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FortiWLC – QoS Statistics Display Commands


QoS Statistics Display Commands

Displaying Phone/Call Status

To display the active SIP phones that have registered with a SIP server, use the show phones command.

Controller(15)# show phones

MAC                 IP               AP ID AP Name         Type Username            Server           Transport  

00:01:3e:12:24:b5    3     QoS‐Lab         sip  100   udp 

        Phone Table(1 entry)


To display the active SIP phone calls, use the show phone‐calls command. controller# sh phone‐calls

From MAC            From IP          From AP From AP Name    From Username       From Flow Pending   To MAC              To IP            To AP   To AP Name      To Username         To Flow   Pending   Type State  

00:0f:86:12:1d:7c     1       AP‐1            5381                100       off       00:00:00:00:00:00     0                      

69                  101       off       sip  connected    

        Phone Call Table(1 entry) controller#

Displaying Call Admission Details

To view the current calls supported by APs, use the show statistics call-admission-control ap command.

controller# show statistics call‐admission‐control ap

AP ID Current Calls Cumulative Rejected Calls

6     0             0                         Call Admission Control AP Statistics(1 entry)

To show calls in relation to specific BSSIDs, use the show statistics call-admission control bss command.

controller# show statistics call‐admission‐control bss

BSSID             Current Calls Cumulative Rejected Calls

00:0c:e6:13:00:da 0             0                  

00:0c:e6:52:b3:4b 0             0                   

00:0c:e6:f7:42:60 0             0                        

QoS Statistics Display Commands


        Call Admission Control BSS Statistics(3 entries)

FortiWLC – More QoS Rule Examples


More QoS Rule Examples

The following are in addition to the previous examples in this chapter, “QoS Rule CLI Configuration Example” on page 387 and “Rate Limiting Examples” on page 393:

  • “Rate-Limit a Certain Client” on page 400
  • “Wireless Peer-to-Peer Qos Rules” on page 401
Rate-Limit a Certain Client

To rate-limit the client from any source, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the token bucket rate to achieve the desired rate limit. In the example below, we’ll limit it to 3Mbps (3Mbps = 3000000bps. 3000000/8/8=46875).
  2. Create the following qosrule to rate-limit a particular client from any source:

Controller1# sh qosrule 23

QoS and Firewall Rules

ID : 23

ID Class flow class : on

Destination IP : (this is the client to be rate limited)

Destination IP match : on

Destination IP flow class : on

Destination Netmask :

Destination Port : 0

Destination Port match : none

Destination Port flow class : none

Source IP :

Source Netmask : Source Port : 0

Source Port match : none

Source Port flow class : none

Network Protocol : 6

Network Protocol match : on Network Protocol flow class : on

Firewall Filter ID :

Filter Id match : none

Filter Id Flow Class : none

Packet minimum length : 0

Packet Length match : none

Packet Length flow class : none

Packet maximum length : 0

QoS Protocol : other

Average Packet Rate : 0

Action : forward

Drop Policy : head

Token Bucket Rate : 46875

Priority : 0

Traffic Control : on

DiffServ Codepoint : disabled

Qos Rule Logging : on

Qos Rule Logging Frequency : 60

  1. Configure Chariot to send a TCP downstream to the client ( using the throughput script.

You should see throughput averaging around 3Mbps on Chariot. As a result of this QoS rule, when the client receives traffic, it will be rate-limited to approximately 3mbps.

Wireless Peer-to-Peer Qos Rules

In general, to create a priority QoS rule for a particular protocol between two IP addresses, specify the network protocol and then select the match flow for the protocol. This creates QoS priority for a particular protocol between the IP’s.

Prioritize Peer-to-Peer

This particular IP-Based QoS rule prioritizes peer-to-peer traffic generated from and destined to

Testing# show qosrule 11

QoS and Firewall Rules

ID : 11

Id Class flow class : on

Destination IP :

Destination IP match : on

Destination IP flow class : none

Destination Netmask :

Destination Port : 0

Destination Port match : none

Destination Port flow class : none

Source IP :

Source Netmask :

Source IP match    : on

Source IP flow class : none

Source Port : 0

Source Port match : none

Source Port flow class : none Network Protocol : 0

Network Protocol match : none Network Protocol flow class : none Firewall Filter ID :

Filter Id match : none

Filter Id Flow Class : none

Packet minimum length : 0

Packet Length match : none

Packet Length flow class : none

Packet maximum length : 0 QoS Protocol : none

Average Packet Rate : 100

Action : forward

Drop Policy : head

Token Bucket Rate : 1000000

Priority : 0

Traffic Control : off

DiffServ Codepoint : disabled

Qos Rule Logging : on

Qos Rule Logging Frequency : 31

Peer-to-Peer Blocking

In this peer-to-peer blocking example, rules 60 and 61 apply to an isolated WLAN for guest internet access where the DNS server is actually on that network. Rules 60 and 61 are only needed if the DNS server for the wireless clients is on the same subnet as the clients themselves.

ID    Dst IP          Dst Mask        DPort Src IP          Src Mask        SPort Prot Firewall Filter Qos   Action   Drop

  • 0.0.0         53         0     0                    none  forward  tail
  • 0.0.0         0         53   

0                    none  forward  tail

100   0   0     0                    none  drop     tail

qosrule  60 netprotocol  0 qosprotocol  none firewall‐filter‐id  “” id‐flow  on dstip dstmask dstport  53 dstport‐match on dstport‐flow on srcip srcmask srcport  0 action  forward droppolicy  tail priority  0 avgpacketrate  0 tokenbucketrate  0

dscp  disabled qosrulelogging  off qosrule‐logging‐frequency  60 packet‐min‐length  0 packet‐max‐length  0 no  trafficcontrol exit qosrule  61 netprotocol  0 qosprotocol  none firewall‐filter‐id  “” id‐flow  on dstip dstmask dstport  0 srcip srcmask srcport  53 srcport‐match on srcport‐flow on action  forward droppolicy  tail priority  0 avgpacketrate  0 tokenbucketrate  0 dscp  disabled qosrulelogging  off qosrule‐logging‐frequency  60 packet‐min‐length  0 packet‐max‐length  0 no  trafficcontrol exit qosrule  100 netprotocol  0 qosprotocol  none firewall‐filter‐id  “” id‐flow  on dstip dstip‐match on dstip‐flow on dstmask dstport  0 srcip srcip‐match on srcip‐flow on srcmask srcport  0 action  drop droppolicy  tail priority  0 avgpacketrate  0 tokenbucketrate  0 dscp  disabled

qosrulelogging  off qosrule‐logging‐frequency  60 packet‐min‐length  0 packet‐max‐length  0 no  trafficcontrol

802.11n Video Service Module (ViSM)

Video streaming has the low latency and loss requirements of  with the high-throughput requirements of data. The Fortinet Video Service Module™ (ViSM) is an optional licensed software module that delivers predictable 802.11 video performance with minimal delay, latency and jitter. Sustainable high data rates, even in mixed traffic, are supported along with synchronization of video and audio transmissions.

ViSM also introduces additional mechanisms for optimizing unicast and multicast video such as application aware scheduling, /video synchronization, and client-specific multicast group management. Features include the following:

  • High throughput with low burstiness offers predictable performance and consistent user experience
  • Application-aware prioritization synchronizes the and video components of a video stream, adapting the delivery of each frame based on its importance to the application.
  • Multicast group management optimizes delivery to only those Virtual Ports whose clients are members of the multicast group.
  • Seamless video-optimized handoff proactively reroutes the multicast delivery tree to prevent lost video frames during a transition between access points and ensures zero loss for mobile video.
  • User and role based policy enforcement provides granular control over application behavior.
  • Visualization reveals which clients are running which applications.
Implementing ViSM

Virtual Port already changes multicast to unicast transmissions (for non-U-APSD clients). ViSM adds per-client IGMP Snooping to the transmission. Therefore, to implement ViSM, turn on IGMP Snooping. CLI commands control IGMP snooping (see FortiWLC (SD) Command Reference). At this time, ViSM licensing is not enforced. ViSM is not recommended for AP1000 access points.

Configuring Call Admission Control and Load Balancing with the CLI

To help shape a global Quality of Service for calls and traffic, Call Admission Control (CAC) and client load balancing can be set per AP or BSSID.

CAC commands can set threshold levels for the number of new SIP connections (calls) that can exist per AP or BSSID to ensure a global amount of bandwidth is available. The result is that existing calls maintain a consistent level of service, even if new calls have to be temporarily denied. When CAC is enabled, as the set call level threshold is neared for the AP or BSSID, the admin can configure actions to occur such as having the system send a 486_BusyHere response, a modified INVITE message to the ipPathfinder, or alternatively, sending a 802.11 De-authentication message the originator of the call. If an existing call moves to another AP without sufficient bandwidth, the call is classified as Pending/Best-effort until the needed resources are available.

A unique CAC value can be configured for an ESSID, that affects only only that ESSID. Setting CAC at the ESSID level takes precedence over the global settings described in this section. To configure CAC for an ESSID, see “Configuring CAC for an ESSID AP with the CLI” on page 147.

Enabling client load balancing implements round-robin load balancing of client associations for an AP or BSSID. When the maximum number of stations are associated, new stations are allowed to join in a round-robin fashion.

The following commands enable CAC and limits the number of calls per AP to 12:

controller (config)# qosvars cac-deauth on controller (config)# qosvars calls-per-ap 12

The following commands enable client load balancing overflow protection and sets the maximum number of stations per AP to 15:

controller (config)# qosvars load-balance-overflow on controller (config)# qosvars max-stations-per-radio 15

The following commands limits the number of calls per BSSID to 14 and sets the maximum number of stations per BSSID to 30:

controller (config)# qosvars calls-per-bssid 14 controller (config)# qosvars max-stations-per-bssid 30


FortiWLC – Application Visibility (DPI)


Application Visibility (DPI)

You can monitor and/or block specific application traffic in your network. FortiWLC (SD) can monitor and restrict access applications/services, as listed in the Configuration > Access Control > Application

Limitations and Recommendations
  • To export DPI status to an FortiWLM server, the export destination port must be set to 4739.
  • If the total number of ESS profiles and the total number APs in the controller are the maximum allowed, then a policy cannot be created. When configuring each policy:
  • The total number of ESS that can be applied to is 64. Tip: To support this maximum, ensure that an ESS name is 15 characters or less.
  • The total number APs that can be applied are 186. To support this maximum, the AP IDs need to between the 1 to 500 AP ID range. Tip: to maximize the coverage of APs, you can create AP groups and use this instead of listing individual APs.
  • Bittorent downloads can be monitored but cannot be blocked.
  • In a custom app, Bittorent traffic cannot be monitored or blocked.
  • Advanced detection of sub-protocol traffic is a resource intensive task, so we recommend that you use it in moderation.
  • It is recommended that you do not delete custom application (under the Settings > Custom Application tab in Application). Deleting a custom application can result in incorrect status display of top 10 applications in the dashboard.
  • A custom application is by default monitored even if it is not mapped to a policy. But for it to be blocked, it must be added to a policy
  • Setting up application monitoring or blocking requires you to enable DPI and creating appropriate policies.

To set up and use the application monitoring:

  1. Enable Application Visibility
  2. Create Policies
  3. Associate system defined and/or custom applications to policies
Enable Application Visibility

To enable DPI, go to Configuration > Applications > Settings tab

  1. Select ON for Enable Application Classification. This is a global settings and enables DPI on all APs.
  2. Export Interval is a non-configurable field that set at 90 seconds.
  3. Export Destination: Specify or edit (if automatically pushed by Network Manager) the IP address of the correct Network Manager server. This is used to export stats to Network Manager server
  4. To export values to Fortinet Network Manager, select Enable Netflow Export and specify the Fortinet Network Manger server IP (Export Destination).
Creating a Policy

You can create policies to monitor and block one or more application traffic. This can be done for one of the following condition:

  • All ESS profiles
  • Per ESS profile
  • All APs
  • Per AP
  • Per AP Group
  • ESS and AP Combination

The following screen-shots illustrate the procedure to create a policy to block Yelp traffic by clients that are connected to sdpi-832-t ESS profile via AP-3.

  1. Click the ADD button to view application lists
  2. Select the application from the list and click ADD button
  3. Select Block from the dropdown list and click SAVE button
List of policies
  • Policy: The status of the policy
  • Advanced Detection: Select enable to view sub-protocols for a system defined application and protocols.
  • Application ID List: List of system defined application and /or custom applications that are blocked or monitored by the policy. Blocked applications are shown in red colour and applications that are only monitored are shown in green colour.
  • ESSID List: The name of the ESS profile configured for this policy. Clients that connect using this ESSID profile and accessing the monitored application.
  • AP Groups or APs: The list of APs that are configured for this policy. Clients that connected via these APs or AP groups and accessing the monitored application.
  • Owner: The owner is either controller or NMS. If the policy is created in the controller the owner is listed as controller.
  • Search: To locate a specific policy by Name, AP, ESS, or owner, enter the keyword in the search box and hit the Enter key. This will highlight the corresponding row that matches the keyword. To filter the display based on Status, select the status (from the dropdown) to highlight the corresponding rows.
  • Policy Reordering: Policies are executed in the order they are displayed. To reorder policy priority, click the Reorder button and use the arrows in the action column to move them up or down the listing order. You must save this for the reorder changes to take effect.

In the following illustration, the ESSID MTS and APID AP-8 appear in both corporate-1 and corporate-2 policies. The corporate-1 policy allows Facebook traffic and corporate-2 blocks Facebook traffic. Since corporate-1 is higher in the order than corporate-2, Facebook will be allowed and not blocked. However, for AP-10 Facebook will be blocked as per corporate-2 policy.

Custom Applications

Custom applications are user-defined applications that are not part of the system defined applications. You can add a maximum of 32 applications in the controller and a maximum of 32 applications on Network Manager.

A custom application is a combination of one or more of the following:

  • Predefined L4 and L7 protocols
  • Source and/or Destination Ports
  • User Agents
  • Destination IP
Creating a Custom Application and assigning it to a Policy
  1. To create a custom application, go to Application > Settings > Custom Applications and click the Add
  2. Enter properties for the custom application and click Save. In this simple example, traffic from www.bbc.com will be monitored.
  3. Add custom application to a policy. Use the same steps mentioned in See “Example” on page 408. But in the sub-step 4 of the figure, scroll down to very end to location the custom application. Select the custom application and then select policy setting.
DPI Dashboard

The DPI dashboard shows applications that are configured for monitoring (detect) only. Applications that are blocked are not displayed in the dashboard as they are dropped by the AP.

  1. The graph displays a pie chart with the top 10 applications (by usage) that are monitored.
  2. The list of top 10 stations that are connected to one or more of the top 10 applications. This does not represent the usage of a specific application by the station.
  3. List of APs that are passing traffic for one or more of the top 10 applications
  4. List of ESS profiles that are passing traffic for one or more of the top 10 applications
  5. This table lists the top 10 application and displays numerical (integer) statistics about number of stations, ESS profiles, APs and traffic size in bytes.
  6. This table shows historical data for application traffic in the last 24 hours.
Using CLI
Creating a Policy
  1. In the config mode, use the app‐visibility‐policy <policy‐name> command.
  2. Enable the status using the state enable command
  3. Specify the application id and the policy type using appids <application‐ID>:<type> Use A, to allow and monitor the traffic usage
  • Use B, to block traffic.
  1. In a single policy you can add rules to monitor and block application traffic.

mc1500(15)(config)# app‐visibility‐policy  CorpNet mc1500(15)(config‐app‐visibility‐policy)# description  “” mc1500(15)(config‐app‐visibility‐policy)# state  enable mc1500(15)(config‐app‐visibility‐policy)# appids  6:B mc1500(15)(config‐app‐visibility‐policy)# essids  stability mc1500(15)(config‐app‐visibility‐policy)# apids  “5:A” mc1500(15)(config‐app‐visibility‐policy)# owner  controller mc1500(15)(config‐app‐visibility‐policy)# version  0 mc1500(15)(config‐app‐visibility‐policy)# exit

To View the list of policies and type configured for a specific AP, use the show applicationvisibility policy‐config‐service <app‐id> command.

mc1500(15)# show application‐visibility policy‐config‐service 5

AP      ESSID           APPID           Action

5       1               2               Allow

5       1               5               Allow

5       1               6               Block

5       1               8               Allow

5       1               24              Allow

5       1               32              Allow

5       1               41              Allow

5       1               70              Allow

        Application Visibility Policy Service(8)


Figure 71: DPI Config Option Legends

Label                                                                 Description

  • When used for an application, it means to allow, detect, and monitor the application traffic.
  • Used to detect and block the application traffic

A                  When use as an AP-ID, refers to adding an individual AP.

L                  Used to add an ap-group to a policy.

Monitoring Policies

mc1500(15)# sh service‐summary Application‐Visibility

Feature                 Type            Name                    Value   ValueStr

Application‐Visibility  Application     myspace                 100     {“util”:3006.76,”tx”:6943001576,”rx”:257651566}

Application‐Visibility  Application     amazon_cloud            0       {“util”:474.84,”tx”:1093389603,”rx”:43774451}

Application‐Visibility  Application     facebook                0       {“util”:184.00,”tx”:421673492,”rx”:18973696}

Application‐Visibility  Application     twitter                 0       {“util”:164.58,”tx”:358628579,”rx”:35513363}

Application‐Visibility  Application     unknown                 0       {“util”:97.92,”tx”:221291109,”rx”:13202213}

Application‐Visibility  Application     amazon_shop             0       {“util”:77.81,”tx”:162324404,”rx”:24026568}

Application‐Visibility  Application     linkedin                0      


Application‐Visibility  Application     youtube                 0       {“util”:


Application‐Visibility  Station         58:94:6b:b5:ca:c4       100     {“util”:591.86,”tx”:1364192275,”rx”:53208638}

Application‐Visibility  Station         00:27:10:cb:90:40       0       {“util”:571.51,”tx”:1317000065,”rx”:51657115}

Application‐Visibility  Station         10:0b:a9:44:f6:ac       0      


Application‐Visibility  Station         24:77:03:80:4c:60       0       {“util”:294.30,”tx”:676177538,”rx”:28620457}

Application‐Visibility  Station         84:3a:4b:48:1e:c0       0       {“util”:291.67,”tx”:668985331,”rx”:29513381}

Application‐Visibility  Station         24:77:03:80:2e:48       0       {“util”:287.46,”tx”:660217415,”rx”:28188180}

Application‐Visibility  Station         08:11:96:7d:cf:80       0       {“util”:286.78,”tx”:657504303,”rx”:29271859}

Application‐Visibility  Station         24:77:03:80:a4:40       0       {“util”:281.94,”tx”:646183947,”rx”:29009375}

Application‐Visibility  Station         24:77:03:80:5f:54       0       {“util”:280.23,”tx”:645624714,”rx”:25475052}

Application‐Visibility  Station         24:77:03:85:b4:50       0       {“util”:279.89,”tx”:641592459,”rx”:28689908}

Application‐Visibility  EssId           stability               100     {“util”:4055.84,”tx”:9313033268,”rx”:399999526}

Application‐Visibility  AP              AP‐109                  100     {“util”:4055.84,”tx”:9313033268,”rx”:399999526}         Service Data Summary(20 entries) mc1500(15)# sh ap

ap                      ap‐certificate          ap‐discovered           ap‐onlinehistory       ap‐reboot‐event         ap‐redirect             applicationvisibility

ap‐assigned             ap‐connectivity         ap‐neighbor             ap‐rebootcount         ap‐reboot‐top10         ap‐swap mc1500(15)# sh application‐visibility application‐summary

APPID           Name                    Station Counts  AP Counts       ESS Counts      Tx Bytes        Rx Bytes        TxRx Bytes

5               myspace                 12              1               1               7274981850      269918317       7544900167

24              amazon_cloud            13              1               1               1149026229      45994062        1195020291

2               facebook                13              1               1               443832821       19962877        463795698

8               twitter                 13              1               1               375850987       37259491        413110478

0               unknown                 20              1               1               233565871       13899667        247465538

70              amazon_shop             13              1               1               170637983       25318821        195956804

41              linkedin                12              1               1               115430025       6896689         122326714

32              youtube                 13              1               1               3022484         304784          3327268         Application Visibility Statistics Summary(8) mc1500(15)#

mc1500(15)# sh service‐summary‐trend Application‐Visibility

Feature                 Type            Name                    StartTime           

EndTime              Value     ValueStr

Application‐Visibility  Application     myspace                 01/17/2009

01:00:00  01/17/2009 02:00:00  370191907


Application‐Visibility  Application     amazon_cloud            01/17/2009

01:00:00  01/17/2009 02:00:00  523131985


Application‐Visibility  Application     twitter                 01/17/2009

01:00:00  01/17/2009 02:00:00  221967525


Application‐Visibility  Application     facebook                01/17/2009

01:00:00  01/17/2009 02:00:00  220636588


Application‐Visibility  Application     unknown                 01/17/2009

01:00:00  01/17/2009 02:00:00  113502079


Application‐Visibility  Application     amazon_shop             01/17/2009

01:00:00  01/17/2009 02:00:00  106703142


Application‐Visibility  Application     linkedin                01/17/2009

01:00:00  01/17/2009 02:00:00  58696435 


Application‐Visibility  Application     youtube                 01/17/2009

01:00:00  01/17/2009 02:00:00  1454576  


Application‐Visibility  Application     myspace                 01/17/2009

02:00:00  01/17/2009 03:00:00  781850640


Application‐Visibility  Application     amazon_cloud            01/17/2009

02:00:00  01/17/2009 03:00:00  112454581


Application‐Visibility  Application     facebook                01/17/2009

02:00:00  01/17/2009 03:00:00  472612999


Application‐Visibility  Application     twitter                 01/17/2009

02:00:00  01/17/2009 03:00:00  442033093


Application‐Visibility  Application     amazon_shop             01/17/2009

02:00:00  01/17/2009 03:00:00  229558452


Application‐Visibility  Application     unknown                 01/17/2009

02:00:00  01/17/2009 03:00:00  215482783


Application‐Visibility  Application     linkedin                01/17/2009

02:00:00  01/17/2009 03:00:00  125984872


Application‐Visibility  Application     youtube                 01/17/2009

02:00:00  01/17/2009 03:00:00  2957801  


Application‐Visibility  Application     myspace                 01/17/2009

03:00:00  01/17/2009 04:00:00  859492100


Application‐Visibility  Application     amazon_cloud            01/17/2009

03:00:00  01/17/2009 04:00:00  116518953


Application‐Visibility  Application     facebook                01/17/2009

03:00:00  01/17/2009 04:00:00  461844358


Application‐Visibility  Application     twitter                 01/17/2009

03:00:00  01/17/2009 04:00:00  408573605


Application‐Visibility  Application     unknown                 01/17/2009

03:00:00  01/17/2009 04:00:00  237048541


Application‐Visibility  Application     amazon_shop             01/17/2009

03:00:00  01/17/2009 04:00:00  204090068


Application‐Visibility  Application     linkedin                01/17/2009

03:00:00  01/17/2009 04:00:00  121917540


Application‐Visibility  Application     youtube                 01/17/2009

03:00:00  01/17/2009 04:00:00  3187860  


        Service Data Summary Trend(24 entries)

Additional capabilities in Application Visibility include the following:

  • Blocked traffic statistics
  • Support for wired clients using port profile
  • Bandwidth throttling
  • DSCP Markings
Blocked Statistics

The dashboard now provides detailed statistics on blocked traffic.

The BLOCKED APPLICATIONS section provides the following statistics:

  • Application Name: The application traffic set to be blocked.
  • # of Active Users: The number of users requesting access to the application.
  • # of Active APs: The APs that block the traffic.
  • # of ESSIDs / Port: The ESSID and Port profile connected to the wireless and wired clients.
  • Utilization: Shows how much traffic is blocked.
Support for Wired Clients

You can add port profiles to enable adding wired clients to detect, block, or bandwidth control traffic. The new policy page is updated to list port profiles created in the controller. A policy can be created with a mix of both ESSID and Port Profiles or only with ESS profiles or only with port profiles. The following is an example to create a policy and view policy details for wired ports via CLI. default(15)# configure terminal default(15)(config)# default(15)(config)# app‐visibility‐policy wiredPorts default(15)(config‐app‐visibility‐policy)#             default(15)(config‐app‐visibility‐policy)# port‐profiles wired‐profile default(15)(config‐app‐visibility‐policy)# state enable default(15)(config‐app‐visibility‐policy)# appids * default(15)(config‐app‐visibility‐policy)# advanced‐detection enable

You can use comma separated values to add multiple port profiles.

Example:  default(15)(config‐app‐visibility‐policy)# port‐profiles wiredprofile,default

View Policy Details

default(15)# sh application‐visibility policy wiredPorts

Application Visibility Policy Policy Name         : wiredPorts

Policy Order        : 2

Description         :

Policy              : enable

Advanced Detection  : enable

Bandwidth Limiting  : disable

Application ID List : *

ESSID List          :

AP Groups or APs    :

Owner               : controller Port Profile List   : wired‐profile default(15)#

Bandwidth Throttling

You can enforce bandwidth usage limits on selected applications.

  1. To enable bandwidth throttle, create a policy and select Enable option for Bandwidth Limits.
  2. Select ESSID or Port Profile.
  3. Specify maximum bandwidth limits for clients and SSID/Port.

Minimum        Maximum

Client                               150 kbps         1 Gbps

ESSID / Port Profile        150 kbps 12 Gbps Limitations:

  • Bandwidth throttle can be implemented on a maximum of 10 applications (individually or cumulatively across policies).
  • When enabled the bandwidth throttling policy is applicable to all APs. AP and AP group selection is not available.
  • The maximum bandwidth value configured for a client usage must be less than or equal to the value configured in ESSID or port traffic usage.
  • Supported only for client traffic with tunnelled profile.
DSCP Markings

You can now add a DSCP value to application traffic (upstream: AP to controller and downstream: AP to station) to change its priority. The DSCP value for the selected application is used to mark the detected application traffic (to wireless or wired STA).

When a DSCP value is applied to application traffic, this value and the associated priority is maintained till the next node in the traffic. If the traffic carrying the DSCP value encounters a QoS-aware switch, then the DSCP value may be overridden by a QoS value specified by the switch.

In a downstream traffic, the DSCP value is applied by the controller before forwarding to the AP. This is supported for ESSID’s in tunnelled mode only.

 NOTE: DSCP markings can be added to a maximum of 10 applications (includes all policies).

To assign DSCP value to application traffic, do the following:

  1. Go to Configuration > Access Control > Application > Policies tab.
  2. Click the Add button to add a new Policy.

In the new Policy enter the following details

  1. Name for the policy.
  2. Select Enable to activate the policy
  3. Select ESS profile
  4. Select AP or AP group
  5. Now click the add icon to view list of applications
  6. Selection applications to be marked with DSCP values
  7. For the listed application, you can specify individual DSCP values from the dropdown under DSCP Marking column.
Valid DSCP value strings
  • af11
  • af12 af13            af21            af22            af23            af31            af32            af33            af41            af42
  • af43
  • cs0     cs1             cs2             cs3             cs4             cs5             cs6
  • cs7
  • no
  • ef

For more details about DSCP values, see: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4594


CLI Commands

To enable DSCP marking for downstream traffic, use the following command: default(15)(config)# app‐visibility‐config controller‐dscp‐marking‐state enable

The following command format configures DSCP marking and specifies bandwidth restrictions:

<app‐id>:A or B|C:<per‐client‐bw‐value>:<bw‐unit>|E:<per‐ess‐bw‐value>:<bwunit>|D:<dscp‐string>

  • Application Id – <app-id:>
  • Rule type (A- allow, B – block) – < A or B>
  • Per client bandwidth limit – C:<bw-value>:<bw-unit> [Supported units K, M, G]
  • Per ESSID bandwidth limit – E:<bw-value>:<bw-unit> [Supported units K, M, G]
  • DSCP value – D:<dscp-value-string> [Supported values]



The above command will allow traffic for application with id 2, limit bandwidth for client and ESS profile accessing this application traffic to 150 kilobits and 1 Megabits respectively, and set the DSCP for upstream traffic to af11.

Best Practices

The following is a recommended best practice while create application visibility policies. While it is possible to create a single policy that can detect, block, or enforce bandwidth limits, it is recommended that you create individual policies that independently detect, block, or enforce bandwidth limits.

  • Policies are prioritized in the following order
  • Block
  • Bandwidth Throttling
  • Detect (General)

FortiWLC – Load Balancing for APs in Virtual Cell


Load Balancing for APs in Virtual Cell

You can configure load balancing to effectively distribute wireless clients to alternate access points. The load balancing is performed by the controller based on two factors; Current Load of the AP and RSSI value of the client.

  • Current load of an AP – Current load represents the number of clients assigned to an AP. Load Balancing for APs in Virtual Cell
  • RSSI value of the Client – The RSSI value of the client is received by the controller.

When a new client joins the network, the controller will connect the client to an AP that is running below its maximum load threshold and providing the best RSSI value.

To enable load balancing, configure the Load Threshold for the access point. Go to Configuration > Wireless > Load Balance.

  1. Load Balancing vCell: Select On to activate this functionality.
  2. Load Threshold: Specify the load threshold. This value denotes the number (in percentage) of clients that can connect to an AP. Example, if the optimum capacity of an AP is 80 clients, and the threshold is set to 90%, then a maximum of 72 clients are allowed to connect.
  3. RSSI Threshold- Configurable via CLI (load‐balance‐vcell rssi‐threshold <rssivalue>). Specify the RSSI value of the best and an alternate AP. Load balance is activated for a value below the configured RSSI value. The default value is -65dbm and the configurable range is -75dbm to -45dbm. The following table provides the recommended RSSI threshold for various modes and channel bandwidth:
  20 MHz 40 MHz 80 MHz 160 Mhz / 80+80 Mhz
802.11b -76 dbm NA NA NA
802.11a/g -65 dbm NA NA NA

Load Balancing for APs in Virtual Cell

  20 MHz 40 MHz 80 MHz 160 Mhz / 80+80 Mhz
802.11n -64 dbm -61 dbm -58 dbm NA
802.11ac -57 dbm -54 dbm -51 dbm -48 dbm

nPlus1 Support: The load balance feature allows the clients to connect to the best available access point during roaming in an nplus1 set up.

The following table illustrates various load balancing scenarios between two APs (AP1 and AP2) and the expected result when a client tries to join the network. :

  • L1 represents the load on AP1; L2 represents the load on AP2. The value ‘1’ represents AP1 has reached its load threshold.
  • R1 represents RSSI value on AP1, and R2 represents RSSI value of AP2, The value ‘1’ represents an RSSI value that is higher than the configured value.
Scenario Expected Result
L1=1, L2=0 and R1=0 and R2=0 Since AP1 is running in full capacity the client will be assigned to AP2.
•  L1=0,  L2=0 and R1=0 ,R2=0

•  L1=0 , L2=0 and R1=-1, R1=-1

•  L1=1, L2=1 and R1=1 and R2=1

In these scenarios, the controller will use default association mechanism to assign the client to AP.
•        L1=0, L2=1 and R1=1, R2=0 L1=1, L2=0 and R1=1, R2=0 L1=1, L2=0 and R1=1, R2=1

•        L1=1, L2=1 and R1=1, R2=0

In these scenarios, the client will be assigned to AP2.
For other cases where L1 or L2 =1 The client stay associated with the current AP i.e. AP1

FortiWLC – DSCP Marking for Management Packets


DSCP Marking for Management Packets

You can apply Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) values to management and application traffic (see Application Visibility Enhancements section). DSCP value is a selectable field that can be used to assign various levels of precedence to network traffic.

By default, traffic packets contained an EF value and with the introduction of this feature you can change the priority bit from EF to an appropriate DSCP value that meets your requirements.

Management traffic between the following can be assigned DSCP values:

DSCP Marking for Management Packets

  • AP to Controller
  • Controller to AP
  • Controller to Network Manager
Enable DSCP Value

To configure DSCP from WebUI, go to Configuration > Policies > QoS  Settings > Marking Management Packets (tab).

Select the DSCP values for each traffic and click the SAVE button.

DSCP Marking for Management Packets

FortiWLC – Mesh Network


Mesh Network

Enterprise Mesh is an optional wireless alternative for the Ethernet links connecting APs to controllers. Deploy the Enterprise Mesh system to replace a switched wired backbone with a completely wireless 802.11 backbone, while providing similar levels of throughput, QoS, and service fidelity.

The following are Enterprise Mesh features:

  • Hierarchical bandwidth architecture
  • Dynamic allocation and balancing of the RF spectrum
  • Full duplex capability
  • Extend virtual cell, QoS, and RF coordination over backbone
  • Wireless DS-to-DS (WDS) encapsulation of the Enterprise Mesh traffic
  • Dataplane Encryption (affects performance because encryption/decryption is in software)

Mesh deployments are not intended for use in:

  • Metropolitan or municipal Wi-Fi networks
  • High throughput, density, or quality video/audio applications

Mesh Restrictions

The following restrictions apply to the design and implementation of Fortinet mesh networks.

  • Enterprise Mesh APs require L3 connectivity to the controller.
  • Monitoring of backhaul links via SAM is not supported.
  • A radio that is not actively used for mesh cannot be used for SAM purposes.
  • Bridged mode is not supported for wireless clients in Enterprise Mesh—only tunneled mode is supported.
  • Gateway and mesh APs support a maximum of 4 backhaul links.
  • From the gateway (i.e., an AP physically connected to the network), a maximum of 3 hops is supported with no more than 16 APs per cloud.
  • A maximum of 500 stations can be active on a mesh cloud at any given time.
  • Minimum channel separation guidelines are to use non-overlapping channels.


  • Mesh operation on DFS channels is not recommended.
  • Aggregation of multiple uplink connections is not supported.
  • A single AP cannot be assigned to multiple mesh clouds.
  • A maximum of 64 mesh profiles can be created on a controller. Each mesh profile can contain a maximum 16 APs.
  • Since OAP832 has only radio 1 in 5GHz, mesh can be established only on that radio.

Enterprise Mesh Design

Enterprise Mesh is typically composed of hub-and-spoke configurations (as shown in Figure 72), chain configurations (as shown in Figure 73), or a variation of these.

In a dense network, hub-and-spoke (all APs point to the gateway) is the best topology, although collisions can occur.

  • For optimal performance, avoid collisions between adjacent small clouds by creating each cloud on a separate channel. A cloud is defined as a set of APs communicating along a backhaul topology path to/from a gateway AP.

Figure 72: Enterprise Mesh Network – Hub and Spoke Design



Figure 73: Three Hop Enterprise Mesh – Chain Design

Gateway APs

A gateway AP is located at the wired edge of the Enterprise Mesh network, and provides the link between wired and wireless service. The gateway AP is the only AP that has a wired connection to the network.

Mesh APs

Mesh APs refer to all APs that are not acting as gateway APs. They can provide intermediate service between other mesh APs or used as the endpoint in a mesh chain (as shown in Figure 73).Mesh APs can have wired connection to the network.

The unused Ethernet port on a Mesh AP can be configured and used in the same manner as a wired port on an Ethernet switch. As such, users can connect a hub/switch with other wired devices to it in order to access the corporate network. In order to use the port, a Port Profile must be configured for it. Refer to Configuring Port Profiles for details.

Leaf APs

An AP that is connected to the controller via a wireless back haul connection but cannot provide wireless back haul service to other nodes.

Wired Clients

Unused Ethernet port (interface 1) of an AP400, AP332, AP122, AP832, AP832, AP822 and FAP-U421EV, and FAP-U423EV configured as a Mesh AP can be used to connect up to 512 wired clients.

Equipment Requirements

Any controller model can be used for a mesh deployment. The following AP models currently support mesh operation:

  • AP1000 series
  • AP332e/i
  • AP832, AP800
  • AP433
  • FAP-U421EV
  • FAP-U423EV

Mesh Discovery

The following are the various discovery scenarios in a mesh network:

Scenario 1: Regular Discovery

In a regular discovery process, a mesh AP uses the process as mentioned in the “CAPWAP and Legacy Reference” on page 335 .

Scenario 2: L2/L3 discovery failure.

In L2/L3 discovery failure, the AP switches to mesh discovery. In this mode, the AP searches (on 5G for AP122, 822, FAP-U4xx, OAP832 and for other supported APs, on 5G and then followed by 2.4G) for a mesh beacon (a hidden ESS-Id). When it finds this hidden ESS-Id, it creates an association. After the association is complete, the AP starts the DHCP process to get an IP address from the controller. However, this AP (mesh AP) must be in the same mesh cloud in order to establish a connection.

NOTE: Backhaul links are always encrypted.

Refer to the online help for more information on creating mesh cloud

Scenario 3: AP is Unable to find a suitable backhaul service

If the AP is unable to find a suitable backhaul service or if key exchange fails, the AP scans to wireless medium for recovery service.

When a recovery service is found, the AP completes key exchange and 4-way handshake to discover the controller. After the discovery is complete, the configuration is downloaded. However, this AP does not provide any WLAN services.

To enable WLAN services, this AP must be added to a mesh cloud.

NOTE: A mesh AP can be part of only one cloud at a time.


Failover / Re-discovery

In a mesh cloud, if a mesh AP or a leaf AP loses contact with its parent, the AP switches to discovery mode. The discovery process begins with scenario 1-regular AP discovery process..

Parent Selection Mechanism

In a mesh cloud, an AP selects its best parent AP using a match to the following parameters and values.

  • snr-weight: 3
  • child-weight: 1
  • hop-weight: 10

The above are default values and they can be customized to your RF environment using the following AP-CLI commands: mesh {parent_selection | psel}

Set/Get weights for parent selection parameters

To set:

mesh parent_selection [snr|child|hop] <integer>

To get:

mesh parent_selection

To reset:

mesh parent_selection reset

FortiWLC – Installing and Configuring an Enterprise Mesh System


Installing and Configuring an Enterprise Mesh System

Determine Antenna Placement

An Enterprise Mesh uses APs (as repeaters) to extend the range of wireless coverage. An AP in a Enterprise Mesh configuration is directed to look for a signal from a Parent AP. As such, antenna placement and reception is important for the optimum performance of the system.

If there are obstacles in the radio path, the quality and strength of the radio signal are degraded. Calculating the maximum clearance from objects on a path is important and should affect the decision on antenna placement and height. It is especially critical for long-distance links, where the radio signal could easily be lost.

When planning the radio path for a wireless hop, consider these factors:

  • Be cautious of trees or other foliage that may be near the path between nodes, or ones that may grow to obstruct the path.
  • Be sure there is enough clearance from buildings and that no building construction may eventually block the path.
  • Check the topology of the land between the antennas using topographical maps, aerial photos, or even satellite image data (software packages are available that may include this information for your area).
  • Avoid a path that may incur temporary blockage due to the movement of cars, trains, or aircraft.
Installing the Fortinet Enterprise Mesh

Enterprise Mesh APs are configured in five phases.

These steps assume that the deployment is not being configured via the PlugNPlay functionality. See “Adding Mesh APs Via PlugNPlay” on page 440 for additional details.

  • Phase 1: Connect Controller and APs with an Ethernet Switch
  • Phase 2: Create a Mesh Profile
  • Phase 3: Add APs to the Mesh
  • Phase 4: Configure the APs for Mesh Operation
  • Phase 5: Remove the Cables and Deploy the APs
Phase 1: Connect Controller and APs with an Ethernet Switch

In a standard initial mesh setup, the user can configure all mesh APs desired at once via wired connection through a local switch. (This configuration is intended to happen prior to remote deployment.) For an alternative mechanism that allows APs to be deployed remotely prior to them being configured locally, refer to Adding Mesh APs Via PlugNPlay.

  1. Connect all APs directly to a controller through a switch or hub.
  2. Power on the controller.
  3. Connect the APs to a power source using either separate power supplies or Power over Ethernet (PoE) connections.
  4. If the controller does not have an assigned IP address, configure with the following; otherwise, skip to step 5:
    • Connect a computer to the controller using a serial cable.
    • Using a PC terminal program with the settings 115200 baud, 8 bit, no parity, access the controller and log in with the default admin/admin username/password.
    • Use the setup command to assign the controller an IP address. Reboot the controller and log in again as admin.
  5. Log into the controller’s CLI under the admin account (if not already logged in).
  6. For the APs that will be in the Enterprise mesh, verify they are connected to the controller (enabled and online) and ensure that their runtime version is the same version of FortiWLC (SD) as the controller’s:
    • Check the FortiWLC (SD) version with the command show controller
    • Verify the APs with the command show ap
Phase 2: Create a Mesh Profile

A single controller can manage multiple separate meshes as desired. Follow these steps to create a mesh profile.

  1. From the WebUI (accessed by opening an Internet browser and navigating to your controller’s IP address), navigate to Configuration > Wireless > Mesh. The Mesh Configuration screen appears. (The screen will be empty unless a mesh profile is already present.)
  2. Click Add.
  3. On the Mesh Configuration – Add screen, provide the following details:
    • Name: Enter a name for the mesh profile.
    • Description: Enter a brief description for the profile (e.g., its location).
    • Pre-shared Key: Enter an encryption key for mesh communications. This key will be shared automatically between APs that have been added to the mesh profile; the user will not be required to input it manually later on. This key must be between 8 and 63 characters.
    • Admin Mode: Setting this field to Enable activates the mesh profile. If the profile needs to be disabled for any reason, set this field to Disable.
    • PlugNPlay Status: This option allows APs to be added to the mesh by eliminating the need to have them wired connected during mesh configuration. See Adding Mesh APs Via PlugNPlay for details.
  4. Click OK when all fields have been configured. The new mesh profile is listed in the mesh table.
Phase 3: Add APs to the Mesh

Now that the mesh has been created, you can add your APs to it. Follow the instructions below.

The mesh APs must exist in the controller’s AP table (i.e., they must be added manually or have been connected to the controller as performed in previous steps) before they can be added to the mesh.

  1. From the Configuration > Wireless > Mesh screen, check the box alongside the mesh profile to be modified and click Settings. A summary of the configured mesh settings will be displayed.

Figure 74: Modifying the Mesh

  1. Click the Mesh AP Table tab provided. Since no APs have been added yet, the table will be blank.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the resulting page, use the AP ID drop-down to specify the desired AP.
  4. Click OK to add the AP. It will be displayed in the Mesh AP table.

Repeat these steps for all desired APs. Once all APs have been added, they can be configured to utilize mesh operation.

Phase 4: Configure the APs for Mesh Operation

Despite the fact that the APs have been added to a mesh profile, they still must be configured to utilize mesh operation. Follow the steps below.

  1. From the WebUI, navigate to Configuration > Devices > APs.
  2. Check the box alongside one of the mesh APs and click the pencil icon.
  3. Click the Wireless Interface tab to display the available wireless interfaces on the AP.
  4. Check the box alongside one of the interfaces and click Settings. Either interface can be selected, but dual interface mesh is not currently supported.
  5. From the Wireless Interface tab, click the drop-down box for Mesh Service Admin Status and select Enable.

Figure 75: Enabling Mesh Service

  1. Click OK to save the configuration change.

Repeat these steps for all APs that are part of the mesh. Verify that they are all displayed in the Mesh-AP member table, as shown in Figure 76. Figure 76: Mesh AP Member Table

Phase 5: Remove the Cables and Deploy the APs

Phase 5 consists of removing the cables, deploying the APs in their final locations, and turning them on. They will then be picked up by the controller as wireless APs.

To deploy the APs, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that each AP has a power source; if you are using PoE, you need to provide a power adapter for mesh nodes before they can be activated.
  2. Unplug the APs and physically install them in the desired locations.
  3. Power up the APs in order (i.e., power up the gateway AP first, then any mesh nodes connecting directly to the gateway, etc.). Make sure each AP is online before powering up the next one.
  4. From the controller’s CLI, use the copy running-config startup-config command to save your configuration.
  5. Create ESSIDs for clients and connect clients. Try pinging, browsing, etc. with the clients.

Once deployed, the APs will automatically determine the appropriate parent configurations to provide backhaul access. Provided the APs are in range with each other as per design, they should appear online automatically with no further settings. Your installation is complete.

Adding Mesh APs Via PlugNPlay

As mentioned in “Phase 2: Create a Mesh Profile” on page 437, the PlugNPlay option allows mesh nodes to be connected to an existing mesh, without requiring them to be wired directly to the controller. This function is disabled by default.

With PlugNPlay enabled on an existing mesh, deploying a mesh-capable AP to its intended location allows the AP to automatically seek out a mesh within range and add itself to the controller. In effect, this means that a user can set up a mesh profile with only one AP configured for mesh service (by following the instructions earlier in this chapter) and then install additional mesh-capable APs to their intended locations. Once the new APs are powered up, they will link with the previously-configured mesh AP and add themselves to the controller’s AP database.

This does not mean that the new AP automatically assumes mesh operation. PlugNPlay operation allows it to add itself to the database directly, but it must still be added to the Mesh AP table on the controller and configured for mesh operation. PlugNPlay simply allows the AP to sync with the controller without requiring a physical connection.

Follow the steps below to install a new mesh AP using the PlugNPlay mechanism. Note that this scenario assumes that a mesh profile has already been created and has at least one active mesh AP added to it and configured via the steps detailed in “Phase 2: Create a Mesh Profile” on page 437 and “Phase 3: Add APs to the Mesh” on page 438 above.

  1. Unbox the new mesh-capable AP and install it within range of the existing mesh node.
  2. Connect its power source and allow it to come online. Note that since it will connect to the controller automatically, it may require some time to download new firmware and configurations.
  3. Use a computer to access the controller’s WebUI.
  4. From the web browser, navigate to Configuration > Wireless > Mesh.
  5. Check the box next to your existing mesh and click Settings.
  6. Click the Mesh AP Table tab.
  7. Click Add and select the newly-added AP from the drop-down list. Since it has just been connected, it is likely the most recent (or highest) AP ID number in the list.
  8. Click OK to add the new AP to the table.

Now that the AP is part of the mesh, you can enable mesh service on it by performing the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Devices > APs.
  2. Check the box alongside the new mesh AP and click Settings.


  1. Click the Wireless Interface tab to display the available wireless interfaces on the AP.
  2. Check the box alongside one of the interfaces and click Settings. Either interface can be selected, but dual interface mesh is not currently supported.
  3. From the Wireless Interface Configuration – Update screen, click the drop-down box for Mesh Service Admin Status and select Enable as shown in Figure 75
  4. Click OK to save the configuration change.

These steps can be repeated for as many new mesh nodes need to be configured. Once all the desired nodes have been added, it is recommended that PlugNPlay be disabled on the mesh until additional nodes are needed.

FortiWLC – Configuring VLAN in MESH


Configuring VLAN in MESH

Mesh APs now supports VLAN trunking.

Before you enable VLAN trunking on a mesh network, follow the recommendations listed below:

  • Secondary redundancy network is not support and hence use mesh rediscovery to achieve redundancy.
  • The gateway AP in a VLAN mesh should use ESS and port profile in tunnel mode if the profiles contain VLAN tags.
Enabling VLAN Trunk
Using CLI

controller(15)# configure terminal controller(15)(config)# port‐profile vlantrunk controller(15)(config‐port‐profile)# enable controller(15)(config‐port‐profile)# vlantrunk enable controller(15)(config‐port‐profile)# multicast‐enable controller(15)(config‐port‐profile)# end controller(15)(config)# mesh vlantest controller(15)(config‐mesh)# admin‐mode enable controller(15)(config‐mesh)# psk key 12345678 controller(15)(config‐mesh)# meshvlantrunk enable controller(15)(config‐mesh)# end

Configuring VLAN in MESH

controller(15)# controller(15)# sh mesh‐profile

Name              Description       Admin Mode     PlugNPlay Status VLAN Trunking St vlantrunk                           enable         disable          enable           testvlan                            enable         disable          enable           vlantest                            enable         disable          enable          

        Mesh Configuration(3) controller(15)# configure terminal controller(15)(config)# mesh‐profile vlantest controller(15)(config‐mesh)# mesh‐ap 65 controller(15)(config‐mesh‐mesh‐ap)# end controller(15)# controller(15)# sh port‐profile

Profile Name                     Enable/Disable VlanTrunk      Dataplane Mode VLAN Name   Security Profile Allow Multicast IPv6 Bridging  

default                          enable         enable         bridged                                     on              off            

vlantrunk                        enable         enable         bridged                                     off             off            

        Port Table(2)

FortiWLC – Enterprise Mesh Troubleshooting


Enterprise Mesh Troubleshooting

Viewing Mesh Topology

The WebUI provides a Mesh Topology view to quickly assess the current mesh deployment. To access it, navigate to Configuration > Wireless > Mesh > [select mesh] > Mesh Topology.

Within the Mesh Topology tab, click the displayed mesh nodes to expand the tree and view connections between the various nodes.

Enterprise Mesh Troubleshooting

Problem-Solution Chart
Problem Possible Cause & Solution
Wireless APs are not connecting to their designated parent AP. Ensure that per-essid bridge is not enabled on wireless or gateway APs.
APs are picking up a configuration that I did not create Your APs may have inherited an old configuration from a previously-used AP. Try resetting all APs to factory defaults with the CLI command reload ap id default (for one AP) or reload all default. Then, follow the setup directions in “Installing and Configuring an Enterprise Mesh System” on page 435.
APs are rebooting A possibility could be bad channel conditions. Check the backhaul channel condition using a wireless sniffer.

Enterprise Mesh Troubleshooting

FortiGate 7060E Running FortiOS 5.4.9


So, just a heads up for those that are running the 7060E series. The new code (that isn’t available unless you ask support for it) is 5.4.9 build 8110 and it is a life safer. Fixes a bunch of crazy bugs and nuances that were really making me bash my head into the wall when trying to manage this cluster I have.

Hop on as soon as you can and enjoy the easy life!

FortiWLC – Configuring SNMP


Configuring SNMP

The SNMP Agent offers the network administrator performance management and fault management features, with the collection of statistics as well as notification of unusual events via traps.

This information applies to all controller models and the following AP series:

  • AP400
  • AP1000

The Wireless LAN System SNMP Agent can inter-operate with 3rd party Network Management Systems (NMS) such as HP OpenView, and present alarm and trap information to configured management stations.

Fortinet FortiWLC (SD) supports several versions of SNMP protocols. On Fortinet software, all versions (SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3) of the Internet-Standard Management Framework share the same basic structure and components. Furthermore, all versions of the specifications of the Internet-Standard Management Framework follow the same architecture.

No Feature RFCs
1 SNMPv1 RFC-1155, RFC-1157
2 SNMPv2c RFC-1901, RFC-1905, RFC-1906
3 SNMPv3 RFC-1905, RFC-1906, RFC-2571, RFC-2574, RFC-2575
4 MIB-II RFC-1213
5 Fortinet Private MIB Fortinet Wireless LAN Proprietary MIB

Note that Fortinet FortiWLC (SD) doesn’t support write operation through SNMP. You need to provision any required configuration through the CLI or Web UI.



The following protocols are supported for the read function only (not write):

  • RFC-1214
  • SNMPv1/v2c/v3
  • Fortinet WLAN systems

SNMP Architecture

Figure 77: SNMP Network Management Architecture

The Wireless LAN System SNMP network management architecture follows the client-server architecture as illustrated in the diagram. The SNMP model of a managed network consists of the following elements:

  • One or more managed nodes. In the illustration, the controller is among the managed nodes in the SNMP-based managed network. The SNMP agent is resident in the managed node. It collects statistics from the access points and combines them before sending them to the SNMP manager via MIB variables. Configuration information set via SNMP is also propagated to the access points by the SNMP agent.
  • At least one management station containing management applications.
  • Management information in each managed node, that describes the configuration, state, statistics, and that controls the actions of the managed node.
  • A management protocol, which the managers and agents use to exchange management messages. In an SNMP managed network, the management protocol is SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). This defines the format and meaning of the messages



communicated between the managers and agents. Fortinet Wireless LAN System provides support for traps, gets, and MIB walk functions only.

Neither read nor write privilege gives the SNMP manager access to the community strings. The controller can have an unlimited number of read and read/write community strings.

MIB Tables

The MIB tables supported by the Wireless LAN System SNMP implementation can be downloaded from the controller and then copied to an off-box location. The MIB Tables are also available on the Fortinet web site. A summary of the Wireless LAN System MIB Enterprise tables are:

mwstatistics.1 mwGlobalStatistics.1 * mwIf80211StatsTable.1 mwGlobalStatistics.2 * mwIfStatsTable.1 mwIfStatsEntry.1 mwGlobalStatistics.6 * mwStationStatsTable.1 mwStationStatsEntry.1 mwGlobalStatistics.7 * mwApStationStatsTable.1 mwApStationStatsEntry.1 mwGlobalStatistics.8 * mwCacApStatsTable.1 mwCacApStatsEntry.1 mwGlobalStatistics.9 * mwCacBssStatsTable.1 mwCacBssStatsEntry.1 mwStatistics.2 * mwTop10Statistics.1 mwTop10ApStationProblemTable.1 mwTop10ApStationProblemEntry.1 mwTop10Statistics.2 mwTop10ApStationRxtxTable.1 mwTop10ApStationRxtxEntry.1 mwTop10Statistics.3 mwTop10ApProblemTable.1 mwTop10ApProblemEntry.1 mwGlobalStatistics.4 mwTop10ApRxtxTable.1 mwTop10ApRxtxEntry.1 mwStatistics.1 mwPhoneTable.1 mwPhoneEntry.1 mwStatistics.2 mwPhoneCallTable.1 mwPhoneCallEntry.1 mwStatistics.3 mwStatusTable.1 mwStatusEntry.1

Global statistics use 64 bit counters in FortiWLC (SD) 4.0 and later

SNMP Architecture

Download the MIB Tables for Management Applications

If you are using a third-party SNMP-based Network Manager program, you will need to integrate the Fortinet Wireless LAN System proprietary MIB tables that allow the manager program to manage controllers and APs. The MIB tables are available in a compressed (zipped) file that can be copied from the controller to an off-box location.

To download the enterprise MIB Tables, contained in the file mibs.tar.gz, located in the images directory, use the following CLI commands:

controller# cd image controller# copy mibs.tar.gz off‐box_location

To download the enterprise MIB Tables using the Web UI, follow these steps:

  1. Open a Web Browser(IE or Firefox), enter the system IP address (example: https:// and then enter a user name and password (factory default user name/ password is admin/admin).
  2. Click Configuration > Wired > SNMP > Download MIB Files.
  3. When the download is done, you will see the file listed in the Downloads list.
  4. Save the file mibs(x).tar.gz.

FortiWLC – Troubleshooting



  • Where Do I Start?
  • Error Messages
  • System Logs
  • System Diagnostics
  • Capturing Packets
  • FTP Error Codes

Where Do I Start?

We recommend that you start troubleshooting as follows:

Web UI or CLI? Problem Involves? Strategy
Web UI stations View station log history by clicking Monitor > Diagnostics > Station
Web UI radios View radio log history by clicking Monitor > Diagnostics > Radio

Where Do I Start?

Web UI or CLI? Problem Involves? Strategy
CLI stations View station-log history with one of these commands:

station-log show-mac=<affected MAC address> station-log show (if the MAC is not known)

If the problem is reproducible/occurring continually, log your terminal session, enter the station-log interface and add the affected MAC address using the command station add <MAC>. If you DON’T know the MAC address, enter event all all to capture all events for all MAC addresses.

CLI controller View controller-log history with the command diagnostics-controller

If the problem is reproducible/occurring continually, log your terminal session, enter the station-log interface with the command station-log, and add the affected MAC address using the command station add <MAC>. If you DON’T know the MAC address, type event all all to capture all events for all MAC addresses.

Error Messages

The following are common error messages that may occur either at the controller or at an AP.

Error Messages

Message Text Explanation
[07/20 13:02:11.122]


WMAC: Wif(0):SetTsf()

TSF[00000000:000006e3] ->



May be observed on the AP command line or in trace log output from an AP after a full diagnostics gather.

The SetTsf() messages indicate that the AP has adjusted its TSF (TSF stands for Time Synchronization Function and is really the AP’s clock) forward by more than a certain threshold (the threshold is 5 seconds). The specific case above indicates that the AP has just booted up and adjusted its TSF value to its neighboring AP’s TSF value.

You can tell that the AP just booted because its current TSF is a low value (i.e. 6e3 microseconds). During initialization, the AP will synchronize its TSF to the TSF of its neighbors whenever the neighbors support a BSSID in common with this AP. That is a requirement to support Virtual Cell.

[07/31 14:01:33.506]

*****ERROR***** QOS: FlowMgr failed while processing flow request, reason= 5, srcMac[00:23:33:41:ed:27], dstMac[00:00:00:00:00:00].

May be observed in the controller’s CLI interface.

This error occurs when there is an attempt to either set up or remove an AP flow on a station that has started a phone call. “reason=5” means the cited station is not assigned to the AP where the attempt to set up/ remove the flow was made.

The presumed impact is that the stations (presumably phones) get lower than normal call quality since there are no QoS flows established on behalf of the MAC address.

Received non-local pkt on AP! This message may be observed on the serial console of a controller or in the dmesg.txt output included with a controller’s diagnostics. This message indicates that a Ethernet type 0x4001 or UDP port 5000 packet (L2 and L3 COMM respectively) was received by the controller’s Ethernet, but was not actually destined for the controller’s MAC or IP address.

FortiWLC – Fault Management


Fault Management

Alarm and event information can be found on the Monitor > Fault Management page. By default, the Active Alarms table is displayed, which indicates any alarms that have been recently triggered.

Figure 85: Fault Management Table

The Fault Management page provides information regarding two major types of events in FortiWLC (SD): Alarms and Events. Refer to their respective sections below for additional details.

FortiWLC – Alarms


When alarms are generated, the user has the option to either Acknowledge or Clear them by simply checking the box alongside the desired alarm and clicking the appropriate button towards the bottom of the window.

  • Clear—Moves the alarm from the Active Alarms table into the Alarm History table.
  • Acknowledge—Marks the alarm as acknowledged in the UserAcknowledged column.

As seen in the figure above, the Active Alarms table provides several columns, as described below.


TABLE 35: Active Alarm Columns

Column Description
Alarm Name The name of the alarm triggered.
Severity The severity level; can range from Information, Minor, Major, Critical.
Source The type of device that triggered the alarm (controller, AP).
FDN The name of the device that triggered the alarm.
Raised At The date and time at which the alarm was triggered.
Detail Detailed information regarding the alarm, including identifying device details.
UserAcknowledged Indicates whether the alarm has been flagged as Acknowledged.
Modifying Alarm Definitions

While FortiWLC (SD) provides a list of pre-configured alarms, users can also customize the alarms to the needs of their environment via the Alarms > Definition tab.

Figure 86: Alarm Definitions

As shown above, each alarm has a predetermined severity level, trigger condition, and threshold, but these values can be modified by clicking the small pencil icon next to the desired alarm. This will pop up the Alarm Configuration window, as seen in Figure 87 on page 491.


Figure 87: Editing an Alarm

Use the drop-downs provided in the window to tailor the alarm to the deployment’s needs and click Save when finished. If desired, the user can click Reload Default to reset the alarm’s configuration to its original values.

The Threshold field’s units will vary depending on the alarm selected—for example, when modifying AP Memory Usage High, the Threshold is measured in percentage of overall system memory (and defaults to 70%). However, in an alarm such as Link Down, no threshold is needed at all, as it is a binary alarm (i.e., it is triggered when a link to an AP goes down—there is no percentage involved).

List of Alarms
No. Alarm Severity Source Explanation
1. Alarm link up information all controller models Physical link on controller is up.
2. Alarm link down critical all controller models Physical link on the controller is down; check the connection.
3. Alarm auth fail information controller models An administrator failed to log in to the GUI due to an authentication failure.
4. AP down critical all AP models An AP is down. Possible reasons for this are an AP reboot, an AP crash, or an Ethernet cable from the controller may be down. Also the AP may have connected to another controller.
5. Radio Failure critical all AP models An alarm is generated when the Radio fails to turn operational during Initial bootup. This is occurred due to some Hardware issue on the AP Radio.
6. Rogue AP detected critical all controller models A rogue AP has been detected on the network.

The message looks something like this: Rogue

AP Detected               Critical  06/04/2010

10:04:51  CONTROLLER (1:24194)  ROGUE AP DETECTED. Station mac=0c:60:76:2d:fe:d9 bss=00:02:6f:3a:fd:89 by AP Ben-Cubei (18)

See the chapter Rogue AP Detection and Mitigation.

7. AP software version mismatch critical all AP models The software version on the AP does not match the version on the controller. Automatic AP upgrade must have been turned off. Update the AP from the controller with either the CLI command upgrade ap same <ap id> force or upgrade ap same all force. You can also turn automatic upgrade back on by with the CLI command autoap-upgrade enable.
8. AP init failure major all AP models AP initialization failed.


No. Alarm Severity Source Explanation
9. Software license expired major all controller


Controller software license has expired. To obtain additional licenses, see www.merunetworks.com/ license.
10. 802.1X auth failure major, minor, information all controller


RADIUS server authentication failed. To find out why, look at the RADIUS server log for the error message and also check the station log. If this happens only occasionally, you can ignore it. However, if this message appears repeatedly, the authentication failures could prevent a station from entering the network. In this case, check the RADIUS server to make sure the client and server have the same credentials.
11. MIC failure AP major all controller models The Michael MIC Authenticator Tx/Rx Keys provided in the Group Key Handshake are only used if the network is using TKIP to encrypt the data. A failure of the Michael MIC in a packet usually indicates that the WPA WPSK password is wrong.
12. MIC countermeasure activation major all controller


Two consecutive MIC failures have occurred (see above).
13. RADIUS Server Switchover major all controller


A switchover from the Primary  Authentication

RADIUS Server to the Secondary Authentication RADIUS Server occurred. When this message occurs, the Primary RADIUS server is configured but not reachable and the Secondary RADIUS server is both configured and reachable.

This message is generated only for 802.1x switchover, not for Captive Portal switchover.

An example looks like this:

RADIUS Server Switchover        Major     06/07/ 2010 14:09:57  RADIUS Server switches over from Primary <> to Secondary

<> for Profile <wpa>


No. Alarm Severity Source Explanation
14. RADIUS Server Switchover Failed major all controller


A switchover from the Primary  Authentication

RADIUS Server to the Secondary Authentication RADIUS Server  failed because the secondary server is not configured. When this message occurs, the Primary RADIUS server is configured but not reachable and the Secondary RADIUS server is not configured.

This message is generated only for 802.1x switchover failure, not for Captive Portal switchover failure.

An example looks like this:

RADIUS Server Switchover Failed Major     06/

07/2010 14:02:47  Primary RADIUS Server

<> failed. No valid Secondary RADIUS

Server present. Switchover FAILED for Profile

<wpa> Alarms Table(1 entry)

15. Restore Primary RADIUS Server major all controller


A switchover from the Secondary Authentication

RADIUS Server to the Primary Authentication RADIUS Server occurred. This alarm was generated while doing RADIUS fall back to the primary server after 15 minutes.

This message is generated only for 802.1x primary RADIUS restore, not for Captive Portal restore.

An example looks like this:

Restore Primary RADIUS Server   Major     06/07/ 2010 15:54:10  Security Profile <wpa> restored back to the Primary RADIUS server <>


No. Alarm Severity Source Explanation
16. Acct RADIUS server switchover major all controller


A switchover from either Accounting RADIUS Server (primary or secondary) to the other one occurred. This message is generated only for 802.1x switchover, not for Captive Portal switchover.

An example when the primary to secondary switch occurred looks like this:

Accounting RADIUS Server Switch Major     06/ 07/2010 14:39:00  Accounting RADIUS Server switches over from Primary <> to Secondary <> for Profile <wpa>

17. Acct RADIUS server switchover failed major all controller models An attempted switchover from one Accounting RADIUS Server to the other server failed.When this message occurs, the Primary Accounting RADIUS server is configured but not reachable and the Secondary Accounting RADIUS server is not configured.

This message is generated only for 802.1x switchover failure, not for Captive Portal switchover fail lure.

An example looks like this:

Accounting RADIUS Server Switch Major     06/

07/2010 14:22:26  Primary Accounting RADIUS

Server <> failed. No valid Secondary

Accounting RADIUS Server present. Switchover

FAILED for Profile <wpa>

18. Master down critical all controller models N+1 Master controller is down and no longer in control; the slave controller will now take over.
19. Master up critical all controller models N+1 Master controller is up and running; this controller will now take control away from the slave controller.
20. CAC limit reached major all controller models Admission control in ATM networks is known as Connection Admission Control (CAC) – this process determines which traffic is admitted into a network. If this message occurs, the maximum amount of traffic is now occurring on the network and no more can be added.


FortiWLC – Events


Events are similar to alarms in that they indicate that a specific action has taken place. However, while alarms typically require some form of user intervention to resolve the problem, events simply provide an indication that a change has been made. As such, this tab provides a reference to actions on the system.

Figure 88: Events Table

The table below provides a brief description of the columns provided in the Events table. TABLE 36: Events Table Columns

Column Description
Event Name The name of the event triggered.
Severity The severity level; can range from Information, Minor, Major, Critical.
Source The type of device that triggered the event (controller, AP).
FDN The name of the device that triggered the event.
Raised At The date and time at which the event was triggered.
Detail Detailed information regarding the event, including identifying device details.
Modifying Event Definitions

While FortiWLC (SD) provides a list of pre-configured events, users can also customize the events to the needs of their environment via the Events > Definition tab.


Figure 89: Event Definitions

As shown above, each event has a predetermined severity level, trigger condition, and threshold, but these values can be modified by clicking the small pencil icon next to the desired alarm. This will pop up the Alarm Configuration window, as seen in Figure 87 on page 491. Figure 90: Editing an Event


Use the drop-downs provided in the window to tailor the event to the deployment’s needs and click Save when finished. If desired, the user can click Reload Default to reset the event’s configuration to its original values.

The Threshold field’s units will vary depending on the event selected—for example, when modifying Alarm History Reaches Threshold, the Threshold is measured in percentage of overall alarm table history (and defaults to 90%). However, in an event such as RADIUS Server Switchover, no threshold is needed at all, as it is a binary alarm (i.e., it is triggered when the RADIUS server is switched—there is no percentage involved).



FortiWLC – Syslog Messages


Syslog Messages

This Appendix provides a brief listing of all Syslog messages currently implemented in FortiWLC (SD).

Controller Management

Controller Management

Event System Log Example Description Action
CONTROLLER REBOOT Oct 13 11:11:32 ALARM: 1255432836l | system | notice | NOT | Controller administrative reboot requested A controller reboot is requested.  


Event System Log Example Description Action




Oct 13 11:12:55 syslog: syslogd startup succeeded

Oct 13 11:12:55 syslog: klogd startup succeeded

Oct 13 11:12:58 sysctl: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

Oct 13 11:12:58 sysctl: net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1

Oct 13 11:12:58 sysctl: kernel.sysrq = 0

Oct 13 11:12:58 sysctl: kernel.core_uses_pid = 1

Oct 13 11:12:58 network: Setting network parameters:  succeeded

Oct 13 11:12:58 network: Bringing up loopback interface:  succeeded

Oct 13 11:12:58 crond: crond startup succeeded

Oct 13 11:12:58 sshd:  succeeded

Oct 13 11:12:58 sshd[303]: Server listening on port 22.

Oct 13 11:12:58 network: Bringing up interface eth0:  succeeded

Oct 13 11:12:59 xinetd: xinetd startup succeeded

Oct 13 11:12:59 root: Start WLAN Services …

Oct 13 11:13:01 meru: /etc/init.d/ceflog: / opt/meru/var/run/running-db/ceflog.conf: No such file or directory

Oct 13 11:13:01 meru: Setting up swapspace version 0, size = 43446272 bytes

Oct 13 11:13:01 meru: Using /lib/modules/


Oct 13 11:13:01 meru: Kernel data gathering phase complete

Oct 13 11:13:05 meru: Warning: loading / opt/meru/kernel/ipt_vlan_routing.mod will taint the kernel: non-GPL license – Proprietary

Oct 13 11:13:37 meru: Process RemoteUpgrade did not come up. Will retry again

Oct 13 11:13:37 root: Controller Up on Tue

Controller boot sequence showing different processes and WLAN services getting started.


ntroller Management


Event System Log Example Description Action



Controller Managem

Oct 13 11:11:33 root: Stop WLAN Services

Oct 13 11:11:33 meru: icrd stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:33 meru: RIos stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:37 meru: discovery stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:37 meru: WncDhcpRelay stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:37 meru: nmsagent stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:38 meru: melfd stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:38 meru: igmp-snoop-daemon stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:44 meru: dfsd stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:45 meru: aeroscoutd stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:45 meru: snmp stopped. Oct 13 11:11:46 meru: cmdd stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:47 meru: rfsmgr stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:49 meru: wncclid stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:50 meru: sipfd stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:51 meru: rulefd stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:52 meru: watchdog stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:52 meru: oct_watchdog stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:52 meru: h323fd stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:53 meru: sccpfd stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:54 meru: coordinator stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:54 meru: security-mm stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:56 meru: hostapd stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:57 meru: rogueapd stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:58 meru: xems stopped.

Oct 13 11:11:58 meru: apache stopped.

Oct 13 11:12:01 meru: xclid stopped.

Oct 13 11:12:07 meru: wncagent stopped.

entOct 13 11:12:07 meru: Removed VLAN –


Oct 13 11:12:08 meru: vlan stopped.

Controller shutdown sequence, showing different processes and WLAN ser-

vices getting stopped.




Event System Log Example Description Action
  Oct 13 11:12:15 meru:

Oct 13 11:12:18 root: WLAN Services stopped

Oct 13 11:12:18 rc: Stopping meru:  succeeded

Oct 13 11:12:18 sshd[317]: Received signal 15; terminating.

Oct 13 11:12:18 sshd: sshd -TERM succeeded

Oct 13 11:12:18 xinetd: xinetd shutdown succeeded

Oct 13 11:12:18 crond: crond shutdown succeeded

Oct 13 11:12:19 syslog: klogd shutdown succeeded




Event System Log Example Description Action
SSH LOGIN SESSION Oct 13 11:13:58 sshd[4874]: PAM

_pam_init_handlers: no default config /etc/pam.d/other

Oct 13 11:14:00 sshd[4874]: PAM

_pam_init_handlers: no default config /etc/pam.d/other

Oct 13 11:14:00 sshd[4874]: Accepted password for admin from port 1891 ssh2

Oct 13 11:14:00 sshd(pam_unix)[4876]: session opened for user admin by (uid=0)

Oct 13 11:14:00 PAM-env[4876]: Unable to open config file: No such file or directory

Oct 13 11:14:00 sshd[4876]: lastlog_perform_login: Couldn’t stat /var/log/lastlog: No such file or directory

Oct 13 11:14:00 sshd[4876]: lastlog_openseek: /var/log/lastlog is not a file or directory!

Apr 09 12:00:22  — admin[19814]: LOGIN ON pts/3 BY admin FROM xp.merunetworks.com

Apr 09 15:23:07 sshd(pam_unix)[23750]:

session closed for user admin

Apr 09 15:07:53 su(pam_unix)[28060]:

session opened for user root by admin(uid=0)

Apr 09 15:08:09 su(pam_unix)[28060]: session closed for user root

Apr 09 17:48:48 sshd[28588]: Received disconnect from 11: Disconnect requested by Windows SSH Client.

A controller user logged in, using an SSH connection.  
WEB ADMIN LOGIN Oct 13 11:15:07 xems: 1255433051l | security | info | WAU | Controller Access User

admin@ login to controller at time Tue Oct 13 11:24:11 2009 is OK

Admin logged in to controller GUI.  


Event System Log Example Description Action


Apr 12 18:01:10 root: NTP server time.windows.com did not respond. NTP server is not accessible. Check to see if NTP server is down, or verify that the NTP server is correctly configured on the controller. If the configuration is wrong,

use the “Setup” command to

correct the configuration.

User Management: RADIUS request sent Mar 29 13:43:40 SecurityMM:

1269866620l | security | info | RBAC | Sending RADIUS

Access-Request message for user : pat


based controller user management, RADIUS access request is being sent to

RADIUS server.

User Management: Group ID not available Mar 29 13:46:32 xems: 1269866791l | security | info | RBAC | Group Id not available for Group Num 700 and User Id pat Group ID configured for controller user is not available. Create group with this group ID, or change the group ID for this user.
User Management: RADIUS


Mar 29 13:49:18 SecurityMM:

1269866959l | security | info | RBAC | RADIUS Access succeed for user <pat>


based controller user management, RADIUS authentication succeeded.

User Management: Group Number

received from


Mar 29 13:49:18 SecurityMM:

1269866959l | security | info | RBAC | Group Num <700> received from RADIUS server for user <pat>

RADIUS server returned group number for user logged in.  


Event System Log Example Description Action
User Management: User Login Success Mar 29 13:49:18 xems: 1269866959l | security | info | WAU | Controller Access User

pat@ login to controller at time Mon Mar 29 18:19:19 2010 is OK

Controller user logged in.  
User Management: RADIUS


Mar 29 13:50:42 SecurityMM:

1269867043l | security | info | RBAC | RADIUS Access failed for user <local1234>


authentication for controller user failed.

User Management: User Login Failure Mar 29 13:50:43 xems: 1269867043l | security | info | WAU | Controller Access User

local1234@ login to controller at time Mon

Mar 29 18:20:43 2010 is FAILED

Controller user login failed.  
DUAL ETHERNET info NOT 10/08/2009 00:12:42 <00:90:0b:0a:81:b0> 1st interface link up. Controller’s first interface link is up.  
DUAL ETHERNET info NOT 10/08/2009 00:16:14 <00:90:0b:0a:81:b0> 1st interface link down. Controller’s first interface link is down.  
DUAL ETHERNET info NOT 10/08/2009 00:25:55 <00:90:0b:0a:81:af> 2nd interface link up. Controller’s second interface link is up.  
DUAL ETHERNET info NOT 10/08/2009 00:26:16 <00:90:0b:0a:81:af> 2nd interface link down. Controller’s second interface link is down.  
DUAL ETHERNET info NOT 10/08/2009 00:25:56 <00:90:0b:0a:81:af> switch to 2nd interface done. Controller is configured in redundant mode for dual Ethernet. The first interface went down, so the second interface has taken over.  


Event System Log Example Description Action
DUAL ETHERNET info NOT 10/08/2009 00:26:19 <00:90:0b:0a:81:af> switch to 1st interface done. Controller is configured in redundant mode for dual Ethernet. The second interface

went down, so

the first interface has taken over.




info NOT 10/08/2009 00:12:42 <00:90:0b:0a:81:b0> 1st interface link up.

info NOT 10/08/2009 00:16:14 <00:90:0b:0a:81:b0> 1st interface link down.


shown when the controller is configured in standalone mode, and the first interface goes down.

If first interface link down message is seen,

check the con-

nectivity to first interface.



Event System Log Example Description Action




info NOT 10/08/2009 00:24:26 <00:90:0b:0a:81:af> 1st interface link up.

info NOT 10/08/2009 00:25:52 <00:90:0b:0a:81:af> 1st interface link down.

info NOT 10/08/2009 00:25:55 <00:90:0b:0a:81:af> 2nd interface link up.

info NOT 10/08/2009 00:25:56 <00:90:0b:0a:81:af> switch to 2nd interface done.

info NOT 10/08/2009 00:26:16 <00:90:0b:0a:81:af> 2nd interface link down.

info NOT 10/08/2009 00:26:19 <00:90:0b:0a:81:af> 1st interface link up.

info NOT 10/08/2009 00:26:19 <00:90:0b:0a:81:af> switch to 1st interface done.


shown when the controller is configured in redundant mode. When the first interface goes down, and the second interface takes over.

Check the connectivity on the interface that has gone down.




info NOT 10/08/2009 00:37:29 <00:90:0b:0a:81:b0> 1st interface link up.

info NOT 10/08/2009 00:37:29 <00:90:0b:0a:81:af> 2nd interface link up.

info NOT 10/08/2009 00:38:34 <00:90:0b:0a:81:af> 2nd interface link down.

info NOT 10/08/2009 00:38:39 <00:90:0b:0a:81:b0> 1st interface link down.

info NOT 10/08/2009 00:38:43 <00:90:0b:0a:81:b0> 1st interface link up.

info NOT 10/08/2009 00:38:45 <00:90:0b:0a:81:af> 2nd interface link up.


shown when the controller is configured in active mode.

Check the connectivity on the interface that has gone down.


AP System
Event System Log Example Description Action  
AP Down Mar 21 12:56:51 ALARM: 1206084411l | system | info | ALR | AP DOWN CRITICAL Access Point

Pat-AP300 (2) at time Fri Mar 21 07:26:51 2008

This message is generated when the controller detects an AP Down event.

An AP Down event can be reported for many reasons: AP upgrading

Power failure

Network failure, AP not accessible.

AP crash

If an AP crash is occurring due to an unknown

issue, contact Customer Support.

AP Up Mar 21 12:57:20 ALARM: 1206084440l | system | info | ALR | AP UP  Access Point Pat-AP300 (2) is up at time Fri Mar 21 07:27:20 2008 This message is generated when the controller detects an AP Up event.    
AP Software Version Mismatch Mar 21 15:19:05 ALARM: 1206092945l | system | info | ALR | AP SOFTWARE VERSION MISMATCH CRITICAL AP Pat-AP300 (2) – Software Version Mismatch : AP version is 3.4.SR3m-10 and Controller version is 3.6-40 This message is generated when the AP software version does not match the controller software version. If Auto-APUpgrade is enabled, the controller will automatically upgrade AP software to the same version.

Otherwise, manually upgrade the AP to the version same as the controller.

  Event System Log Example Description Action
  AP Upgrade Apr 09 12:41:18 ALARM: 1270817859l | system | notice | NOT | Software version of AP 4 is being changed from 4.0-86 to 4.0-89 The AP software

is being upgraded.

  Boot Image Version Mismatch Apr 28 14:03:35 ALARM: 1209371615l | system | info | ALR | AP BOOTIMAGE VERSION MISMATCH CRITICAL BootImage_Version_MisMatch_for_AP1 This message is generated when the AP has an incompatible boot image.  
  Boot Image Match Apr 28 14:03:51 ALARM: 1209371631l | system | info | ALR | AP BOOTIMAGE VERSION MISMATCH CLEAR BootImage_Version_Match_for_AP1 The message is generated when the AP’s incompatible boot image has been replaced by a compatible boot image.  
  AP Neighbor Loss Apr 28 14:01:12 ALARM: 1209371472l | system | info | ALR | AP NEIGHBOR LOSS CRITICAL Neighbor_Loss_for_AP1 This message is generated when an AP has lost its neighbor AP.  
  AP Neighbor Loss Cleared Apr 28 14:01:18 ALARM: 1209371478l | system | info | ALR | AP NEIGHBOR LOSS CLEAR


This message is generated when then the AP Neighbor loss alarm is cleared.  
  Hardware Diagnostics Error Mar 21 13:49:53 ALARM: 1206087593l | system | info | ALR | AP HARDWARE DIAGNOSTIC

ERROR CRITICAL HardwareDiagnostics

This message is generated when an AP has an incompatible

FPGA version.

  Hardware Diagnostics Error


Mar 21 13:49:47 ALARM: 1206087587l | system | info | ALR | AP HARDWARE DIAGNOSTIC

ERROR CLEAR HardwareDiagnostics

This message is generated when an AP’s incompatible FPGA version is replaced with a compatible version.  

AP System


Event System Log Example Description Action  
Handoff Fail Apr 28 14:02:04 ALARM: 1209371524l | system | info | ALR | HAND OFF FAIL CRITICAL Hand-


This message is generated when handoff fails.    
Handoff Fail Cleared Apr 28 14:02:21 ALARM: 1209371541l | system | info | ALR | HAND OFF FAIL CLEAR HandOff_-


This message is generated when the handoff fail alarm is cleared.    



Mar 21 13:56:27 ALARM: 1206087987l | system | info | ALR | RESOURCE THRESHOLD

EXCEED CRITICAL ResourceThreshold

This message is generated when

the resource (CPU & Mem-

ory) threshold is exceeded.



Exceed Cleared

Mar 21 13:57:17 ALARM: 1206088037l | system | info | ALR | RESOURCE THRESHOLD

EXCEED CLEAR ResourceThreshold

This message is generated when the resource threshold exceed alarm is cleared.    
System Failure Mar 21 14:18:29 ALARM: 1206089309l | system | info | ALR | SYSTEM FAILURE CRITICAL SystemFailure This message is generated when the system.    
System Failure Cleared Mar 21 14:19:04 ALARM: 1206089344l | system | info | ALR | SYSTEM FAILURE CLEAR SystemFailure This message is generated when the system failure alarm is cleared.    
Watchdog Failure Mar 21 14:27:28 ALARM: 1206089848l | system | info | ALR | WATCHDOG FAILURE CRITICAL WatchDog_Failure This message is generated when the Watchdog process is terminated.    
Watchdog Failure Cleared Mar 21 14:27:59 ALARM: 1206089879l | system | info | ALR | WATCHDOG FAILURE CLEAR WatchDog_Failure This message is generated when the Watchdog process resumes.    
  Event System Log Example Description Action
  Certificate Error Mar 21 15:04:10 ALARM: 1206092050l | system | info | ALR | CERTIFICATE ERROR CRITICAL Certificare_Error This message is generated when

a certificate error occurs.

  Certificate Error


Mar 21 15:04:38 ALARM: 1206092078l | system | info | ALR | CERTIFICATE ERROR CLEAR Certificate_Error This message is generated when

the certificate error alarm is cleared.

  AP Init Failure Apr 28 12:55:58 ALARM: 1209367557l | system | info | ALR | AP INIT FAILURE CRITICAL Init_Failure_for_AP1 This message is generated when an AP initialization fails.  
  AP Init Failure


Apr 28 12:55:45 ALARM: 1209367545l | system | info | ALR | AP INIT FAILURE CLEAR Init_Failure_for_AP1 This message is generated when the AP initialization failure alarm is cleared.  
  AP Radio Card Failure Apr 28 13:01:00 ALARM: 1209367860l | system | info | ALR | AP RADIO CARD FAILURE CRITICAL Radio_Card_Failure_for_AP1 This message is generated when an AP radio card stops working.  
  AP Radio Card Failure Cleared Apr 28 13:01:08 ALARM: 1209367868l | system | info | ALR | AP RADIO CARD FAILURE CLEAR Radio_Card_Failure_for_AP1 This message is generated when an AP radio card failure alarm is cleared.  



Mar 21 15:50:53 ALARM: 1206094852l | system | info | ALR | PRIMARY RADIUS SERVER RESTORED CRITICAL RADIUS_Server_Restored This message is generated when the primary

RADIUS server that was down is restored.


AP System


Event System Log Example Description Action


Mar 21 15:12:08 ALARM: 1206092528l | system | info | ALR | RADAR DETECTED CRITICAL Radar Detected This message is generated when DFS Manager detects RADAR.  
MIC Counter Measure Activation Apr 28 13:57:36 ALARM: 1209371256l | system | info | ALR | MIC COUNTERMEASURE ACTIVATION CRITICAL MIC_CounterMeasure_Activation_for_AP1 This message is generated when there are two subsequent MIC failures.  
AP MIC Failure Apr 28 13:13:12 ALARM: 1209368592l | system | info | ALR | AP MIC FAILURE CRITICAL MIC_-


This message is generated when there is a MIC failure.  


Event System Log Example Description Action
Station Unassociated Apr 09 13:25:28 coordinator: Wireless

Associations, Unassociated for STA 00:1f:3b:6c:62:e7 in

BSSID 00:0c:e6:56:dd:3b ESS 4088clear AP_ID 1 at

Time Fri Apr  9 13:41:49 2010

802.11 station disassociation.  
Station Associated Apr 09 14:05:04 coordinator: Wireless

Associations, Associated for STA 00:1f:3b:6c:62:e7 in

BSSID 00:0c:e6:56:dd:3b ESS 4088clear AP_ID 1 at Time Fri Apr  9 14:21:25 2010

Mar 22 13:23:34 ALARM: 1206127090l | system | info | ALR | Station Info Update : MacAddress :

00:40:96:ae:20:7a, UserName : pat, AP-Id : 1, AP-Name : AP-1, BSSID : 00:0c:e6:8f:01:01, ESSID : pat, Ip-Type : dynamic dhcp, Ip-Address :, L2mode : clear, L3-mode : clear, Vlan-Name : VLAN-111, Vlan-Tag : 111

Apr 06 11:59:24 ALARM: 1270535364l | system | info | ALR | Station Disconnected : MacAddress :


802.11 station association.

Station connection.

Station disconnected.




Security System
Event System Log Example Description Action



Mar 29 13:14:06 RADIUSInfo: RADIUS Access-Request Message sent for Client (00:1e:37:0e:98:3e). RADIUS request message has been sent to RADIUS server.  



Mar 29 13:14:06 RADIUSInfo: RADIUS Access-Accept message received for Client (00:1e:37:0e:98:3e). RADIUS server responded with Access-Accept

message for RADIUS

request (success scenario).




Apr 09 15:05:58 ALARM: 1270826539l | system | info | ALR | 802.1x Authentication Attempt INFO

RADIUS Access Attempt by station with MAC address

00:1f:3b:6c:62:e7 and user is NULL , AP Id: <1>

As part of 802.1X authentication, RADIUS request message has been sent to RADIUS server from controller.  





Apr 13 19:48:23 ALARM: 1271169441l | system | info | ALR | 802.1X AUTHENTICATION FAILURE INFO Access Request rejected for User: <harsh>, NAS IP: <>, SSID: <wpa2h>, Calling Station ID: <00:1f:3b:83:21:13>, Called Station ID: <00:90:0b:0a:82:48>, Authentication Type: <802.1X>,

Reason: <Bad Username or Password>, AP Id: <1>

As part of 802.1X authentication, RADIUS server has responded with Access-Reject message, with the reason “Username or password is not correct.” (Failure scenario). Check for correct username or password.

Security System

Event System Log Example Description Action



Apr 09 15:07:54 ALARM: 1270826655l | system | info | ALR | RADIUS SERVER SWITCHOVER FAILED MAJOR Primary RADIUS Server <> failed. No valid Secondary RADIUS Server present. Switchover FAILED for Profile <4089wpa2> During RADIUS authentication, primary RADIUS server was not accessible, and secondary RADIUS server is not configured. Check for connectivity to primary RADIUS server from controller.

If another

RADIUS server

is available, configure it as secondary server.




Mar 22 16:38:19 ALARM: 1206061018l | system | info | ALR | ACCOUNT RADIUS SERVER SWITCHOVER MAJOR Accounting RADIUS Server switches over from Primary <> to Secondary <> for Profile <WPA2> For accounting, primary RADIUS server is not accessible, and switchover to secondary RADIUS server is attempted. Check for connectivity

between primary RADIUS server and controller.





Mar 22 16:41:51 ALARM: 1206061230l | system | info | ALR | ACCOUNT RADIUS SERVER SWITCHOVER FAILED MAJOR Primary Accounting RADIUS

Server <> failed. No valid Secondary Accounting

RADIUS Server present. Switchover FAILED for Profile


For accounting, primary RADIUS server is not accessible, and switchover secondary RADIUS server is not configured. Check for connectivity to primary RADIUS server from controller.

If another

RADIUS server

is available,

configure it as secondary server.



Mar 21 16:38:57 ALARM: 1206097736l | system | info | ALR | RADIUS SERVER SWITCHOVER MAJOR RADIUS Server switched over from Primary < > to Secondary < > for Mac Filtering

For MAC filtering, primary

RADIUS server is not accessible, and switchover to secondary RADIUS is attempted.

Check for connectivity between configured primary RADIUS server and controller.

Security System

Captive Portal
Event System Log Example Description Action
Captive Portal Login Request Mar 29 14:11:53 xems: 1269867812l | security | info | CAP | Captive Portal

User(pat@ login Request Received.

Login request for Captive Portal User has been received.  
Captive Portal:



Mar 29 14:11:53 SecurityMM:

1269867812l | security | info | CAP | pat@

StationMac[00:1b:77:af:dc:6e] RADIUS User logged in


Captive Portal RADIUS user has successfully logged in.  
Captive Portal: Redirection Mar 29 13:39:16 xems: 1269866356l | security | info | CAP | Captive Portal User( Redirected. Sending login (https://secsol:8081/vpn/loginformWebAuth.html) Complete Captive Portal login.  

Captive Portal

Event System Log Example Description Action
Captive Portal:

Login Sequence

Mar 22 13:23:47 httpd: 1206127103l | 802.mobility | info | CAP | 1 http:// www.google.com/webhp?complete=1&hl=en

Mar 22 13:23:47 xems: 1206127103l | 802.mobility | info | RED | 1

Mar 22 13:23:47 xems: 1206127103l | 802.mobility | info | RED | 2

Mar 22 13:23:47 httpd: 1206127103l | 802.mobility | info | CAP | 2

Mar 22 13:23:49 httpd: 1206127105l |

802.mobility | info | CAP | 1 http://

Mar 22 13:23:49 xems: 1206127105l | 802.mobility | info | CNT | 1

Mar 22 13:23:49 xems: 1206127105l | 802.mobility | info | CNT | 2

Mar 22 13:23:49 httpd: 1206127105l | 802.mobility | info | CAP | 2

Mar 22 13:23:49 httpd: 1206127105l |

802.mobility | info | CAP | 1 http://

Mar 22 13:23:49 xems: 1206127105l | 802.mobility | info | CNT | 1

Mar 22 13:23:49 xems: 1206127105l | 802.mobility | info | CNT | 2

Mar 22 13:23:49 httpd: 1206127105l | 802.mobility | info | CAP | 2

Mar 22 13:23:49 httpd: 1206127105l |

802.mobility | info | CAP | 1 http://

Mar 22 13:23:49 httpd: 1206127105l | 802.mobility | info | CAP | 2

Mar 22 13:23:49 httpd: 1206127105l | 802.mobility | info | CAP | 1

Mar 22 13:23:49 httpd: 1206127105l |

802.mobility | info | CAP | 2


Captive Portal

Event System Log Example Description Action
  Mar 22 13:23:55 httpd: 1206127110l |

802.mobility | info | CAP | 1 http://

Mar 22 13:23:55 xems: 1206127110l | 802.mobility | info | LOG | 1

Mar 22 13:23:55 xems: 1206127110l | security | info | CAP | ramesh@ logged in OK

Mar 22 13:23:55 xems: 1206127110l | 802.mobility | info | LOG | 2

Mar 22 13:23:55 httpd: 1206127110l |

802.mobility | info | CAP | 2


Captive Portal

Event System Log Example Description Action
QoS: Action Drop  Apr 13 18:14:23 kernel: 1271193480 | system | info | ALR | Network Traffic, Flow of Traffic MAC:

00:40:96:ad:49:b0->MAC: 00:90:0b:0a:81:ae src_ip:> dst_ip:[dst_port:0], rule id: 23, action: Drop. AP MAC Address :


This message is generated when packets match the QoS rule based on the configured parameters Packets are dropped.  
QoS: Action Forward  Apr 13 18:21:54 kernel: 1271193932 | system | info | ALR | Network Traffic, Flow of Traffic MAC:

00:14:a8:59:c8:80->MAC: 00:90:0b:0a:81:ae src_ip:> dst_ip:[dst_port:0], rule id: 23, action: Forward. AP MAC Address :


This message is generated when packets match the QoS rule based on the configured parameters. The packets that match the configured QoS rules are forwarded for further processing.  
QoS: Action Capture  Apr 13 18:30:47 kernel: 1271194465 | system | info | ALR | Network Traffic, Flow of Traffic MAC:

00:40:96:ad:49:b0->MAC: 00:90:0b:0a:81:ae src_ip:> dst_ip:[dst_port:5060], rule id: 3, action: Capture. AP MAC Address : 00:0c:e6:07:5d:71

This message is generated when packets match the QoS rule based on the configured parameters. The packets are captured and sent to respective Flow Detector for further processing.  


Event System Log Example Description Action
CAC Per BSSID > CAC Per AP info      ALR       05/04/2010 13:39:20        CAC LIMIT

REACHED MAJOR CAC/Global Bssid Limit Reached (1):

call Rejected for STA [00:03:2a:00:d8:55] on AP [00:0c:e6:07:5d:7e] in BSSID [00:0c:e6:de:a2:ef]

This message is generated when the CAC limit is reached (based on BSSID).

Calls will not go through.

CAC Per AP > CAC Per BSSID info      ALR       05/04/2010 14:42:39        CAC LIMIT

REACHED MAJOR CAC/AP Limit Reached (1): call

Rejected for STA [00:03:2a:00:d8:55] on AP [00:0c:e6:07:5d:7e]

This message is generated when the CAC limit is reached (based on AP). Calls will not go through.  
CAC Per AP = CAC Per BSSID info      ALR       05/04/2010 15:03:22        CAC LIMIT

REACHED MAJOR CAC/AP Limit Reached (1): call

Rejected for STA [00:03:2a:00:d8:55] on AP [00:0c:e6:07:5d:7e]

This message is generated when the CAC limit is reached (based on AP=BSSID). Calls will not go through.  
CAC PER Interference  info      ALR       05/04/2010 15:09:01        CAC LIMIT

REACHED MAJOR CAC/Interference Limit Reached (1):

call Rejected for STA [00:03:2a:00:d8:55] on AP [00:0c:e6:07:5d:7e]

This message is generated when the CAC limit is reached (based on CAC per interference region). Calls will not go through.  


Rogue AP
Event System Log Example Description Action
ROGUE AP DETECTED Oct 13 11:11:31 ALARM: 1255432835l | system | info | ALR | ROGUE AP DETECTED CRITICAL CONTROLLER (1:13)  ROGUE AP DETECTED. AP mac=00:1f:28:57:fa:b7 bss=00:1f:28:57:fa:b7 cch= 6 ess=Integral  by AP AP-204 (204) A rogue AP has been detected.  
ROGUE AP REMOVED Mar 29 13:12:43 ALARM: 1269864763l | system | info | ALR | ROGUE AP REMOVED  CONTROLLER (1:24490)  ROGUE AP DETECTED. AP      mac=00:12:f2:00:17:63 bss=00:12:f2:00:17:63 cch=161 ess=rogue-35 A rogue AP has been removed.  
Event System Log Example Description Action



Mar 22 15:27:42 ALARM: 1205970893l | system | notice | NOT | controller license expires in 1 day Notification that license expires in one day. Install a license for the software.



Mar 22 15:33:46 ALARM: 1205971257l | system | notice | NOT | controller license expires tonight at midnight. Notification that license expires by midnight. Install a license for the software.
LICENSE EXPIRED Mar 22 15:42:17 ALARM: 1206057655l | system | info | ALR | SOFTWARE LICENSE EXPIRED MAJOR controller license has already expired. License has expired. Install a license for the software.



Mar 22 15:52:23 ALARM: 1206058262l | system | info | ALR | SOFTWARE LICENSE EXPIRED CLEAR controller License alarm cleared.  

Rogue AP

N+1 Redundancy
Event System Log Example Description Action


Apr 19 14:24:26 nplus1_Slave: ALERT:

Master Controller has timed out: Regression1

Slave detects that master controller is not reachable. Slave moves to active state. Diagnose the master controller.



Apr 19 14:24:26 nplus1_Slave: Slave State: Passive->Active Passive slave in transition to becoming active slave.  
ACTIVE SLAVE May 15 16:07:49 nplus1_Slave: Slave State: Active Slave in active state.  



May 15 16:07:59 nplus1_Slave: Slave State: Active->Passive Slave detected that master controller is reachable, so slave becomes passive again.  



Apr 19 14:40:21 nplus1_Slave: NOTICE:

Active Slave Controller (Regression1 ->

Passive Slave  (RegressionSlave

Slave detected that master controller is reachable, so slave becomes passive again.  
PASSIVE SLAVE Apr 19 14:40:21 nplus1_Slave: Slave State: Passive Slave in passive state.  



May 15 16:07:49 ALARM: 1210847902l | system | info | ALR | MASTER CONTROLER DOWN INFO Master controller down alarm.  

N+1 Redundancy

Event System Log Example Description Action


May 15 16:07:59 ALARM: 1210847912l | system | info | ALR | MASTER CONTROLER UP INFO Master controller up alarm.  


Apr 19 14:51:07 sshd[7465]: PAM

_pam_init_handlers: no default config /etc/pam.d/other

Apr 19 14:51:07 sshd[7465]: PAM

_pam_init_handlers: no default config /etc/pam.d/other

Apr 19 14:51:07 sshd[7465]: Accepted publickey for root from port 34674 ssh2

Apr 19 14:51:07 PAM-env[7465]: Unable to open config file: No such file or directory

SSH system log messages are shown while slave is syncing certain configuration files with the master controller using scp.  


FortiWLC – Appendix



Captive Portal and Fortinet Connect Deployment Recommendations

These are the deployment recommendations.

DNS Entry

It is mandatory to enter the DNS while creating internal DHCP profile.

External Portal IP Configuration

If a NAT device is located between the controller and the Fortinet Connect, the IP address with which Fortinet Connect sees the controller should be configured under Device > RADIUS Clients page in Fortinet Connect Admin portal (http://<fortinetconnect-ip-address>/admin) . Select the RADIUS client and enter the controller IP address in the Client tab. The Fortinet Connect Automatic Setup then configures the controller correctly and ensures that the correct controller IP address is configured on Fortinet Connect.

Remember Me settings

In the Portal Settings step of the Guest Portal configuration wizard, if you choose to enable

Remember Credentials, then select “Initially attempt to use a cookie, if this fails try the MAC address” option. This removes the dependency on the client’s browser and security settings.

SmartConnect Certificate download

In the Certificates step of the Smart Connect Profile Wizard, ensure that you select the complete certificate chain of your uploaded certificate. If all certificates in the chain (from root to server) have been uploaded, then selecting the server certificate will automatically select the entire certificate chain.

  • To upload the server certificates, go to Server > SSL Settings > Server Certificate
  • To upload rest of the chain, go to Server > SSL Settings > Trusted CA Certificates

Captive Portal and Fortinet Connect Deployment Recommendations

IP Prefix Validation

In a situation where a station with an IP address from a different subnet connects to the controller, it can result in various network issues including outage. A new field, IP Prefix Validation is added to the ESS Profile and Port Profile configuration page. When enabled, stations with different subnet are prevented from connecting to the controller. By default, IP Prefix Validation in ESS Profile is ON and in Port Profile it is OFF.

IP Prefix Validation must be disabled if the ESS profile is used for RAC.

IP Prefix Validation

A Glossary

This glossary contains a collection of terms and abbreviations used in this document. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y


10BaseT An IEEE standard (802.3) for operating 10 megabits per second (Mbps) Ethernet networks (LANs) over twisted pair cabling and using baseband transmission methods.
100baseT A Fast Ethernet standard (802.3u) that allows up to 100 Mbps and uses the CSMA/CD LAN access method.
3DES Triple Des. A Data Encryption Standard (DES) that uses three 64-bit encryption key, and therefore is three times longer than that used by DES.
802.11 802.11, or IEEE 802.11, is a radio technology specification used for Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). 802.11 defines the mobile (wireless) network access link layer, including 802.11 media access control (MAC) and different Physical (PHY) interfaces. This standard defines the protocol for communications between a wireless client and a base station as well as between two wireless clients.

The 802.11 specification, often called Wi-Fi, is composed of several standards operating in different radio frequencies, including the 2.4 GHz (802.11 b and g) and 5 GHz (802.11a) unlicensed spectrums. New standards are emerging within the 802.11 specification to define additional aspects of wireless networking.

802.11a A supplement to 802.11 that operates in the 5 GHz frequency range with a maximum 54 Mbps data transfer rate. The 802.11a specification offers more radio channels than the 802.11b and uses OFDM. The additional channels ease radio and microwave interference.
802.11b International standard for wireless networking that operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency range (2.4 GHz to 2.4835 GHz) and provides a throughput of up to 11 Mbps. This common frequency is also used by microwave ovens, cordless phones, medical and scientific equipment, as well as Bluetooth devices.



802.11e An IEEE specification for providing Quality of Service (QoS) in 802.11 WLANs. 802.11e is a supplement to the IEEE 802.11 and provides enhancements to the 802.11 MAC layer supplying a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) construct and error-correcting mechanisms that aid delay-sensitive applications such as  and video.
802.11g Similar to 802.11b, this standard operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency. It uses OFDM to provide a throughput of up to 54 Mbps.
802.11i Supports the 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) along with 802.1X authentication and key management features for increased WLAN security capabilities.
802.11j Provides enhancements to the current 802.11 standard to support the 4.9GHz – 5GHz band for operations in Japan.
802.11k Due for ratification in 2005, the 802.11k Radio Resource Management standard will provide measurement information for access points and switches to make Wireless LANs run more efficiently.
802.11n An emerging standard aimed at providing greater than 100 Mbps of throughput in a wireless environment.
802.11r A specification under development to improve a wireless client’s ability to roam across wireless networks.
802.16 A specification for fixed broadband wireless metropolitan access networks (MANs) that uses a point-to-multipoint architecture. The standard defines the use of bandwidth between the licensed 10GHz and 66GHz bands and between the 2GHZ and 11GHz (licensed and unlicensed) frequency ranges. 802.16 supports very high bit rates for a distance of approximately 30 miles.


Wireless LAN security implementation that uses port-based authentication between an operating system and the network access device, meant to increase security in user authentication by using RADIUS, Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), and LDAP.
AAA authentication, authorization, and accounting (triple A). An IP-based system for providing services to ensure secure network connections for users. The system requires a server such as a RADIUS server to enforce these services.
access point A device that is managed by a controller and that allows stations such as cellular phones or laptops to communicate wirelessly with the Wireless LAN System.
accounting Services that track the resources a user session uses such as amount of time logged on, data transferred, resources, etc. Accounting services are typically used for billing, auditing, analysis, etc.



ACL Access Control List. A list kept by the controller to limit access of station to the WLAN. The ACL can be a permit, deny, or RADIUS Server list of MAC addresses of the NIC device within the station. An ACL is controller by the configured state, either enabled or disabled.
AES Advanced Encryption Standard. An encryption standard that uses a symmetric encryption algorithm (Rijndael). AES was chosen by the National Information and Standards Institute (NIST) as the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS).
Air Traffic


Fortinet technology that exercises a high degree of control over all transmissions within a wireless network. Unlike superficially similar technologies from other vendors, Air Traffic Control technology coordinates uplink and downlink transmissions on a single 802.11 channel in such a manner that the effects of co-channel and adjacent channel interference are eliminated and all access points on a network can share a single radio channel. It also load balances traffic across channels when using Channel Layering, ensuring that each channel
ATS Access Transaction Station. Alternative term for access point.
attenuation The reduction of RF signal strength due to the presence of an obstacle, such as a wall or person. The amount of attenuation caused by a particular object will vary depending upon its composition.
authentication The process of identifying a user, usually based on a username and password, but can also be a MAC address.


The process of granting or denying a user access to network resources once the user has been authenticated through the username and password.
backbone The central part of a large network that links two or more subnetworks and is the primary path for data transmission for a large business or corporation. A network can have a wired backbone or a wireless backbone.
bandwidth The amount of transmission capacity that is available on a network at any point in time. Available bandwidth depends on several variables such as the rate of data transmission speed between networked devices, network overhead, number of users, and the type of device used to connect PCs to a network. It is similar to a pipeline in that capacity is determined by size: the wider the pipe, the more water can flow through it; the more bandwidth a network provides, the more data can flow through it. Standard 802.11b provides a bandwidth of 11 Mbps; 802.11a and 802.11g provide a bandwidth of 54 Mbps. These are the raw capabilities of the network. Many things conspire to reduce these values, including protocol overhead, collisions, and implementation inefficiencies.
base station A term in cellular networking that refers to a radio transmitter/receiver that maintains communications with mobile radiotelephone sets within a given range (typically a cell site).


bps bits per second. A measure of data transmission speed over communication lines based on the number of bits that can be sent or received per second. Bits per second-bps-is often confused with bytes per second-Bps. 8 bits make a byte, so if a wireless network is operating at a bandwidth of 11 megabits per second (11 Mbps or 11 Mbits/sec), it is sending data at 1.375 megabytes per second (1.375 MBps).
bridge A product that connects a local area network (LAN) to another local area network that uses the same protocol (for example, wireless, Ethernet or token ring). Wireless bridges are commonly used to link buildings in campuses.
BSC Base Station Controller. Manages radio resources and controls handoff between cells. May also contain the transcoder for compressing/uncompressing  between cellular network and the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).


Basic Service Set Identifier is a means of uniquely identifying an access point, usually intended for machine use rather than human use. A 48-bit Ethernet MAC address is used to identify an 802.11 wireless service. In a Virtual Cell, all same-channel APs may appear to have the same BSSID, thus virtualizing the network from the client’s perspective. When Virtual Ports are used, each client sees a different BSSID, appearing to get its own private AP. See also ESSID.
Co-channel Interference Radio interference that occurs when two transmitters use the same frequency without being closely synchronized. Legacy wireless systems cannot achieve this kind of synchronization, so access points or cell towers that transmit on one channel must be spaced far apart. The result is coverage gaps that must be filled in with radios tuned to another channel, resulting in an inefficient and complex microcell architecture. Air Traffic Control technology avoids cochannel interference by tightly synchronizing access point transmissions, enabling that adjacent APs to use the same channel.
Channel Bonding The combination of two non-overlapping 20 MHz. channels into a single 40 MHz. channel, doubling the amount of data that can be transmitted in a given time but halving the number of available channels. Along with MIMO, it is a key innovation in the 802.11n standard.
Channel Layering Wireless LAN architecture in which several Virtual Cells are located in the same physical space but on non-overlapping channels, multiplying the available capacity. This additional capacity can be used for redundancy or to support higher data rates or user density. It can be enabled through multiple radios on one AP or by using multiple AP close together, so the total capacity is limited only be the number of non-overlapping channels available.
Channel Reuse A pattern in which different APs can use the same channel. In microcell networks, such APs need to be placed far apart to avoid co-channel interference, meaning that contiguous coverage requires multiple channels. In networks using Air Traffic Control technology, the same

channel can be reused throughout the network, meaning that only one channel is required and others are left free for other purposes.

CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol. An authentication protocol that defines a three-way handshake to authenticate a user. CHAP uses the MD5 hash algorithm to generate a response to a challenge that can be checked by the authenticator.
CLI Command-line interpreter. On a controller and other units, this is similar to a command shell for giving instructions.
client Any computer connected to a network that requests services (files, print capability) from another member of the network.


Clients are end users. Wi-Fi client devices include PC Cards that slide into laptop computers, mini-PCI modules embedded in laptop computers and mobile computing devices, as well as USB radios and PCI/ISA bus Wi-Fi radios. Client devices usually communicate with hub devices like access points and gateways.
collision avoidance A network node characteristic for proactively detecting that it can transmit a signal without risking a collision.
controller A device that is responsible for configuring and integrating the access points in a WLAN.
CSMA-CA CSMA/CA is the principle medium access method employed by IEEE 802.11 WLANs. It is a “listen before talk” method of minimizing (but not eliminating) collisions caused by simultaneous transmission by multiple radios. IEEE 802.11 states collision avoidance method rather than collision detection must be used, because the standard employs half duplex radiosradios capable of transmission or reception-but not both simultaneously.


A method of managing traffic and reducing noise on an Ethernet network. A network device transmits data after detecting that a channel is available. However, if two devices transmit data simultaneously, the sending devices detect a collision and retransmit after a random time delay.
dBm A measurement of relative power (decibel) related to 1 milliwatt (mW).
Denial of Service (DoS) A condition in which users are deliberately prevented from using network resources.
DES Data Encryption Standard. A symmetric encryption algorithm that always uses 56 bit keys. It is rapidly being replaced by its more secure successor, 3DES.
DHCP A utility that enables a server to dynamically assign IP addresses from a predefined list for a predefined time period, limiting their use time so that they can be reassigned. Without DHCP, IP addresses would have to be manually assigned to all computers on the network. When

DHCP is used, whenever a computer logs onto the network, it automatically is assigned an IP address.

DNS A program that translates URLs to IP addresses by accessing a database maintained on a collection of Internet servers. The program works behind the scenes to facilitate surfing the Web with alpha versus numeric addresses. A DNS server converts a name like mywebsite.com to a series of numbers like Every website has its own specific IP address on the Internet.


Various technology protocols for high-speed data,  and video transmission over ordinary twisted-pair copper POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) telephone wires.
EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol. An extension to PPP. EAP is a general protocol for authentication that also supports multiple authentication methods, such as token cards, Kerberos, one-time passwords, certificates, public key authentication and smart cards. IEEE 802.1x specifies how EAP should be encapsulated in LAN frames.
EAP-TLS Extensible Authentication Protocol with Transport Layer Security. EAP-TLS supports mutual authentication using digital certificates. When a client requests access, the authentication server responds with a server certificate. The client replies with its own certificate and also validates the server certificate. The certificate values are used to derive session encryption keys.
EAP – TTLS Extensible Authentication Protocol with Tunneled Transport Layer Security. EAP-TTLS uses a combination of certificates and password challenge and response for authentication within an 802.1X environment. TTLS supports authentication methods defined by EAP, as well as the older Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), Microsoft CHAP (MS-CHAP), and MS-CHAPV2.
encryption key An alphanumeric (letters and/or numbers) series that enables data to be encrypted and then decrypted so it can be safely shared among members of a network. WEP uses an encryption key that automatically encrypts outgoing wireless data. On the receiving side, the same encryption key enables the computer to automatically decrypt the information so it can be read.
enterprise A term that is often applied to large corporations and businesses. The enterprise market can incorporate office buildings, manufacturing plants, warehouses and R&D facilities, as well as large colleges and universities.
ESSID Extended Service Set Identifier (ID). The identifying name of an 802.11 wireless network, which is a string of up to 32 characters that is intended to be viewed by humans. When you specify an ESSID in your client setup, you ensure that you connect to your wireless network rather than another network in range.

A set of access points can share an ESSID. In this case, a station can roam among the access points.



International standard networking technology for wired implementations. Basic 10BaseT networks offer a bandwidth of about 10 Mbps. Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps) and Gigabit Ethernet (1000 Mbps) are becoming popular.
FCC Federal Communications Commission. The United States’ governing body for telecommunications law.
firewall A system that secures a network and prevents access by unauthorized users. Firewalls can be software, hardware or a combination of both. Firewalls can prevent unrestricted access into a network, as well as restrict data from flowing out of a network.



Term coined by analyst firm Gartner to describe a wireless LAN system in which the controller governs handoffs, such as one utilizing Virtual Cells. This is contrasted with third generation (micro-cell architecture) systems, in which the controller is only responsible for managing access points and clients must decide for themselves when to initiate a handoff. Second generation systems lacked a controller altogether and were designed for standalone operation, whereas the first generation used proprietary, non-802.11 systems.
gain The ratio of the power output to the power input of an amplifier in dB. The gain is specified in the linear operating range of the amplifier where a 1 dB increase in input power gives rise to a 1 dB increase in output power.


In the wireless world, a gateway is an access point with additional software capabilities such as providing NAT and DHCP. Gateways may also provide VPN support, roaming, firewalls, various levels of security, etc.
Handoff The transfer of a link from one access point to another as a client moves through a network. In legacy microcell networks, Wi-Fi clients are responsible for handoff, meaning that the quality of the link and the overall network performance is dependent on each client’s implementation of 802.11 roaming algorithms. In Virtual Cell and Virtual Port networks, the network itself governs handoffs as clients remain connected to a single virtual AP.
hub A multiport device used to connect PCs to a network via Ethernet cabling or via Wi-Fi. Wired hubs can have numerous ports and can transmit data at speeds ranging from 10 Mbps to multigigabyte speeds per second. A hub transmits packets it receives to all the connected ports. A

small wired hub may only connect 4 computers; a large hub can connect 48 or more. Wireless hubs can connect hundreds.



The international unit for measuring frequency, equivalent to the older unit of cycles per second. One megahertz (MHz) is one million hertz. One gigahertz (GHz) is one billion hertz. The standard US electrical power frequency is 60 Hz, the AM broadcast radio frequency band is 535-1605 kHz, the FM broadcast radio frequency band is 88-108 MHz, and Wireless 802.11b LANs operate at 2.4 GHz.
IP number Also called an IP address. A 32-bit binary number that identifies senders and receivers of traffic across the Internet. It is usually expressed in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn where nnn is a number from 0 to 256.
identitybased networking A concept whereby WLAN policies are assigned and enforced based upon a wireless client’s identity, as opposed to its physical location. With identity networking, wireless devices need only authenticate once with a WLAN system. Context information will follow the devices as they roam, ensuring seamless mobility.
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. (www.ieee.org) A membership organization that includes engineers, scientists and students in electronics and allied fields. It has more than 300,000 members and is involved with setting standards for computers and communications.
IEEE 802.11 A set of specifications for LANs from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Most wired networks conform to 802.3, the specification for CSMA/CD based Ethernet networks or 802.5, the specification for token ring networks. 802.11 defines the standard for Wireless LANs encompassing three incompatible (non-interoperable) technologies: Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS), Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) and Infrared. WECA’s focus is on 802.11b, an 11 Mbps high-rate DSSS standard for wireless networks.
infrastructure mode A client setting providing connectivity to an AP. As compared to Ad-Hoc mode, whereby PCs communicate directly with each other, clients set in Infrastructure Mode all pass data through a central AP. The AP not only mediates wireless network traffic in the immediate neighborhood, but also provides communication with the wired network. See Ad-Hoc and AP.
IP Internet Protocol. A set of rules used to send and receive messages at the Internet address level.
IP telephony Technology that supports , data and video transmission via IP-based LANs, WANs, and the Internet. This includes VoIP ( over IP).
IP address A 32-bit number that identifies each sender or receiver of information that is sent across the Internet. An IP address has two parts: an identifier of a particular network on the Internet and

an identifier of the particular device (which can be a server or a workstation) within that network.

IPSec                       IPSec is a security protocol from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) that provides authentication and encryption. IPsec, which works at Layer 3, is widely used to secure VPNs and wireless users. Some vendors, like Airespace, have implemented special WLAN features that allow IPsec sessions to roam with clients for secure mobility.

ISDN A type of broadband Internet connection that provides digital service from the customer’s premises to the dial-up telephone network. ISDN uses standard POTS copper wiring to deliver , data or video.

ISO network A network model developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO) that consists of model seven different levels, or layers. By standardizing these layers, and the interfaces in between, different portions of a given protocol can be modified or changed as technologies advance or systems requirements are altered. The seven layers are:

  • Physical
  • Data Link Network
  • Transport
  • Session
  • Presentation
  • Application

The IEEE 802.11 Standard encompasses the physical layer (PHY) and the lower portion of the data link layer. The lower portion of the data link layer is often referred to as the Medium Access Controller (MAC) sublayer.




LAN                          Local Area Network. A system of connecting PCs and other devices within the same physical proximity for sharing resources such as an Internet connections, printers, files and drives. When Wi-Fi is used to connect the devices, the system is known as a Wireless LAN or WLAN.

LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. A set of protocols for accessing information directories conforming to the X.500 standard.




Lightweight Access Point Protocol. A proposed specification to the International Engineering Task Force (IETF) created to standardize the communications protocol between access points and WLAN system devices (switches, appliances, routers, etc.). Initial authors include Airespace and NTT DoCoMo. See CAPWAP
MAC Medium Access Control. This is the function of a network controller that determines who gets to transmit when. Each network adapter must be uniquely identified. Every wireless 802.11 device has its own specific MAC address hard-coded into it. This unique identifier can be used to provide security for wireless networks. When a network uses a MAC table, only the 802.11 radios that have had their MAC addresses added to that network’s MAC table will be able to get onto the network.
Man in Middle (MiM) An attack that results from the interception and possible modification of traffic passing between two communicating parties, such as a wireless client and Access Point. MIM attacks succeed if the systems can’t distinguish communications with an intended recipient from those with the intervening attacker.
Mbps Million bits (megabits) per second.
MIC Message Integrity Check. MIC is part of a draft standard from IEEE 802.11i working group. It is an additional 8 byte field which is placed between the data portion of an 802.11 (Wi-Fi) frame and the 4 byte ICV (Integrity Check Value) to protect both the payload and the header. The algorithm which implements the MIC is known as Michael.
Microcell Wireless architecture in which adjacent APs must be tuned to different, non-overlapping channels in an attempt to mitigate co-channel interference. This requires complex channel planning both before the network is built and whenever a change is made, and uses spectrum so inefficiently that some co-channel interference still occurs, especially at 2,4 GHz. Microcell architectures were common in 2G cell phone systems and legacy wireless LAN systems. They are not used in 3G cellular networks or in wireless LAN systems that use Air Traffic Control, as these allow all access points to share a single channel.
mobile professional A salesperson or a “road warrior” who travels frequently and requires the ability to regularly access his or her corporate networks, via the Internet, to post and retrieve files and data and to send and receive e-mail.


The process or condition in which radiation travels between source and receiver via more than one propagation path due to reflection, refraction, or scattering.
NAT NetwOrk Address Translation. A system for converting the IP numbers used in one network to the IP numbers used in another network. Usually one network is the internal network and one

network is the external network. Usually the internal IP numbers form a relatively large set of IP numbers, which must be compressed into a small set of IP numbers for the external network.

network name Identifies the wireless network for all the shared components. During the installation process for most wireless networks, you need to enter the network name or SSID. Different network names are used when setting up your individual computer, wired network or workgroup.


Network Interface Card. A type of PC adapter card that either works without wires (Wi-Fi) or attaches to a network cable to provide two-way communication between the computer and network devices such as a hub or switch. Most office wired NICs operate at 10 Mbps (Ethernet), 100 Mbps (Fast Ethernet) or 10/100 Mbps dual speed. High-speed Gigabit and 10 Gigabit NIC cards are also available. See PC Card.
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing. A modulation technique for transmitting large amounts of digital data over a radio wave. OFDM splits the radio signal into multiple smaller signals that are transmitted in parallel at different frequencies to the receiver. OFDM reduces the amount of crosstalk in signal transmissions. 802.11a uses OFDM.
Overlay Network


A dedicated network of radio sensors that are similar to access points but do not serve clients, scanning the airwaves full time for security or management issues. Overlay networks lack the flexibility of AP-based scanning, as radios cannot be redeployed between scanning and client access. They also lack deep integration with the main wireless network, necessary for realtime management and intrusion prevention.
Partitioning Virtualization technique in which a single resource is divided up into virtual resources that are then dedicated to a particular application. Examples include the virtual machines in server virtualization, virtual disk drives in SANs and Virtual Ports in Fortinet’s Wireless LAN Virtualization. The main advantages of partitioning are control and isolation: Each application or user can be given exactly the resources that it  needs, protecting them from each other and ensuring that none consumes more than its allocated share of resources. In a wireless context, it makes a wireless LAN behave more like a switched Ethernet port.
Pooling Virtualization technique in which multiple physical resources are combined into a single virtual resource. Examples include the multiple disk drives in a virtual storage array, the multiple CPUs in a modern server and the multiple access points in a Fortinet Virtual Cell. The main advantages of pooling are agility, simplified management and economies of scale: Resources can be moved  between applications on demand, reducing the need for over-provisioning and freeing applications or users from dependence on a single piece of limited infrastructure.


PC card A removable, credit-card-sized memory or I/O device that fits into a Type 2 PCMCIA standard slot, PC Cards are used primarily in PCs, portable computers, PDAs and laptops. PC Card peripherals include Wi-Fi cards, memory cards, modems, NICs, hard drives, etc.
PCI A high-performance I/O computer bus used internally on most computers. Other bus types include ISA and AGP. PCIs and other computer buses enable the addition of internal cards that provide services and features not supported by the motherboard or other connectors.
PDA Smaller than laptop computers but with many of the same computing and communication capabilities, PDAs range greatly in size, complexity and functionality. PDAs can provide wireless connectivity via embedded Wi-Fi Card radios, slide-in PC Card radios, or Compact Flash Wi-Fi radios.
PEAP Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol. An extension to the Extensible Authentication Protocol with Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS), developed by Microsoft Corporation. TLS is used in PEAP Part 1 to authenticate the server only, and thus avoids having to distribute user certificates to every client. PEAP Part 2 performs mutual authentication between the EAP client and the server.
peer-to-peer network A wireless or wired computer network that has no server or central hub or router. All the networked PCs are equally able to act as a network server or client, and each client computer can talk to all the other wireless computers without having to go through an access point or hub. However, since there is no central base station to monitor traffic or provide Internet access, the various signals can collide with each other, reducing overall performance.
PHY The lowest layer within the OSI Network Model. It deals primarily with transmission of the raw bit stream over the PHYsical transport medium. In the case of Wireless LANs, the transport medium is free space. The PHY defines parameters such as data rates, modulation method, signaling parameters, transmitter/receiver synchronization, etc. Within an actual radio implementation, the PHY corresponds to the radio front end and baseband signal processing sections.
plenum The ceiling plenum is the volume defined by the area above the back of the ceiling tile, and below the bottom of the structural slab above. Within this plenum is usually found a combination of HVAC ducts, electrical and electronic conduits, water pipes, traditional masking sound speakers, etc. Networking equipment needs to be plenum rated to certify that it is suitable for deployment in this area.
PoE Power over Ethernet. A technology defined by the IEEE 802.3af standard to deliver dc power over twisted-pair Ethernet data cables rather than power cords. The electrical current, which enters the data cable at the power-supply end and comes out at the device end, is kept separate from the data signal so neither interferes with the other.
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service. Standard analog telephone service (an acronym for Plain Old Telephone Service).


proxy server Used in larger companies and organizations to improve network operations and security, a proxy server is able to prevent direct communication between two or more networks. The proxy server forwards allowable data requests to remote servers and/or responds to data requests directly from stored remote server data.


Public Switched Telephone Network. The usual way of making telephone calls in the late 20th century, designed around the idea of using wires and switches. Perhaps to be supplanted by  Over IP in the 21st century.


Quality of Service. A set of technologies for managing and allocating Internet bandwidth. Often used to ensure a level of service required to support the performance requirements of a specific application, user group, traffic flow, or other parameter. Defined within the service level are network service metrics that include network availability (uptime), latency and packet loss.
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service. A service that authorizes connecting users and allows them access to requested systems or services. The Microsoft ISA server is a RADIUS server.
range How far will your wireless network stretch? Most Wi-Fi systems will provide a range of a hundred feet or more. Depending on the environment and the type of antenna used, Wi-Fi signals can have a range of up to mile.
RC4 algorithm The RC4 algorithm uses an Initialization Vector (IV) and a secret key to generate a pseudorandom key stream with a high periodicity. Designed by RSA Security, RC4 is used in WEP and many other transmission protocols including SSL.
RF Radio Frequency. The type of transmission between a Wireless LAN access point and a wireless client (e.g., laptop, PDA, or phone). Wireless LANs can use RF spectrum at either 2.4 GHz (IEEE 802.11b or IEEE 802.11g) or 5 GHz (IEEE 802.11G).
RFID Radio Frequency ID. A device that picks up signals from and sends signals to a reader using radio frequency. Tags come in many forms, such as smart labels that are stuck on boxes; smart cards and key-chain wands for paying for things; and a box that you stick on your windshield to enable you to pay tolls without stopping. Most recently, active 802.11 RFID tags are being deployed in enterprise environments to provide more consistent tracking across farther distances than traditional passive devices.
RF fingerprinting In an enterprise WLAN scenario, RF fingerprinting refers to creating a blueprint of a building’s RF characteristics, taking into account specific wall and design characteristics such as attenuation and multipath. This information is compared to real-time information collected by APs for

802.11 location tracking. By taking RF characteristics into account, RF fingerprint is the most accurate method of wireless device tracking available today.

RF prediction The process of predicting WLAN characteristics, such as throughput and coverage area, based upon imported building characteristics and sample WLAN design configurations.
RF triangulation A common method used for 802.11 device tracking whereby 3 or more Access Points compare RSSI information to triangulate in on a device’s location. While easy to implement, RF triangulation does not account for multipath, attenuation, and other RF characteristics that may affect receive sensitivity, making it less accurate than RF fingerprinting.
roaming The process that takes places as a client moves between the coverage areas of different APs, necessitating a handoff. In microcell Wi-Fi networks, roaming can be a complex procedure that risks dropped connections and drags down network performance, as the client is forced to decide when to disconnect from one AP and search for another. In networks using Virtual Cell and Virtual Port technology, the infrastructure controls roaming, automatically connecting each client to the optimum AP.
rogue Access Point An AP that is not authorized to operate within a wireless network. Rogue APs subvert the security of an enterprise network by allowing potentially unchallenged access to the enterprise network by any wireless user (client) in the physical vicinity.
RJ-45 Standard connectors used in Ethernet networks. Even though they look very similar to standard RJ-11 telephone connectors, RJ-45 connectors can have up to eight wires, whereas telephone connectors have only four.
roaming Moving seamlessly from one AP coverage area to another with no loss in connectivity.
router A device that forwards data packets from one local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN) to another. Based on routing tables and routing protocols, routers can read the network address in each transmitted frame and make a decision on how to send it via the most efficient route based on traffic load, line costs, speed, bad connections, etc.
RSA A public-key algorithm developed in 1977 and named after its inventors, Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman. RSA, currently owned by RSA Data Security, Inc., is used for encryption, digital signatures, and key exchange.
RSN Robust Security Network. A new standard within IEEE 802.11i to provide security and privacy mechanisms in an 802.11 wireless network. RSN leverages 802.1x authentication with Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) and AES for encryption.


Received Signal Strength Indication. The measured power of a received signal.
scanning The process of checking the airwaves for rogue access points or attackers.  Scanning APs are typically implemented as an Overlay Network, as most APs can not scan and serve traffic at

the same time. Fortinet’s APs are able to scan the airwaves and serve clients simultaneously, eliminating the need for an overlay.  Fortinet’s single-channel architecture improves accuracy when scanning for intruders, as all APs are able to detect signals from all clients.

server A computer that provides its resources to other computers and devices on a network. These include print servers, Internet servers and data servers. A server can also be combined with a hub or router.

Single Channel

Term sometimes used to describe a network in which all access points operate on the same channel, such as one using Virtual Cell technology. Single channel operation is more spectrally efficient than a microcell architecture and necessary for the use of Virtual Cells and network-controlled handoff. Single Channel improves security by making intrusion detection easier and location tracking more accurate, as every AP automatically receives transmissions from every client within range. It also enables the RF Barrier to function with as little as one radio, because only one channel needs to be blocked from outside access.

SIP Session Initiation Protocol. SIP is a protocol for finding users, usually human, and setting up multimedia communication among them, typically a VoIP phone call.
site survey The process whereby a wireless network installer inspects a location prior to putting in a wireless network. Site surveys are used to identify the radio- and client-use properties of a facility so that access points can be optimally placed. Wireless LAN System WLANs are optimized to not require a site survey.
spectral efficiency The ratio of data rate to radio spectrum usage. A Virtual Cell is much more spectrally efficient than a microcell architecture, as the microcells consume at least three non-overlapping channels to provide the coverage that a Virtual Cell offers with just one.
SSID A 32-character unique identifier attached to the header of packets sent over a WLAN that acts as a name when a mobile device tries to connect to the BSS. (Also called ESSID.) The SSID differentiates one WLAN from another, so all access points and all devices attempting to connect to a specific WLAN must use the same SSID. A device will not be permitted to join the BSS unless it can provide the unique SSID. Because an SSID can be sniffed in plain text from a packet, it does not supply any security to the network. An SSID is also referred to as a Network Name because essentially it is a name that identifies a wireless network.
ssh Secure SHell. A terminal-emulation program that allows users to log onto a remote device and execute commands. It encrypts the traffic between the client and the host.
SSL Secure Socket Layer. Commonly used encryption scheme used by many online retail and banking sites to protect the financial integrity of transactions. When an SSL session begins, the server sends its public key to the browser. The browser then sends a randomly generated secret key back to the server in order to have a secret key exchange for that session.


station Devices such as cellular phones or laptops that need to communicate wirelessly with the Meru Wireless LAN System and do so through access points.
subnetwork or subnet Found in larger networks, these smaller networks are used to simplify addressing between numerous computers. Subnets connect to the central network through a router, hub or gateway. Each individual Wireless LAN will probably use the same subnet for all the local computers it talks to.
subnet mobility The ability of a wireless user to roam across Access Points deployed on different subnets using a single IP address.
supplicant A wireless client that is requesting access to a network.


A type of hub that efficiently controls the way multiple devices use the same network so that each can operate at optimal performance. A switch acts as a networks traffic cop: rather than transmitting all the packets it receives to all ports as a hub does, a switch transmits packets to only the receiving port.
TCP Transmission Control Protocol. A protocol used along with the Internet Protocol (IP) to send data in the form of individual units (called packets) between computers over the Internet. While IP takes care of handling the actual delivery of the data, TCP takes care of keeping track of the packets that a message is divided into for efficient routing through the Internet. For example, when a web page is downloaded from a web server, the TCP program layer in that server divides the file into packets, numbers the packets, and then forwards them individually to the IP program layer. Although each packet has the same destination IP address, it may get routed differently through the network. At the other end, TCP reassembles the individual packets and waits until they have all arrived to forward them as a single file.
TCP/IP The underlying technology behind the Internet and communications between computers in a network. The first part, TCP, is the transport part, which matches the size of the messages on either end and guarantees that the correct message has been received. The IP part is the user’s computer address on a network. Every computer in a TCP/IP network has its own IP address that is either dynamically assigned at startup or permanently assigned. All TCP/IP messages contain the address of the destination network as well as the address of the destination station. This enables TCP/IP messages to be transmitted to multiple networks (subnets) within an organization or worldwide.
TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol. An enhancement to the WEP encryption technique that uses a set of algorithms to rotate session keys for better protection. TKIP uses RC4 ciphering, but adds functions such as a 128-bit encryption key, a 48-bit initialization vector, a new message integrity code (MIC), and initialization vector (IV) sequencing rules.


USB A high-speed bidirectional serial connection between a PC and a peripheral that transmits data at the rate of 12 megabits per second. The new USB 2.0 specification provides a data rate of up to 480 Mbps, compared to standard USB at only 12 Mbps. 1394, FireWire and iLink all provide a bandwidth of up to 400 Mbps.


Universal Time Coordinated. Also known as Greenwich Mean Time. The time is not adjusted for time zones or for daylight savings time.
Virtual Cell Proprietary wireless LAN architecture in which multiple access points are pooled into a single, virtual resource. To the client, APs are indistinguishable because they all use the same BSSID and radio channel . Because clients remain connected to the same virtual AP as they move through a network, no client-initiated handoffs are necessary. Instead, the network itself automatically routes all radio connections through the most appropriate AP. This maximizes bandwidth, simplifies network management and conserves radio spectrum for scalability and redundancy.
Virtual Port An enhancement to the Virtual Cell architecture which partitions the network so that each client device has its own private network with a unique BSSID. From the client’s perspective, it gets its own dedicated AP to which it remains connected no matter where it travels in the network. Like a switched  Ethernet port, the Virtual Port eliminates latency, jitter and contention for bandwidth as there is only ever one client on each port. Unlike an Ethernet port, it can be personalized to fit each user or device, giving the network control over client behavior with no proprietary client-side software or extensions necessary.
VoFI ( over

Wi-Fi) or VoWLAN ( over Wireless


 over IP links that run over a wireless network. VoIP does not usually require high data rates, but it stresses wireless networks in other ways by demanding low latencies and smooth handoffs. In addition, no 802.11n phones yet exist, as most handsets are too small to accommodate MIMO’s multiple antennas  spaced a wavelength apart. This means that 802.11n networks running VoFI must have a way to deal with 802.11b/g clients.
VLAN Virtual LAN. A logical grouping of devices that enables users on separate networks to communicate with one another as if they were on a single network.
VPN Virtual Private Network. A type of technology designed to increase the security of information transferred over the Internet. VPN can work with either wired or wireless networks, as well as with dial-up connections over POTS. VPN creates a private encrypted tunnel from the end user’s computer, through the local wireless network, through the Internet, all the way to the corporate servers and database.


WAN                        Wide Area Network. A communication system of connecting PCs and other computing

devices across a large local, regional, national or international geographic area. Also used to distinguish between phone-based data networks and Wi-Fi. Phone networks are considered WANs and Wi-Fi networks are considered Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs).

WEP                          Wired Equivalent Privacy. Basic wireless security provided by Wi-Fi. In some instances, WEP

may be all a home or small-business user needs to protect wireless data. WEP is available in 40-bit (also called 64-bit), or in 104-bit (also called 128-bit) encryption modes. As 104-bit encryption provides a longer key that takes longer to decode, it can provide better security than basic 40-bit (64-bit) encryption.

Wi-Fi                        Brand name for wireless LANs based on various 802.11 specifications. All products bearing the Wi-Fi logo have been tested for interoperability by the Wi-Fi Alliance, an industry group composing every major 802.11 client and infrastructure vendor.

WLAN                      Wireless LAN. Also referred to as LAN. A type of local-area network that uses high-frequency radio waves rather than wires to communicate between nodes.

WME                        Wireless Multimedia Extension. The Wi-Fi Alliance’s standard for QoS based upon the Enhanced Distribution Coordination Function (EDCF), which is a subset of the IEEE 802.11e specification.

WNC                        Wireless Network Controller. Alternative term for controller.

WSM                        Wi-Fi Scheduled Media. The Wi-Fi Alliance’s emerging standard for QoS that is based upon the HCF portion of the 802.11e standard, which dedicates bandwidth segments to specific data types. WSM is going to have less of a focus in the enterprise space than its WME counterpart.

WPA                        Wi-Fi Protected Access. The Wi-Fi Alliance put together WPA as a data encryption method for 802.11 Wireless LANs. WPA is an industry-supported, pre-standard version of 802.11i utilizing the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP). WPA will serve until the 802.11i standard is ratified in the third quarter of 2003.


X.509                         Created by the International Telecommunications Union Telecommunication Standardization

Sector (ITU-T), X.509 is the most widely used standard for defining digital certificates.

How To Factory Reset a FortiGate


Quick video on how to factory reset a FortiGate. Rudimentary and basic. That is why it is in the Youtube Playlist labeled “Back to Basics”.

Inside FortiOS: Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)


Inside FortiOS: Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) technology protects your network from cybercriminal attacks by actively seeking and blocking external threats before they can reach potentially vulnerable network devices.

World class next generation IPS capabilities

Today, sophisticated and high volume attacks are the challenges that every organization must recognize. These attacks are evolving, infiltrating ever-increasing vectors and complex network environments. The result is an urgent need for network protection while maintaining the ability to efficiently provide demanding services and applications.

FortiOS’s IPS functionality is an industry-proven network security solution that scales up to over 200 Gbps of inline protection. Powered by purpose-built hardware and FortiASICs, FortiOS is able to achieve attractive TCO while meeting performance requirements. IPS is easy to set up, yet offers feature-rich capabilities, with contextual visibility and coverage. It is kept up-to-date by research teams that work 24 hours a day worldwide, in order to detect and deter the latest known threats as well as zero-day attacks.


  • Validated best-in-class security and capacity with proven coverage and high performance.
  • Comprehensive protection provided by a signatures-based IPS engine, protocol anomaly scanning, and DDOS mitigation. l Flexible deployment options and actionable implementations for a wide array of network integration and operation requirements.

Key features & benefits

High Performance IPS, powered by FortiASIC Low latency and high capacity ensure business applications are not affected while security is enforced.
Best-in-class security with superior coverage Protects critical digital resources from both internal exploits and external cybercriminals, even if sophisticated attacks are crafted.
Backed by FortiGuard Labs that deliver real-time


Maintains up-to-date and proactive protection against latest known threats and newly discovered hacking techniques while allowing time for organizations to patch vulnerable systems.

Features                                                                                      Inside FortiOS: Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)


Tested and proven protection

Not only have FortiGates been deployed in some of the largest enterprises in the world since 2002, FortiOS IPS components and FortiGuard IPS signatures are periodically tested and certified by well-known external labs. For example, Fortinet’s FortiGate 3000D earned the highest ratings for Security Effectiveness, blocking 99.9 percent of exploits in the recent NSS Labs DCIPS test. These independent certifications ensure that solutions delivered to

customers are of the highest standards in performance, coverage, and accuracy.

Real-time & zero-day protection

The FortiGuard Intrusion Prevention Service (IPS) provides customers with the latest defenses against stealthy network-level threats through a constantly updated database of known threats and behavior-based signatures.

FortiGuard IPS service quick facts

l     Over 10,000 signatures consisting of 18,000 rules l Approximately 470,000 network intrusion attempts resisted per


l     About 1,000 rules are updated or added per week l Over 300 Zero-day vulnerabilities discovered to date

This update service is backed by a team of threat experts and a close relationship with major application vendors. The best-in-class team also uncovers significant zero-day vulnerabilities continuously, providing FortiGate units with advanced protection ahead of vendor patches.

Uncompromised performance

The FortiASICS Content Processor (CP) accelerates content processing, which is traditionally done completely by the CPU. The CP reduces the resources required by the CPU when matching an incoming file against the signature database, thus improving system performance and stability.

Protocol decoders and anomaly detection

Protocol decoders are required to assemble the packets and detect suspicious, nonconforming sessions that resemble known attacks or are non-compliant to RFC or standard implementation.

FortiOS offers one of the most comprehensive arrays of protocol decoders in the industry, providing customers with significantly wide coverage in all kinds of environments.

Pattern & rate-based signatures

The pattern signature matching technique is essential in IPS implementation due to its high level of precision and accuracy. FortiOS offers administrators robust pattern signature selection using filters based on severity, target, operating system, application, and protocol. Each of the 10,000+ signatures has a direct link to its detailed entry on the threat encyclopedia and CVE-ID references. After selection, administrators are able to assign associated actions such as monitoring, blocking, or resetting the session.

Rate-based IPS signatures protect networks against application based DoS and brute force attacks.

Administrators can configure nearly 30 rate-based IPS signatures and tune them to their needs. Threshold (incidents per minute) and an action to take when the threshold is reached can be assigned to each signature. If the action is set to block, then a timeout period can be set so that the block is removed after a specified duration.

DoS and DDoS mitigation

DoS policies can help protect against DDoS attacks that aim to overwhelm server resources. In FortiOS, the DoS scans precede the policy engine at the incoming interfaces, thus eliminating unnecessary sessions from the firewall process and state table entry during a surge of attack traffic. This helps to safeguard the firewall from overloading and allows it to perform optimally.

FortiOS DoS policies can be configured to detect and block floodings, port scans, and sweeps. Administrators can set baselines for the amount of concurrent sessions from sources or to destinations. The settings utilize thresholds and can be applied to UDP, TCP, ICMP, IP, and SCTP.

Network interfaces associated with a port attached to a Network Processor (NP) can be configured to offload anomaly checking, further offloading the CPU for greater performance. Some of the anomaly traffic dropped includes LAND attacks, IP protocol with malformed options, and WinNukes.

Quarantine attacks

FortiOS offers sophisticated automatic attack quarantine capabilities which allow organizations to proactively prevent further attacks from known attackers over a predefined duration. Quarantining by duration can be used to protect potentially vulnerable servers until more permanent defense.

Packet logging

Administrators may choose to automatically perform IPS packet logging, which saves packets for detailed analysis when an IPS signature is matched. Saved packets can be viewed and analyzed on the FortiGate unit or by using third-party analysis tools. Packet logging is also useful in determining false positives.

Custom signatures

Custom IPS signatures can be created to further extend protection. For example, you can use custom IPS signatures to protect unusual or specialized applications, or even custom platforms from known and unknown attacks.

Organizations may use FortiConverter to easily convert Snort signatures for FortiOS use.

Resistant against evasions

Evasion techniques attempt to fool the protocol decoders in IPS products by crafting exotic network streams that would not be handled or reconstructed by the decoders, yet still be valid enough for the target recipient to process. Robust IPS engine is capable of handling both common evasions and sophisticated AETs (Advanced Evasion Techniques) deployed by hackers such as IP Packet Fragmentation, TCP Stream Segmentation, RPC Fragmentation, URL & HTML Obfuscation, and other protocol specific evasion techniques.

Intrusion detection mode

In out-of-band sniffer mode (or one-arm IPS mode), IPS operates as an Intrusion Detection System (IDS), detecting attacks and reporting them but not taking any action against them. In sniffer mode, the FortiGate unit does not process network traffic and instead is connected to a spanning or mirrored switch port, or a network tap. If an attack is detected, log messages can be recorded and alerts sent to system administrators.

Traffic bypass

Since most IPS deployments are in transparent inline mode, active traffic bypass is often desired until normal operation of the device resumes. Some FortiGates offer inbuilt active bypass interfaces while others may use external bypass devices such as the FortiBridge. Administrators are also offered with software fail-open option to tackle instances where the IPS engine fails.

Monitoring, logging, and reporting

FortiOS empowers organizations to implement security best practices that require continuous examination of their threat status and adaptation to new requirements. The FortiView query widgets provide useful analysis data with detailed and contextual session information, which can be filtered, ranked, and further inspected. System events can also be archived via logs, which in turn can generate useful trending and overview reports.


Inside FortiOS: Application Control


Inside FortiOS: Application Control

Application control technologies detect and take action against network traffic based on the application that generated the traffic. Application control uses protocol decoders with signatures that analyze network traffic to detect application traffic, even if the traffic uses nonstandard ports or protocols.

Enhance control and network visibility

Controlling and monitoring applications on a network can seem like a daunting task due to the wide range of available applications. It is no longer an option to simply block or allow TCP and/or UDP ports since most applications do not map to individual ports. For example, controlling traffic on an HTTP or HTTPS port is futile against complex social networking sites and cloud applications.

FortiOS leverages its massive application database to identify applications and their activities while still providing a suitable and sufficient user experience, thanks to FortiASIC Content Processors (CPs), which boost CPU performance. Organizations can adopt more granular control, such as allowing logins but not chatting over selected sites. Traffic shaping may also be applied to the application traffic that is allowed. After applying control measures, continuous monitoring ensures that the measures are effective and allow for changes in application traffic patterns to be managed.


  • Superior performance using the unique FortiASIC Content Processor that offloads heavy computation from the CPU.
  • Flexible implementation with robust deployment modes and granular controls. l Excellent visibility and management tools that help administrators improve security.
  • Application control is a standard part of any FortiCare support contract and the database for Application Control signatures is separate from the IPS database. Access to the database no longer requires a FortiGuard IPS subscription.
  • Supports detection for traffic using HTTP protocol (versions 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0).
  • Ability to configure application control by adding individual applications or application categories to security policies when operating in flow-based inspection and NGFW policy-based mode.

Key features & benefits

Identifies and controls application traffic Allows organization to strengthen security policies by controlling evasive application communications.

Inside FortiOS: Application Control

Leverages FortiGate’s hardware acceleration and software optimization Offers more security without compromising performance.
Granular control and integration with other FortiOS capabilities Provides administrators the ability to implement the most appropriate configuration for any given organization.


NSS Labs “Recommend” rating for Next Generation Firewall

Fortinet’s entry into the NSS Labs Next Generation Firewall Group Test in 2013, 2014 and 2016 received the “Recommend” rating, placing it as one of the top performing systems. NSS Labs uses respectable real-world testing methodologies to measure Next Generation Firewall protection and performance, including application control.

Superior performance with unique hardware architecture

Unlike a traditional security gateway, which relies heavily on CPUs for packet inspection, the FortiGate’s unique hardware architecture allows FortiOS to automatically utilize appropriate hardware components to achieve optimal performance. This prevents the CPU from becoming a bottleneck as it performs various functions concurrently.

In support of application control, the Content Processor (CP) is a specialized ASIC chip that handles demanding cryptographic computation for SSL inspection and intensive signature matching. By offloading these processes from the CPU, the FortiGate is able to minimize performance degradation when administrators opt for greater security.

Robust deployment modes

FortiOS supports a wide array of network protocols and operating modes, allowing administrators to deploy the most appropriate security for their unique IT infrastructure. FortiOS also supports a variety of routing and switching protocols.

The FortiGate is able to operate in inline route and transparent mode. It can also operate in offline sniffer mode for passive monitoring of user activities. These different operating modes run concurrently by using virtual systems.


Protection at the edge

With today’s BYOD and mobile workforce environment, it is no longer wise to deploy control just at the Internet gateway. Through Fortinet Security Fabric, FortiOS unique wireless and switch controller feature allows organizations to implement better visibility and protection closer to internal devices. Moreover, with FortiClient, administrators can also apply similar policies when mobile users are outside of the protected networks.

Advanced application detection and control

By relying on the FortiOS 3rd Generation IPS engine, the FortiGate is able to inspect many of today’s encrypted and evasive traffic, as well as traffic running on new technologies, such as SPDY protocol. The inspection can be applied to both network and IPsec/SSL VPN traffic.

An application and its specific activity are identified using FortiGuard’s Application Control database of over 2,500 distinct signatures. These signatures are crafted by researchers across the globe to include applications that may be unique to platforms, regions, and/or languages. It also offers specific application activity identification, such as a Facebook posting or Dropbox file sync. The database is kept up to date via scheduled or manual downloads.

The application database is classified into 20 intuitive categories for ease of use. Administrators may also create specific application overrides that differ from the category settings. These specific applications can be filtered and selected by type of behavior, risk levels, technology type, application vendor and popularity.

Administrators may also apply advanced controls, such as setting up session TTLs for specific applications using CLI commands.

Traffic shaping

Organizations may better utilize bandwidth and protect critical applications by enforcing granular application usage with traffic shaping. Administrators can create various traffic shaping profiles by defining traffic priority and maximum or guaranteed bandwidth. These profiles can then be assigned to targeted applications.

User notification

User education is central to an effective security implementation. In response to this, FortiOS lets you provide user notification when blocking an unauthorized application. The notification appears as an HTML block page for web-based applications.

Advanced notification is possible by implementing Fortinet’s browser-embedded frame. And when “off-net” users are denied access, notifications appear via FortiClient’s notification pop-ups.

Deep inspection for cloud applications

The prevalence of cloud applications like Dropbox poses a security challenge to today’s organizations. Using

FortiOS’s deep inspection for popular cloud applications, administrators gain deep and useful insights, via FortiView and logs, into activities associated with these applications, such as user IDs, cloud actions, file names, and file sizes. For popular video sites, FortiOS will also be able to track video files viewed.

Inside FortiOS: Application Control

SSL inspection for encrypted traffic

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a popular encryption standard used to protect Internet traffic but may also be used to evade traditional inspection. FortiOS enables organizations to adopt effective application control even when traffic is encrypted.

Unique hardware components and software optimizations can decrypt traffic with minimal performance impact. The inspection can easily omit sensitive communications, such as financial transaction (thereby complying with privacy policies), or bypass applications that forbid SSL inspection by using granular policy settings.

Monitoring, logging, and reporting

FortiOS empowers organization to implement security best practices that require continuous examination of threat statuses and the ability to adapt to new requirements.

The FortiView widgets provide useful analyses with detailed and contextual session information that can be filtered, ranked, and further inspected. For example, an administrator can instantly query the top applications that are currently consuming bandwidth and drill down to identify their users and help decide if such activities should be blocked.

Network, threat, and system events activities can be archived via syslogs. In turn, these logs can generate useful trending and overview reports.

Lastly, the FortiOS offers robust in-built email and SMS alert systems. Meanwhile, integration with external threat management systems can be achieved with SNMP and standard-based syslogs.



Visit cookbook.fortinet.com for these and other recipes:

l NGFW policy-based mode


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