable-shaper disable to enable HPE protection. |
459273 |
Slave worker blade loses local administrator accounts. |
462178 |
Front panel SPEED LED is flashing green when transmitting and receiving data. |
466317 |
[api] is in Z state. |
468938 |
Kernel panic on 3700D – slave. |
472267 |
DNS filter performance improvement. |
472270 |
SNMP feature for DNS filter counts. |
473354 |
Suggest enable per-session-accounting on NP6Lite by default. |
477886 |
PRP support. |
479142 |
SLBC 5001D slave blade going out of sync. |
481783 |
DHCP address assignment sometimes fails – DHCPD crashing multiple times. |
485781 |
Deleting EMAC VLAN interface on a different VDOM causing connectivity loss to the EMAC VLAN for 5-7 pings. |
493219 |
Softirq and nice are taking high CPU resources when sending and receiving packets with a virtual wire pair. |
494603 |
FortiGate in transparent mode is not accessible over https/ssh (administrative access) once trusted host is configured. |
494707 |
FortiGate trusthost settings not respected. |
499332 |
No error message when configuring address .067 and address converted with .55. |
499435 |
Allow packet sniffer to use RAM disk. |
499793 |
FortiGate set wrong timezone for Paraguay. |
Bug ID |
Description |
495994 |
After upgrade to 5.4.9, observing a lot of IPS syntax errors on the console screen. |
Bug ID |
Description |
493225 |
FTG-VM01 is missing diag sys mpstat command option. |
499154 |
FortiGate Azure rejects static route configure pushing from FortiManager. |
501911 |
In FOS-AWS prompt, user password = instance ID, and force user to change password upon initial log in. |
Bug ID |
Description |
471638 |
FortiGate disconnects all clients when they roam from AP to AP. |
479415 |
Incorrect auth-success-page Authentication Success Page Replacement message. |
Bug ID |
Description |
478634 |
Debug commands for SIP filter are not applied. |
Web Filter
Bug ID |
Description |
454634 |
Web filter set warning-prompt per-domain is warning per-category instead of per-domain. |
476806 |
FortiOS incorrectly sends ICMP “Destination Unreachable” with WF/certificate inspection. |
486171 |
The Web Rating Overrides option doesn’t work with flow-mode. |
490377 |
The Web Rating Overrides option doesn’t work properly on proxy-based. |
498231 |
Web sites like is catogized as malicious category incorrectly. |
Web Proxy
Bug ID |
Description |
500182 |
UDP over SOCKS proxy. |
Bug ID |
Description |
491248 |
VAP RADIUS-based MAC authentication should support CoA. |
491769 |
Support for third-party external portal with RADIUS MAC authentication. |
495995 |
Custom categories override doesn’t work. |
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
Visit for more information.
Bug ID |
CVE references |
450553 |
FortiOS 6.0.2 is no longer vulnerable to the following CVE Reference:
l CVE-2017-12150 l CVE-2017-12151 l CVE-2017-12163 |
487421 |
FortiOS 6.0.2 is no longer vulnerable to the following CVE Reference:
l CVE-2018-13365 |
495090 |
FortiOS 6.0.2 is no longer vulnerable to the following CVE Reference:
l CVE-2018-13366 |
496431 |
FortiOS 6.0.2 is no longer vulnerable to the following CVE Reference:
l CVE-2018-9192 |
499552 |
FortiOS 6.0.2 is no longer vulnerable to the following CVE Reference:
l CVE-2016-7431 |
Known Issues
The following issues have been identified in version 6.0.2. For inquires about a particular bug or to report a bug, please contact Customer Service & Support.
Application Control
Bug ID |
Description |
435951 |
Traffic keeps going through the DENY NGFW policy configured with URL category. |
FortiGate 3815D
Bug ID |
Description |
385860 |
FG-3815D does not support 1GE SFP transceivers. |
Bug ID |
Description |
256264 |
Realtime session list cannot show IPv6 session and related issues. |
Bug ID |
Description |
304199 |
Using HA with FortiLink can encounter traffic loss during failover. |
357360 |
DHCP snooping may not work on IPv6. |
Bug ID |
Description |
375172 |
FortiGate under a FortiSwitch may be shown directly connected to an upstream FortiGate. |
453610 |
Fortiview->Policies(or Sources)->Now, it shows nothing when filtered by physical interface at PPPoE mode. |
460016 |
In Fortiview > Threats, drill down one level, click Return and the graph is cleared. |
482045 |
FortiView – no data shown on Traffic from WAN. |
494731 |
Incorrect reporting in Fortiview. |
Bug ID |
Description |
439185 |
AV quarantine cannot be viewed and downloaded from detail panel when source is FortiAnalyzer. |
442231 |
Link cannot show different colors based on link usage legend in logical topology real time view. |
451776 |
Admin GUI has limit of 10 characters for OTP. |
470589 |
The Forward Traffic Log Details panel Security tab does not display security log details when multiple log devices are enabled. |
487350 |
FortiGuard Filtering Services Availability showing Unavailable on GUI when no valid Anti-spam license is present. |
493839 |
Cannot change quota type (time-based, traffic-based). |
Bug ID |
Description |
451470 |
Unexpected performance reduction in case of Inter-Chassis HA fail-back with enabling HA override. |
479987 |
FG MGMT1 does not authenticate Admin RADIUS users through primary unit (secondary unit works). |
503433 |
hasync daemon crashes when admin session times out and cluster could be out of sync for a short period. |
Bug ID |
Description |
445113 |
IPS engine 3.428 on FortiGate sometimes cannot detect Psiphon packets that iscan can detect. |
Bug ID |
Description |
469798 |
The interface shaping with egress shaping profile doesn’t work for offloaded traffic. |
481201 |
The OCVPN feature is delayed about one day after registering on FortiCare. |
Log & Report
Bug ID |
Description |
412649 |
In NGFW Policy mode, FortiGate does not create webfilter logs. |
Security Fabric
Bug ID |
Description |
403229 |
In FortiView display from FortiAnalyzer, the upstream FortiGate cannot drill down to final level for downstream traffic. |
411368 |
In FortiView with FortiAnalyzer, the combined MAC address is displayed in the Device field. |
Bug ID |
Description |
405239 |
URL rewritten incorrectly for a specific page in application server. |
Bug ID |
Description |
295292 |
If private-data-encryption is enabled, when restoring config to a FortiGate, the FortiGate may not prompt the user to enter the key. |
364280 |
User cannot use ssh-dss algorithm to login to FortiGate via SSH. |
436746 |
NP6 counter shows packet drops on FG-1500D. Pure firewall policy without UTM. |
440411 |
Monitor NP6 IPsec engine status. |
466048 |
Huawei USB LTE E3276 cannot be detected. |
468684 |
EHP drop improvement for units using NP_SERVICE_MODULE. |
472843 |
When FortiManager is set for DM = set verify-install-disable, FortiGate does not always save script changes. |
474132 |
FG-51E hang under stress test since build 0050. |
482497 |
Running diagnose npu np6lite session in FGT-201E results in high CPU and system instability. |
494042 |
If we create VLAN in VDOM A, then we cannot create ZONE name with the same VLAN name in VDOM B. |
Bug ID |
Description |
470575 |
After upgrading from 5.6.3, g-sniffer-profile and sniffer-profile exist for IPS and webfilter. |
473075 |
When upgrading, multicast policies are lost when there is a zone member as interface. |
Bug ID |
Description |
481408 |
When upgrading from 5.6.3 to 6.0.0, the IPv6 policy is lost if there is SD-WAN member as interface. |
494217 |
Peer user SSL VPN personal bookmarks do not show when upgrade to 6.0.1. Workaround: Use CLI to rename the user bookmark to the new name. |
Web Filter
Bug ID |
Description |
480003 |
FortiGuard category does not work in NGFW mode policy. |
Citrix XenServer limitations
The following limitations apply to Citrix XenServer installations:
- XenTools installation is not supported.
- FortiGate-VM can be imported or deployed in only the following three formats:
- XVA (recommended)
- The XVA format comes pre-configured with default configurations for VM name, virtual CPU, memory, and virtual NIC. Other formats will require manual configuration before the first power on process.
Open source XenServer limitations
When using Linux Ubuntu version 11.10, XenServer version 4.1.0, and libvir version 0.9.2, importing issues may arise when using the QCOW2 format and existing HDA issues.